
A Path of ☮️

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Love walking the path and demonstrations.


Now that you said you would expand on your explanations. Can you share anything at all about what your group practice is or what to expect?

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1 hour ago, Daemon said:

It's certainly an interesting article and it's also extremely relevant, as it highlights the problem of patriarchies. The Path of Light is free of hierarchial leadership.

Given the nature of our PM exchange I am pretty confused by your claim of no hierarchy within your group. Or, are you speaking about light itself?



Those who follow this path are not following anyone else's Light because the Light is nondual. As It's nondual, it would be nonsense to imagine that the Light can be transmitted or received. The Light resides in everyone, so everyone can access it without needing any intermediary.

Sure, light is part of all of us and is non-dual, but you seem to limit non-duality to just self and light. What about those of us who are light and know it; are we not kind of required to share it if our light is truly "lit"? If there is no hierarchy and non-duality is truly in play, who is it that decides who is worthy or not to walk the path of light? Why would you tell or show anyone they are light and not freely offer to help them find it within themselves if they ask when it can be demonstrated in under a minute given the right circumstances?


This passage from the Gospel of Thomas says it all when I think about sharing light and who may or may not be worthy...


33. Jesus said, "What you will hear in your ear, in the other ear proclaim from your rooftops. After all, no one lights a lamp and puts it under a basket, nor does one put it in a hidden place. Rather, one puts it on a lampstand so that all who come and go will see its light."

Having said that, not everyone is primed for light or light practices. I would say it takes an open heart to begin to feel the light within ourselves and others and further openings to see and know it.


I am not sure that I totally agree with your stance on transmission and reception, but we can save that for another discussion.

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20 minutes ago, Daemon said:

That was my impression as well (that you're "pretty confused") and in my opinion, further "chat" is would only muddy the waters further because, as I've said repeatedly, this path is entirely experiential. As I've also said, it's got nothing whatsoever to do with whatever Jeff is trying to promote, so it's pointless trying to fit it into your existing frame of reference by these sorts of appeals to patriarchal authority (which, as I've also said, we utterly reject).





Does not appear that you reject patriarchy in the slightest according to your approval process.


FYI, personal insults are a frowned upon here, so, If I were you I would refrain from doing so further.


The more I think about it, I think you might be just another Mo Pai recruiter using a different strategy to earn a merit badge. ;)

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Are we getting a little heated (by the light) in this thread?


Maybe turn down the light a little?



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7 minutes ago, Marblehead said:

Are we getting a little heated (by the light) in this thread?


Maybe turn down the light a little?




I'll bet you before all is said and done that Karen is spot on about this being a Mo Pai recruiting effort.


I lost my spot in the queue because I asked if a demo could be done in the bums chat.


Interesting stuff and good luck to anyone interested.


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16 minutes ago, Marblehead said:

Are we getting a little heated (by the light) in this thread?

Not at all heated.

16 minutes ago, Marblehead said:


Maybe turn down the light a little?

Can you really turn it down? And if so, why would you want to? :)

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7 minutes ago, Jonesboy said:


I'll bet you before all is said and done that Karen is spot on about this being a Mo Pai recruiting effort.


I lost my spot in the queue because I asked if a demo could be done in the bums chat.


Interesting stuff and good luck to anyone interested.


I am doing my best to remain without opinion for now.  We'll see how long I can hold out.

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4 minutes ago, Kar3n said:

Not at all heated.

Okay.  Just checking.


4 minutes ago, Kar3n said:

Can you really turn it down? And if so, why would you want to? :)

Fair questions. 


Can? - Sure, but it requires retreat by one or the other.


Why? - So that your interaction as a member doesn't interfere with your duties as an Admin.  And so that he doesn't get suspended or banned so soon after becoming a member.


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On 21/03/2018 at 11:41 AM, Kar3n said:

Not at all heated.


Edited by Daemon
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2 minutes ago, Daemon said:

@Marblehead Why do Kar3n and Jonesboy imagine this is something to do with some obscure telekinetic cult?

Because there have been too many past experiences of such things.  They are being wary and suspicious.


Perhaps if you were more open and up-front some of the suspicion would naturally evaporate?


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What's going on here? It's the 'WELCOME' section folks!  How about a welcoming atmosphere????

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Someone once called me a cult ... at least I think that's what they said. :)

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2 minutes ago, Daemon said:


Just feeling insulted, threatening me and accusing me of being associated with some obscure cult?

That will happen when we try to allude to things but yet keep these things secret.


As of right now I still have no idea what the tenants of your practice are.  At least present something that will either cause members to gain interest or to discount what you have to say as being of no value for them.


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2 minutes ago, Apech said:

Someone once called me a cult ... at least I think that's what they said. :)

I mis-spelled the word.  But then once when I spelled it correctly I got in trouble.


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1 minute ago, Daemon said:

@MarbleheadThey were both offered exactly what they requested but both of them prevaricated.

I will remain without opinion still at this time.


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1 minute ago, Daemon said:

@MarbleheadThey were both offered exactly what they requested but both of them prevaricated.



Hello Daemon,


Welcome to the forum - DBs is a great place where all systems and practices are respected and freely discussed.  Obviously there are occasionally people who come here to troll or with bad intent and that becomes a problem - but otherwise it's all free expression and civil conversation which keeps us going.  Looking forward to hearing about your stuff.


All the best



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