Derek Lin 1994   36   If one wishes to shrink it
One must first expand it
If one wishes to weaken it
One must first strengthen it
If one wishes to discard it
One must first promote it
If one wishes to seize it
One must first give it
This is called subtle clarity
The soft and weak overcomes the tough and strong
Fish cannot leave the depths
The sharp instruments of the state
Cannot be shown to the people If we wish to reduce something, to make something smaller, we must first expand it. After it is stretched out, it will naturally shrink back down to size.
Similarly, if we wish to weaken something, we must first strengthen it. The seed of weakness invariably exists in the greatest of strengths.
In order for something to be discarded or abandoned, it is first promoted. The world is full of examples of things that are hyped up and then thrown away and forgotten without a second thought.
In order to get something, we must first give it. For instance, if we wish to be treated kindly, we must start by treating others with kindness. This works because the Tao process is circular; the principle underlying all interactions is one of dynamic, universal energy exchange.
We say that these illuminated insights are subtle, because they seem to be the very opposite of our habitual thought patterns. To understand them is to become enlightened in the subtle workings of the Tao.
That which is gentle, soft and weak seems to yield to that which possesses toughness, strength and aggressiveness, but the yielding is deceptive, for in the end the soft overcomes the hard.
It is the nature of the Tao to remain hidden. Just as the fish does not leave the depths and a country does not display its weapons and inner workings to the people, a sage remains deeply immersed in the Tao and does not utilize his or her insights against people who are more shallow.
Ellen Marie Chen 1989   36   What is to be reduced,
Must first be expanded.
What is to be weakened,
Must first be made strong (ch'iang).
What is to be abolished,
Must first be established.
What is to be taken away,
Must first be given.
This is called the subtle illumination (wei ming).
The soft and weak overcome the hard and strong.
Fish must not leave the stream.
Sharp weapons (ch'i) of a state,
Must not be displayed.
Ni 1979   36   If you hope to expand, you should first contract.
If you hope to become strong, you should first weaken yourself.
If your ambition is to be exalted, humiliation will follow.
If you hold fast to something, it will surely be taken away from you.
This is the operation of the subtle law of the universe.
The law of the universe is subtle, but it can be known.
The soft and meek can overcome the hard and strong.
The strength of a country must not be displayed.
Just as fish cannot leave the deep,
one must never stray from one's true nature.
J. McDonald   36    If you want something to return to the source, 
you must first allow it to spread out. 
If you want something to weaken, 
you must first allow it to become strong. 
If you want something to be removed, 
you must first allow it to flourish. 
If you want to possess something, 
you must first give it away. This is called the subtle understanding 
of how things are meant to be. The soft and pliable overcomes the hard and inflexible. Just as fish remain hidden in deep waters, 
it is best to keep weapons out of sight. 
Ta-Kao 1904   36   In order to contract a thing, one should surely expand it first.
In order to weaken, one will surely strengthen first. 
In order to overthrow, one will surely exalt first. 
In order to take, one will surely give first!
This is called subtle wisdom. 
The soft and weak can overcome the hard and strong.
As the fish should not leave the deep 
So should the sharp implements of a nation not be shown to anyone!     Flowing Hands 1987   36   That which shrinks, must first have expanded.
That which fails, must first have succeeded.
In the nature of things, nothing is truly constant,
for nature is constantly flowing, giving birth and then returning.
This is the nature of all things.
By observing nature we can see its workings.
The soft and yielding will always overcome the strong and rigid.
In a strong wind, a tree will never fall that bends to the force.
If it remains inflexible and rigid, it will surely fall.
The Dao is always soft and yielding.
Therefore it always remains at one and will never fall.
For it is eternal.