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DISCORDIANSIM ,any one in ?

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I was first introduced to the theory of discordianism by someone a few years ago.  It's not a new theory.  Chuang Tzu made a very brief mention to the theory 2400 years ago.  The original state of the universe and all processes is chaos.  Over time chaos becomes ordered.  Over more time chaos returns and the cycle repeats.


Even our learning process is mostly governed by the chaos to order theory.


In my mind, Discordianism is a philosophy - a philosophy of life.  It helps us understand that shit happens in life and throughout the universe.



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15 minutes ago, Marblehead said:

I was first introduced to the theory of discordianism by someone a few years ago.  It's not a new theory.  Chuang Tzu made a very brief mention to the theory 2400 years ago.  The original state of the universe and all processes is chaos.  Over time chaos becomes ordered.  Over more time chaos returns and the cycle repeats.


Even our learning process is mostly governed by the chaos to order theory.


In my mind, Discordianism is a philosophy - a philosophy of life.  It helps us understand that shit happens in life and throughout the universe.



Sounds like TDB.


Rinse, wash, repeat...



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