zen-bear Posted July 22, 2018 (edited) On 7/11/2018 at 4:48 AM, virtue said: I forgot address this earlier. The demonstration speed is for the sake of learning. If he moved slower, it would be bad for establishing muscle memory. Maybe I recall this wrong, but Sifu Terry has also stated that the FP energy can move advanced practitioners a bit faster and still impart same effects. If you had reached a very high level in any internal art, then you would certainly experience that bliss ceases intoxicating you after enough karmic purity is reached. Therefore a master wouldn't react to bliss like a beginner would. A. If you had reached a very high level in any internal art, then you would certainly experience that bliss ceases intoxicating you after enough karmic purity is reached. ABSOLUTELY CORRECT. Thank you, Virtue, for citing and punctuating this universal truth about every yogic/spiritual tradition created by humans: bliss and rapture are experienced in the "lower jhanas" or levels of concentration/absorption/one-pointedness--which the Buddha defined and described in the Visuddhimagga (His map of higher states of consciousness--best translated for the West by Daniel Goleman) as the four "material jhanas". If one is to progress beyond the lower four material jhanas to the higher FORMLESS jhanas, one MUST become so PURIFIED such that bliss and rapture are known, felt, and regarded as obstacles, impediments, and GROSS DISTRACTIONS to deeper absorption/Higher Consciousness. If bliss and rapture are not dispensed with, then the subject will never attain the Fourth Jhana. NEVER. And as many have undoubedly noticed on the FPCK thread starting around page 190 (early July 2018), that thread was recently invaded and polluted (as it has in the past) by trollers trying to insidiously divert FPCK subscribers to scam-sites such as "ausar.org" and "ironpalm.com", which sell illegally obtained videos of 6th-generation Grandmaster Doo Wai of the Bok Fu Pai tradition demonstrating some advanced BFP practices. So blatant is the trolling and so phony, deceptive, and potentially grand-larcenous are these websites, ausar.org and also "ironpalm.com" that ALL the moderators of Daobums are vigilant to instantly ban any account that they determine through (their sophisticated IP analyses) to have any overlap with these 2 scam-sites. One particular scam-site, ausar.org, btw, fatuously conflates and merges GM Doo Wai's Bok Fu Pai energy arts with the also stolen name, "Kriya Yoga", which is the sacred Yoga of the great Yogi, Parahamsa Yogananda. That GM Doo Wai could have taught any person in the Kriya Yoga/Yogananda tradition--other than Swami Yogananda himself when he was alive--and commissioned or instructed such a non-existent person to "enlighten" the world with Bok Fu Pai energy arts is and impossibility, absolute bunkum, obvious horseshit, and should be a huge red flag for any person with basic knowledge of yogic traditions and a modicum of common sense. Both "ausar" and what the moderators call "sock-puppets" (avatars donned by these scammers and fraudsters) have been banned from Daobums. All this is to say that this particular con-artist, "ausar", and all like him, promise "bliss and enlightenment" through purchase of their $10,000+ -priced stolen videos of GM Doo Wai (see Youtube condemnation and disavowal), and a few inexperienced naive and gullible beginners in meditation have actually fallen for this ridiculous con and been fleeced of big money (multiple thousands)...when they should have known fundamentally that: bliss and rapture ARE NOT THE ENDS of meditation and spiritual practice, when Bliss and Enlightenment are absolutely INCOMPATIBLE with one another because bliss is only an OBSTACLE TO ENLIGHTENMENT. Grok this basic fact of yogic cultivation, and one will not fall victim to scams such as those foisted by "ausar.org" and "ironpalm.com" •••> This Youtube video posted by Grandmaster Doo Wai in 2007, explains in most clear and vehement terms that the videos showing him demonstrating advanced Bok Fu Pai meditations were STOLEN from him by an outlaw student, whom he condemns and disavows, and thus such practices were never meant to be released nor authorized for public consumption. Therefore, buyer beware! Back to your very thoughtful and relevant point, Virtue: And as I've stated on several occasions on the FPCK thread when the posted question warranted this answer: FP Qigong is a supremely powerful meditative vehicle that streaks one through the first two jhanas and if one practices correctly and is free of perverse views about oneself, can bring one straight to the threshold of the third jhana--of which there are of eight, according to the Buddha. FP Qigong and Sunn Yi Gong practice can provide almost instant "access to concentration." "Access", depending on one's intelligence level--and ability to concentrate and focus the mind--and depending only upon that, is what some meditators spend years trying to attain and never attain. "Access", the first gateway to the 8 Jhanic absorptions are not even entered upon my millions of meditators if they are not practicing correctly. B. The demonstration speed is for the sake of learning. If he moved slower, it would be bad for establishing muscle memory. Maybe I recall this wrong, but Sifu Terry has also stated that the FP energy can move advanced practitioners a bit faster and still impart same effects. Thank you, Virtue, for pointing out what should be obvious point on many levels. (1) My instructional videos teaching Flying Phoenix Qigong, which first made in 1994, are programmed at a speed where any beginner can follow easily. If I did it at actual training speed (of which all my students practice at, btw, as seen in the videos on page 174 of the FPCK thread--even beginners) it would take 50 minutes to go through the capstone meditation of the FP system called "Flying Phoenix Heavenly Healing Chi Meditation". Not only would such a demonstration make for a bad video product, but beginner/novice would ever watch 50 minutes of "Movement at the speed of a shifting sand dune" let alone have the neuro-muscularl coordination to practice at that speed. (2) My demonstration of advanced FP QIGONG meditations at the "speed of a shifting sand dune" is reserved only for my in-person students-- and then only to initiate and advance to further levels. To demand or expect that I put such practice on any publicly available product or medium is either a naive and unrealistic expectation based ignorance of how Qigong is properly taught by any master, or else, is the most impudent and disrespectful of demands based on an extremely supercilious sense of entitlement and false pride about one's yogic level--that completely disregards Chinese martial decorum...because all Qigong is traditionally transmitted from one generation to the next through the same system of safeguards and exacting standards (3) ** If one has read the FPCK thead over the past 2 years, one will see that numerous FP Qigong practitioners throughout the world--including my in-class students in Los Angles since 1996) are posting reports of their practice of the Vol.4 Capstone Meditaiton ("Flying Phoenix Heavenly Healing Chi Meditation") at proper slow speeds upwards of 40 minutes (ridingtheox is one such pracitioner that comes to mind). (4) Finally, to believe that I personally do not have complete mastery of the FP Qigong system because I haven't posted my highest level demonstration of this art on videos available to the public, while ignoring the 9 years of my answering every question posted on the FPCK thread about FP training--now with more than 700,000+ views and some 5,600 postings, and still continuing--indicates an extremely low and limited level of cognition in anyone who believes that. The aeons-old tradition in the Chinese martial arts is to: NEVER SHOW TOO PLAINLY. But I have shown the "Flying Phoenix Heavenly Healing Chi Meditation" System more clearly and plainly and in its entirety--by disclosing its esoteric breath-control formulas. And I was only able to do so because Flying Phoenix Qigong is PURELY a HEALING QIGONG. ITS ENERGY CANNOT BE MISUSED OR PERVERTED FOR MARTIAL OR DESTRUCTIVE PURPOSES. And for those who view it as merely a beginning level practice, just to let them know and to let the world know what's what and what does what, I will in the near future post a 1992 video of Grandmaster Doo Wai clearly stating on camera that just ONE of the Flying Phoenix Qigong Meditations--let alone the entire FPCK System (that I was about to put onto videos back then)-- is enough to empower one to "bring back" (to life) lower order creatures. This means, for those who can't put 2 and 2 together to make 4, that one FP Qigong exercise--if practiced properly and mastered--is enough to heal oneself and to activate another person's natural self-healing faculties to cure many forms of injuries and chronic diseases, and, depending on the injury or affliction, is enough to bring back a human being from the brink of death. "JUST ONE of the Flying Phoenix sequence will allow you to "bring them back". JUST ONE of them will do it. Combine them all together and you'll do even more amazing things." – Grandmaster Doo Wai, 1992 in Los Angeles BUT THE FACT IS THAT ONE CAN NEVER ATTAIN SUCH YOGIC EMPOWERMENT AND HEALING ABILITY JUST FROM PRACTICING FROM A STOLEN DVD--OR FROM 30 DVD's. And any person that believes that spiritual growth and enlightenment can be gotten from just paying money for a media product, and practicing to that product, is grossly misinformed and frightfully deluded. The final transmission completing any student's apprenticeship of a Chinese internal energy art with a Master is always done in person. For the truth is transmitted MIND TO MIND, without any words, sometimes with a symbol...but never in writing nor through the absurdity of a moving picture. "The wrong person with right information (the true art) Will still come to no good end. But the the right person with even the wrong (incomplete) art Will succeed and make it work for him." Sifu Terence Dunn www.taichimania.com/chikung_catalog.html Edited December 10, 2023 by zen-bear to correct typo's; to elaborate in section (2) about the guard rails of transmission AND the impudence of the super-entitled beginner; what JUST ONE FP qigong exercise can do. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
senseless virtue Posted September 6, 2019 On 7/14/2018 at 7:19 PM, DSCB57 said: Whether or not another member or members chooses to come forward as requested, I now request a public apology from Virtue for having attempted to sully my reputation, and accuse me of being disrespectful toward GM Doo Wai. I apologize for trolling you a little. This was poor conduct unbecoming of me. There certainly was no real ill-intent or aiming to sully your reputation or pseudonym, but it seems you took it very hard on yourself. I am sorry if you felt bullied. There is much that could be said about respect and disrespect around GM Doo Wai and his teachings. I can only look into my own involvement and apologize for being involved with a judgemental attitude and thus fueling the fires of confusion. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DSCB57 Posted September 7, 2019 On 9/6/2019 at 10:55 AM, virtue said: I apologize for trolling you a little. This was poor conduct unbecoming of me. There certainly was no real ill-intent or aiming to sully your reputation or pseudonym, but it seems you took it very hard on yourself. I am sorry if you felt bullied. There is much that could be said about respect and disrespect around GM Doo Wai and his teachings. I can only look into my own involvement and apologize for being involved with a judgemental attitude and thus fueling the fires of confusion. A little late, but apology accepted Virtue. I am also big enough to freely admit that I was mistaken in trying to defend Ausar, although I don't regret having done so, because I don't believe that anyone deserves to be treated that way. I really thought he deserved to be given the benefit of the doubt, and I was fooled by the video he uploaded showing him being taught be JSDW. I allowed myself to be taken in up to a point, and paid the price of loss of face, and as a result of the ill feeling on the FPCK thread, I found it necessary to cease my participation, although now I'm glad I did. But I also confronted Ausar about making up cultivation exercises and creating a system by cherry picking from all the videos he obtained from his involvement with the Iron Palm website through being one of their investors. He did so without being anywhere near the level of mastery to do so safely. I warned him that he was putting the mental and physical health of his disciples at risk, not to mention his own. But it was a waste of time and energy. Sadly, I now believe him to be mentally unbalanced rather than malicious, and having actually experienced considerable discomfort after having been taught an incorrect breath control sequence for one of the meditations he taught the group, I am really concerned for the wellbeing of those who chose to continue to practice the meditations he sold to them. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
senseless virtue Posted September 8, 2019 @DSCB57 Thank you for being forgiving. You clearly have a kind heart of shining gold. The situation with ausar was bad enough, but I must confess that I made it worse by having my own bad trait surface. I have had an issue with mixing my feelings of right and wrong with judgemental reactivity and self-righteous indignation. It's a perfect recipe for confrontations. What remains of even good causes if they become clouded by selfish concerns to straighten other people's act? Absolutely nothing good. I must apologize again for tempting you to an unnecessary quarrel. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DSCB57 Posted September 9, 2019 18 hours ago, virtue said: @DSCB57 Thank you for being forgiving. You clearly have a kind heart of shining gold. The situation with ausar was bad enough, but I must confess that I made it worse by having my own bad trait surface. I have had an issue with mixing my feelings of right and wrong with judgemental reactivity and self-righteous indignation. It's a perfect recipe for confrontations. What remains of even good causes if they become clouded by selfish concerns to straighten other people's act? Absolutely nothing good. I must apologize again for tempting you to an unnecessary quarrel. With hindsight, I’d say that it has been an opportunity for both of us to grow. Really that’s all that matters. It’s often the case that good friendships start from a violent argument or disagreement. Each of us mirrors one another’s defects, that’s just how things are. But how we benefit from that depends upon our ability to be honest with ourselves and what are our own intrinsic qualities. Trolling and berating others really doesn’t interest me in the slightest, but I cannot abide hypocrisy and injustice, so I find myself forced to take a stand when necessary, even if I am mistaken. If I do so in defence of someone who does not merit my intervention, then I will have made an error of judgement, but nevertheless defended my principles. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
johndoe2012 Posted November 9, 2023 Flying Phoenix level 2 meditations demonstrated by Doo Wai himself seems powerful from my practice of some of the meditations. The problem with the San Gong etc meditations is the high price but if you can afford it, just go for it. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
johndoe2012 Posted November 29, 2023 On 15.7.2018 at 7:41 PM, DSCB57 said: Thank you. So may I ask you to be so kind as to corroborate the statements I made relating to the effects produced by these meditations, and whether this can in fact be observed on any of the videos produced by GM Doo Wai? It leaves a bad taste in my mouth to know that people are under the impression that my comments were untruthful and disrespectful toward GM Doo Wai, so any help to clear my name would be greatly appreciated. Thank you What you say is true. I have the Golden Lotus Flying phoenix meditation DVDs (level 17 according to GM Doo Wai) and he seems to fall asleep due to the deep relaxation caused by the meditations. He also mentions this in the video. I prefer now to learn from GM Doo Wai because it is better to learn from the source. The deep relaxation the system offers is very helpful and is the only system I have encountered so far that can provide that. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-ꦥꦏ꧀ ꦱꦠꦿꦶꦪꦺꦴ- Posted November 29, 2023 On 09/11/2023 at 2:48 PM, johndoe2012 said: Flying Phoenix level 2 meditations demonstrated by Doo Wai himself seems powerful from my practice of some of the meditations. The problem with the San Gong etc meditations is the high price but if you can afford it, just go for it. Where can you get the level 2 meditation DVDs? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sahaja Posted November 29, 2023 6 hours ago, Pak_Satrio said: Where can you get the level 2 meditation DVDs? I am familiar with some of these qigong forms that GM Doo Wai taught (San gong, golden flying Pheonix, Tibetan burning palm, etc). Have been exposed to some other forms that might be related some of which use a similar approach to the breath (percentages) and am curious if they are related. Have you heard of a qigong called Heart Piercing Palm? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
johndoe2012 Posted November 29, 2023 9 hours ago, Pak_Satrio said: Where can you get the level 2 meditation DVDs? I think I bought them at a white tiger web site years ago but it is not avaliable anymore. Pic of DVD cover https://ibb.co/MD31KW8 Three standing, moving meditations and one sitting. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
johndoe2012 Posted November 30, 2023 I am slowly resolving birth trauma using flying phoenix. Just by going into a meditation and having your intention of the issue will unravel it. Why do it? That particular issue has been causing me breathing issues, anxiety and energy imbalances for at least 10 years. I’ve tried many other healing methods but they never worked but this one does. Another experience since starting the level 17 meditations: I think I sensed GM Doo Wai the other night giving me a healing of a stomach issue. Interesting times 😊 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vajra Fist Posted December 4, 2023 (edited) [Deleted] Edited December 4, 2023 by Vajra Fist Cultivation of speech Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zen-bear Posted December 4, 2023 On 11/28/2023 at 7:45 PM, johndoe2012 said: What you say is true. I have the Golden Lotus Flying phoenix meditation DVDs (level 17 according to GM Doo Wai) and he seems to fall asleep due to the deep relaxation caused by the meditations. He also mentions this in the video. I prefer now to learn from GM Doo Wai because it is better to learn from the source. The deep relaxation the system offers is very helpful and is the only system I have encountered so far that can provide that. Sorry to catch up with this discussion so much later: Yes, Golden Lotus Flying Phoenix Meditations are wonderfully powerful and sublime. As GM Doo Wai states at the start of the program, Golden Lotus is the high secret healing art of his family tradition. The one thing that he does not emphasize on his video --but implies: is that for best results, one must go through the FP Qigong levels systematically from bottom to the top. As a modern teaching of Bok Fu Pai Kung Fu and its FP Qigong, I am orthodox only to the extent that I teach others the way GM Doo Wai taught me...and I hold students to the same performance standards that GM Doo Wai held me and my classmates to. That is why I want to remind you and others to take the time and master the material in the "basic" level taught in my DVD series. Then you will have a solid base and rich foundation when you do the higher levels such as Golden Lotus FP. Btw, the "bottom" level of FP Qigong (taught in my DVD series) is powerful enough in and of itself to make the practitioner a worker of healing miracles, as my cadre of students in the early 90's under GM Doo Wai witnessed on a regular basis, and then demonstrated ourselves. For more context, I will edit and post a Youtube video in which GM Doo Wai states that just one of the basic FP Qigong meditations is enough to empower one's healing to "bring back". Also, I have just finalized my Zoom class schedule/agenda for December and 2024, which includes a course in Feng Do Duk's 10 San Gung Meditations: twelve weekly lessons teaching one of 10 San Gung meditations for each of the first 10 weeks, with classes #11 and #12 devoted to mastering the capstone San Gung exercise called, "The Eight Goddess Heavenly Form." The prerequisite for this class is proficiency in the first level FP Qigong system----according to my standards, meaning excellence in "Moonbeam Splashes on Water" and (Volume 4) Long Form" moving meditations AND the 8 "Monk Serves Wine" seated meditations taught in my DVD series. See my December schedule of offerings at: terencedunn.substack.com (coming soon). Sifu Terry Dunn 2 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
johndoe2012 Posted May 24, 2024 I have the 10 San Gong meditations by Doo Wai. Very powerful for stilling the mind, deepening FP meditations and other systems. Also very helpful in realizing I AM as per https://www.awakeningtoreality.com/2007/03/thusnesss-six-stages-of-experience.html?m=1 So if anybody hasn't tried these yet, I can recommend to give them a try. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
johndoe2012 Posted February 19 The different levels in FP work on different aspects. Eg heart, there are different meditations on the heart in level 1,3,17 from what I have seen and experienced that release different heart issues. So staying on one level in FP you miss out on deepening your practice. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
johndoe2012 Posted March 18 Maybe we should have another thread for higher levels of Flying Phoenix. Anyway, I am getting really good results using a combination of Flying Phoenix different levels according to my intuition and sensing, VortexHealing and dzogchen. I have a been a VortexHealing practitioner since 2015 and received dzogchen transmissions since 2013. This helps reaching higher state in FP. VortexHealing from removing blockages more precisely and also because VortexHealing is a awakening and healing lineage and dzogchen for reaching a deeper state of emptiness and non-clinging. My feeling is a combination of practices can result in full Buddhahood and Immortality, realization of non duality and the Dao. Today I did 2 San Gong meditations followed by 3 different Golden Lotus FP, long form from level 1 and msw 60 70 40 5 from level 1. Total clarity with no suffering and full of joy. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MIchael80 Posted March 22 On 18.3.2025 at 3:33 PM, johndoe2012 said: Maybe we should have another thread for higher levels of Flying Phoenix. Anyway, I am getting really good results using a combination of Flying Phoenix different levels according to my intuition and sensing, VortexHealing and dzogchen. I have a been a VortexHealing practitioner since 2015 and received dzogchen transmissions since 2013. This helps reaching higher state in FP. VortexHealing from removing blockages more precisely and also because VortexHealing is a awakening and healing lineage and dzogchen for reaching a deeper state of emptiness and non-clinging. My feeling is a combination of practices can result in full Buddhahood and Immortality, realization of non duality and the Dao. Today I did 2 San Gong meditations followed by 3 different Golden Lotus FP, long form from level 1 and msw 60 70 40 5 from level 1. Total clarity with no suffering and full of joy. Hi! 😊 What level (class) have you done in Vortexhealing? In high classes awakening happens and preheaven jing is replenished. All the best Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stirling Posted March 22 On 3/18/2025 at 7:33 AM, johndoe2012 said: My feeling is a combination of practices can result in full Buddhahood and Immortality, realization of non duality and the Dao. Just for clarity sake - these are all the same "attainment" if you can call it that. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
johndoe2012 Posted March 23 9 hours ago, MIchael80 said: Hi! 😊 What level (class) have you done in Vortexhealing? In high classes awakening happens and preheaven jing is replenished. All the best I did the Core Veil class and for the rest of the awakening stuff I have been working with Merlin on my own. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
johndoe2012 Posted March 23 8 hours ago, stirling said: Just for clarity sake - these are all the same "attainment" if you can call it that. True, but some seem to think that the attainments are different so I named them all as the same 😊 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
johndoe2012 Posted Sunday at 08:11 AM The reason why FP is safer than other Daoist systems is the nature of the FP qi. While other systems deliver a 'hard' qi the FP qi is soft and healing and doesn't force an opening to happen. So in other systems you can end up with lots of anger and emotional issues. For awakening we need lots of qi to shift and dissolve the mental constructs of the personal self. Here the FP long form is a good tool as are the LDT forms in FP from the different levels. The xing and ming union is the same as dissolving the personal self, I sensed into my system after I did the exercises. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
johndoe2012 Posted Sunday at 02:08 PM Replenishment of prenatal jing in an effective manner can be done by one of the Golden Lotus standing meditations also. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites