
A Path of ☮️

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1 hour ago, moment said:

Anybody here read Golden Compass?

I haven't but thanks for the idea I might just check that out. 

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3 hours ago, moment said:

Anybody here read Golden Compass?


That's the first book in the His Dark Materials Trilogy no?  Supposed to be exceptional series, but have yet to jump in.  I have it here in one of my 'to read' bookcases here somewhere.  Wish I'd given the movie a miss until I'd read the book, it was... unfortunate.


The people in that world all had animal familiars they referred to as Daemons.  Were there also allusions to a Path of Light?

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Ah ok.  It was hard to pull much theory from the film as they didn't go into depth.


Perhaps you may have some experience with a light experience that manifested with my wife and I some years ago.


A manifestation of white light that engulfed my wife, myself and our entire home for an extended time.  Whiting out all sight, sound and sensations in pure white light, before dissolving as softly and naturally as it came on, while we were standing in the kitchen one afternoon... leaving us humbled in its wake.  It spawned a period of massive shift, deep and painful insight resulting in healing and expansion of sense of self. 


Haven't run across any who've experienced it directly, but have only recently shared it and reached out to find if others have similar experiences and what circumstances they were in at the time, what the outcomes for them were.  It has been paradigm shifting for both of us. 




edit to add:  here is a better description lol...


Edited by silent thunder
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7 hours ago, emptycup said:

Hello @Daemon! :) I just saw this now because of moment's post and browsed through the first 2 pages but couldn't find the definition or more details about your path of light. Sorry it's hard for me to read through the whole thread. Could you care to expound what you mean by a path to light? And welcome to daobums! I'm also new here. What I've noticed is, there's value in using the personal practice journal in sharing your practices and thoughts. It's a great way to reflect and also possibly find people who might be drawn to your vibe or have a similar flow. Just my 2 cents.


love and peace!




i suggest people should stop entertaining this poor soul...he’s just seeking attention. But paradoxically the more he gets the more  he craves it. Send him love and light instead. 

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8 hours ago, Daemon said:









Edited by Limahong
Enhance ...
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3 hours ago, silent thunder said:



Hi Creighton,


I took the liberty to visualize your words. Hope you are at peace with my liberty.




peace: not a destination




peace: not ... a thing




peace... but a process




peace... a fluid dance




peace... a flowing






we are peacing here





- Anand

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58 minutes ago, Daemon said:

In your specific case,


Peace and Good bye,




Seems very heart based.


All the best.

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6 hours ago, Daemon said:

I suspect that many of us would agree with me if I were to say to suggest to them that we[1] consider that we have have two fundamental choices.

  • Choose to serve the (linear, singular, egoic) duality of the thoughts in our heads.
  • Choose to serve the (complex) noduality of the Light in our hearts.

In only one of these locations do we find Peace.


I would say:

To those serving duality, then non-duality is complex. 

To those serving non-duality, non-duality is simple and duality is complex.


Peace is maybe defined by those doing the serving as they see fit instead of suggesting what their peace should be ?


I for one don't assume another's destiny and path and thus how they may be defining peace... but I can wish them peace :)


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OK then, it looks like he's leaving at last, without ever describing what the practice consists of.  It appears to be a loosely knit group of men who think it's 'spiritual' to get together and have occasional Koffee Klatches, IF they have the light (non dual light, of course) in their hearts.  Hell, you may be one already without knowing it.


Anyway, on reviewing the following gem, we see that Daemon has been making some assumptions.


On 4/18/2018 at 4:48 PM, Daemon said:



When I look at page 2 of this thread, I find that I stated that I wasn't using Daemon in the demonic sense.


No, actually you did NOT state that, you stated that they do not necessarily mean the same thing, which any sneaky lawyer (or those who look for what is hidden) would say was evading the question.



I assumed that if you were interested you'd find the Wikepedia entry which details various different possibilities about daemons (other than them being demonic).

My bad (as assumption is the mother of all fuckups).


Well the funny thing is that your assumption was correct.  I did look it up on Wikipedia and it said that daemon was on older way of spelling demon and that the primary meaning of daemon is demon.  So one assumption was correct, but the assumption that came out of it is um ...  quite the assumption, isn't it?


Luckily for Daemon and the constituents here I'll keep my assumptions about Daemon to myself.

Edited by Starjumper
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what bird is screeching?

fools talk while sages listen...

whose voice is that now?


oh mine, right... darvit! 

how does this keep happening?

wait... do you hear that?

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Did you change your mind?
(About veering off some where.)
If so, back on track?

If so, good comeback!

If so, welcome back.


The choice is yours (unless it's not).



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Thanks for the response @Daemon.


I'm wondering if by talking about Light, shadows come up. I don't know but I actually find comfort and ease in accepting I have my shadows. It makes the experience of Light more real, and unpolarised. I any case, I might likely be talking about something else. Or maybe we all are. I discovered in the process of working with a friend, that at the end of the day, words fail us many times. I feel it's only in our hearts, that we can truly see the truth of the other.

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6 hours ago, Daemon said:

Did you change your mind?
(About veering off some where.)
If so, back on track?

If so, good comeback!

If so, welcome back.


The choice is yours (unless it's not).



No choice on my part, at least, not as such as I've ever heard defined by humans, or myself.


choice as a concept no longer exists as it once did, within my mindscape... (whereas choice used to be this thing I did, where I exacted my will upon the world around me... now it seems choice resonates through me as a localized sensation of the non-local process of 'what will naturally occur around and through my senses',  based on all the patterns of energy flowing together here and now... it is a living fluid, a flowing beingness of give and take and a natural expression of all energies involved, rather than some definable actions and answers I create or choose from and then impart to, or inflict on the world about me through some meaningful display of the idea of the power of my words or actions).


beingness flows, it is the river... choice is like a piece of paper, I cut shapes out of, then look at the river through and say... 'look how I have shaped the river'.  When all I have shaped is a holey story.


and upon reflection... it was not so much a veering off... as a refraction around


as to welcoming back.... thank you!  yes!  indeed welcome back!


though the experience traveled no where and came from nothing tangible... 

so am I thus welcomed back to where I was without having ever left?

wait... where was i?





Edited by silent thunder
add a sentence for clarity
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16 hours ago, Starjumper said:

OK then, it looks like he's leaving at last, without ever describing what the practice consists of.  It appears to be a loosely knit group of men who think it's 'spiritual' to get together and have occasional Koffee Klatches, 


I`ve just been skimming through this thread and didn`t realize there was any practice being discussed at all.  Except, I guess, for the peacing practice Silent Thunder mentioned.  (Beautiful!)  Sounds like Daemon and I have a great deal in common since my spiritual practice consists almost entirely of getting together with people for Koffee Klatches.  Great minds think alike and all that.

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