
A Path of ☮️

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2 minutes ago, Daemon said:


This being the case, I might have selected a different title for this thread such as either,


A Path of the Heart




A Path of Peace




So you do not already have an established practice?


Makes sense...



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On 21/04/2018 at 1:49 PM, Daemon said:

I suspect that many of us would agree with me if I were to say to suggest to them that we[1] consider that we have have two fundamental choices.

  • Choose to serve the (linear, singular, egoic) duality of the thoughts in our heads.
  • Choose to serve the (complex) noduality of the Light in our hearts.

In only one of these locations do we find Peace.





This being the case, I might have selected a different title for this thread such as either,


A Path of the Heart




A Path of Peace



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13 hours ago, silent thunder said:

the blending of heart and light... manifests peace?


Hi Creighton,

































- Anand

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On 4/26/2018 at 8:09 PM, silent thunder said:

The blending of heart and light... manifests peace? An allusion to Buddha's 'middle path' ?


Hi Creighton,









































- Anand

Edited by Limahong
Enhance ...
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Are you intending to continue to use this thread to try to troll Creighton or have you now (both) learned enough?



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42 minutes ago, Daemon said:



Are you intending to continue to use this thread to try to troll Creighton or have you now (both) learned enough?



Daemon mate... calibrate your radar bud.


Lima is a personal friend and has been for some time.

I welcome his messages as one smiles when greeting cards arrive in the mail from a friend.

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Perhaps it's you who's in need of recalibration Creighton.

As Anand's your personal friend (and I'm neither your "mate" nor your "bud"), do you not feel that it would be more appropriate to "welcome" each other via PM or email (rather than by your joint endeavours to spam "Welcome" threads with pointless and meaningless memes)?


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4 hours ago, Daemon said:

Creighton or have you now (both) learned enough?


Hi Daemon,


Creighton and LimA are trying to bring this to this thread:





Creighton - Let us see what @Memeahong has to say.


- LimA

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17 minutes ago, Lost in Translation said:

A nine page "welcome" thread? Seriously? This must be a record! :blink:


I was just about to post this :P

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4 hours ago, Lost in Translation said:

This must be a record!


Hi Lost in Translation,



- LimA

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18 minutes ago, Lost in Translation said:

I really do! How did you know?


Hi Lost in Translation,


Don't cause me trouble by asking me -

How did you know?





- LimA

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Just now, Limahong said:

Don't cause me trouble by asking me -

How did you know?


I don't understand what you are saying. Since I cannot properly infer your implied meaning I shall sign off for now.



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14 hours ago, Daemon said:

Perhaps it's you who's in need of recalibration Creighton.

As Anand's your personal friend (and I'm neither your "mate" nor your "bud"), do you not feel that it would be more appropriate to "welcome" each other via PM or email (rather than by your joint endeavours to spam "Welcome" threads with pointless and meaningless memes)?




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As this topic seemed to have reached its natural conclusion (and to satiate the clamour for details), I've bookmarked a follow-on topic here, in Group Studies, to begin to discuss some of our potentially useful individual practices.




At the conclusion of that topic, it should be possible for those with an interest in following a Path of the Heart to facilitate the startup of their own local practice group.

In the light of several of the contributions to this thread, I feel that it would be wise to open it with an examination of basic communication skills, namely active listening, which may be considered to be one of the keystones of all spiritual practices because it develops the foundational skill of hearing the Light of the heart.

However, before starting to develop that theme, I'll be completing this topic by briefly picking up the issue of why I consider the use of a "Personal Practice Forum" is unnecessary for my purposes.



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Despite suggestions by various users, I decided that creating a "Personal Practice" topic in a password-protected area of this site, which would exclude possibly as many as 99% (or even 100%) of those[1] who might be interested in such a thread, would not be useful because whatever I may contribute might not resonate with any of the registered users of this site but only with the lurkers. If it resonates, users could easily read whatever I contribute in the public areas, without having to login, which is (to me) a win-win for everyone in terms of both effectiveness and efficiency (unless I'm missing something[2])?
As far as my personal practices are concerned, they could all be enhanced by (or in some cases dropped in favour of) a simple, relatively easily-learned but open-ended, heart-centred breathing exercise (as I believe I've already briefly mentioned). I only use this myself on an ad hoc basis, as if it's properly embedded it's possible to return the bodymind to its optimal state without ongoing formal practice (should the bodymind's natural equilibrium state be undualy perturbed). So, it would be a waste of energy to log that anywhere. If I was still learning the basics and I needed to make any kind of record to help me to persevere (with the 60 days of 3 daily 5-minute sessions plus a 20-minute session per week, which are usually required to embed it) it would be far more efficient to note it in a diary.





[1] In Internet culture, the 1% rule is a rule of thumb pertaining to participation in an internet community, stating that only 1% of the users of a website actively create new content, while the other 99% of the participants only lurk. Variants include the 1-9-90 rule (sometimes 90–9–1 principle or the 89:10:1 ratio), which states that in a collaborative website such as a wiki, 90% of the participants of a community only view content, 9% of the participants edit content, and 1% of the participants actively create new content.






[2] Perhaps these suggestions are due the inordinate trolling and spamming that occurs on this site, which appears to have forced many users to retreat into areas that give them administrative control over other users? ☮️

Edited by Daemon

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On 19/04/2018 at 2:00 PM, Daemon said:

Pullman's allusions are to the Path of darkness of organised religions (most specifically Christianity).


He sheds little Light other than that although, to be fair, for many that might be more than enough.


He doesn't propagate the Path of the Light. Of that I am certain.





I was inspired to start reading the second of Pullman's "His Dark Materials" sextet by some of the issues that arose for some of the contributors to this topic and I find myself wondering whether Pullman went on to shed quite a lot of light on the central fallacy of exoteric Christianity, the non-sense regarding the Devil, Hell and eternal damnation, which is entirely absent in esoteric Christianity. Certainly, he's made a good start in "The Subtle Knife". I'm reminded of this 2012 documentary





that seeks to demonstrate that these false constructs of the Catholic Church were absent from the original Path attributed to the Nazarine.



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I went on to read The Amber Spyglass (as well as The Subtle Knife) and spent the following week digesting and eliminating what I found to be the the dark and unpleasant nature of these novels.

I found nothing uplifting, enlightening or helpful and the trilogy seems to be a failed attempt by Pullman to exorcise his own demons[1] of despair. Almost the direct opposite of The Narnia Chronicles.

I will not be wasting my time reading (and then almost certainly having to process and to eliminate) the final three books of this sextet, which Pullman himself says are even darker.


Warning, contains a minor plot spoiler for Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy



I'm sad to report that I found the centrality of Pullman's Underworld to be fundamentally the same as the Churches' own central false doctrine of Purgatory and Hell (with one of the Harpies taking the place of Satan and others the part of other demons[1]).






[1] As opposed to "daemons".


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Returning to the issue of the semi-private, semi-personal hidden members only areas here.

Having just read that one of the members seems to have gone on tilt and is pulling the plug on this bulletin board to set up his own website (as an alternative) because it seems that he was unable to pressure the moderators to suppress supposedly proprietary information published by one of his competitors, I'm moved to share my opinion that hosting your own website/blog is one of the easiest ways to circumvent the hierarchy on this bulletin board rather than by hiding in one of the hidden personal forums here.

However, it's perhaps a reflection of someone's own competence (or lack thereof) if they're actually unable to function in this environment without having to resort to censoring others opinions (especially if they're claiming to be a competent martial artist)?

I'm also at a loss to understand why anyone settles solely for the inherent constraints and the very limited clientele of this bulletin board instead of hosting their own website if they feel that they have something worthwhile to say that cannot (or should not) be published openly on this bulletin board.

Of course, there's nothing that anyone can do to hide these supposedly secret systems nowadays, so even had this person censored that information and opinion here, it would still have been freely available elsewhere.




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On 9/21/2018 at 6:59 AM, Daemon said:

Returning to the issue of the semi-private, semi-personal hidden members only areas here.

Having just read that one of the members seems to have gone on tilt and is pulling the plug on this bulletin board to set up his own website (as an alternative) because it seems that he was unable to pressure the moderators to suppress supposedly proprietary information published by one of his competitors, I'm moved to share my opinion that hosting your own website/blog is one of the easiest ways to circumvent the hierarchy on this bulletin board rather than by hiding in one of the hidden personal forums here.

However, it's perhaps a reflection of someone's own competence (or lack thereof) if they're actually unable to function in this environment without having to resort to censoring others opinions (especially if they're claiming to be a competent martial artist)?

I'm also at a loss to understand why anyone settles solely for the inherent constraints and the very limited clientele of this bulletin board instead of hosting their own website if they feel that they have something worthwhile to say that cannot (or should not) be published openly on this bulletin board.

Of course, there's nothing that anyone can do to hide these supposedly secret systems nowadays, so even had this person censored that information and opinion here, it would still have been freely available elsewhere.





Yes, always two sides to every coin. Nicely put.


Not sure about what person you mean - I usually stick to the Welcome area - but I agree, I am in full support of anyone who wants to branch out. We are but a small, shady corner of the internet world, where we mostly chat about being silent or the Unnameable Dao.  I think about making my own website occasionally, but I signed a 6,000 year soul binding contract with TheDaoBums overlords, which I'm obligated to fulfill.

Edited by Fa Xin
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