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Thoughts are binary. Reality isn't.

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Thoughts are binary, and if you disagree, you are being binary. 


Nothing in reality is truly binary because everything in reality is always changing.

Therefor, thoughts are detached from reality. 



(P.S. This website doesn't have a philosophy section.)

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5 hours ago, MooNiNite said:


(P.S. This website doesn't have a philosophy section.)

This entire site is singularly philosophical.  



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3 minutes ago, steve said:


I will respectfully disagree.



Well, be my guest. However, it is my observation that for pretty much every piece of wise advice, there is an opposite that is valid under certain circumstances.

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46 minutes ago, Michael Sternbach said:


Well, be my guest. However, it is my observation that for pretty much every piece of wise advice, there is an opposite that is valid under certain circumstances.

Not words.. wisdom. Naturally arising wisdom.. 

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13 hours ago, MooNiNite said:

Nothing in reality is truly binary because everything in reality is always changing.


Every "thing" has polarities - existence/nonexistence, up/down, left/right, and so on.


Whether we see or think about them or not.


"Change" is itself merely the movement between poles of any polarity.


So, night/day, beginning/end, and so on, are all Movements.







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13 hours ago, MooNiNite said:

Thoughts are binary, and if you disagree, you are being binary. 


Only Sith deal in absolutes.


13 hours ago, MooNiNite said:

Nothing in reality is truly binary because everything in reality is always changing.


Therefore thoughts are not binary.


13 hours ago, MooNiNite said:

Therefor, thoughts are detached from reality. 


Error: division by zero

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3 hours ago, ilumairen said:

Not words.. wisdom. Naturally arising wisdom.. 


I pondered on this.


Do you mean that wisdom is not binary (dualistic) in nature, whereas the words that convey it, are?


Please explain.

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Your mind can change.

Your reality changes.


Change your mind, change reality.

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18 hours ago, MooNiNite said:

Thoughts are binary, and if you disagree, you are being binary. 


Nothing in reality is truly binary because everything in reality is always changing.

Therefor, thoughts are detached from reality. 



(P.S. This website doesn't have a philosophy section.)


That last line was a binary comment... were you just pulling our collective legs ?   If yes, that is binary... if no, that is binary.


I think I have fallen into a binary bait !


Interesting topic by the way... (yes, that is binary comment). 

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7 hours ago, Michael Sternbach said:


Well, be my guest. However, it is my observation that for pretty much every piece of wise advice, there is an opposite that is valid under certain circumstances.


7 hours ago, ilumairen said:

Not words.. wisdom. Naturally arising wisdom.. 


Sorry, I should have been more explicit.

I'm speaking more along the lines of ilumairen's post.

I was specifically referring to the Bön and Buddhist definitions of wisdom, not sagely advice.

This definition of wisdom points directly at non-dual experience and is non-binary by definition.

This wisdom refers to the nature of reality and is independent of thoughts and concepts, precisely what the OP was referring to.


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23 hours ago, MooNiNite said:

Thoughts are binary, and if you disagree, you are being binary. 


Nothing in reality is truly binary because everything in reality is always changing.

Therefor, thoughts are detached from reality. 



Is this not a binary choice.


How can thoughts be detached from the reality they create.

Edited by windwalker
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1 hour ago, windwalker said:


Is this not a binary choice.


How can thoughts be detached from the reality they create.


Thoughts don't create reality and are only interpretations of what is collectively viewed as reality. In other words thoughts are not absolute but inherently flawed and hardly represent an absolute correspondence of a particular thought to an object. E.g. were objects in existence prior to the appearance of sentient beings? If so, then were thoughts and meaning transmitted to the human species from so called objective reality?

Edited by ralis
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"the cat is simultaneously alive and dead. Yet, when one looks in the box, one sees the cat either alive or dead not both alive and dead. This poses the question of when exactly quantum superposition ends and reality collapses into one possibility or the other."ödinger's_cat


Interesting isn't it, until one opens the box its either or.


Why is the sky blue?


"The answer is this: The sky isn’t actually colored at all (not blue or yellow or red or green). Rather, it’s your mind that’s colored. Read the full essay »


and for the zen among us


"Two men were arguing about a flag flapping in the wind. "It's the wind that is really moving," stated the first one. "No, it is the flag that is moving," contended the second. A Zen master, who happened to be walking by, overheard the debate and interrupted them. "Neither the flag nor the wind is moving," he said, "It is MIND that moves."



Edited by windwalker
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11 hours ago, ralis said:


Thoughts don't create reality and are only interpretations of what is collectively viewed as reality. In other words thoughts are not absolute but inherently flawed and hardly represent an absolute correspondence of a particular thought to an object. E.g. were objects in existence prior to the appearance of sentient beings? If so, then were thoughts and meaning transmitted to the human species from so called objective reality?


I think there are ways in which thoughts create our reality but that is only part of the story.

The more fundamental point is that mind creates our reality and mind goes beyond thought.


Without an ear and brain, sound does not exist, only vibratory disturbance of air. 

Similarly, sound does not exist without a medium in which it can propagate, so air, ear, brain, and stimulus are all required.

Thought is not necessary but in nearly all people, thought enters milliseconds after the brain receives the stimulus.


The mind is the framework in which the experience of reality takes place for all living creatures.

We can postulate an independent reality that is not affected by each of us, but that in itself is nothing more than a thought.


Living creatures are biologic antennae that are tuned in such a way as to elicit experience from an energetic morass.

Our sensory apparatus must exclude the vast majority of information presented to it in order to create a finite spectrum of experience that can be processed. Change the tuning of the sensory apparatus, it's fitness, or the interpretation of it's data, and the entire experience of reality changes. 


A simple example of how thought creates reality in a more practical sense -

Let's take a woman, for example.

To her children she is a mother, to her lover she is a sexual goddess, to her boss she is a tool, to her subordinates she is authority, to her readers she is a brilliant poet, to the person she wronged she is a turd...

Same person experienced in completely different ways based on relationship, and that can change quite easily.

That relationship is essentially based on thought.







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On 4/26/2018 at 12:58 AM, MooNiNite said:

Thoughts are binary, and if you disagree, you are being binary. 


Nothing in reality is truly binary because everything in reality is always changing.

Therefor, thoughts are detached from reality. 



(P.S. This website doesn't have a philosophy section.)



This makes no sense in a logical way.  You are just posting random words with a certain emotional energy attached to it.  And those who sense energy are very clear about the intent behind such communications.


Good luck with everything, but I would advise caution going forward.

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Well if you completely agreed with me, I would have to disagree with you. But, since you completely disagree with me (a binary stance), I would still have to disagree with you. 


I dont think anyone's ideas can be completely right because then they would be perfect. Anything that is perfect never changes, by definition. And since everything changes, nothing is perfect. 

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On 4/26/2018 at 12:24 PM, vonkrankenhaus said:


Every "thing" has polarities - existence/nonexistence, up/down, left/right, and so on.


Whether we see or think about them or not.


"Change" is itself merely the movement between poles of any polarity.


So, night/day, beginning/end, and so on, are all Movements.




But can anything actually "be" a polarity?

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24 minutes ago, MooNiNite said:


But can anything actually "be" a polarity?


What do you mean by "polarity"?


And also - what do you mean by "be"?

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27 minutes ago, MooNiNite said:

Well if you completely agreed with me, I would have to disagree with you. But, since you completely disagree with me (a binary stance), I would still have to disagree with you. 


I dont think anyone's ideas can be completely right because then they would be perfect. Anything that is perfect never changes, by definition. And since everything changes, nothing is perfect. 


More nonsense, as far as I can tell.


And IMHO - its not even entertaining nonsense.  


But to each his own, I gues

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23 minutes ago, 9th said:

What do you mean by "polarity"?


Complimentary opposites.




Existence/Non-existence, Birth/Death, Beginning/End, Movement/Stasis, etc.


Such that we never see day without night following also.


Such that whatever begins, will end.






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