Anger Management
8 members have voted
1. How confortable do you feel with your own anger?
Not at all, I try to eliminate or transmute it in something else.3
More or less. Sometimes it helps2
Very much. Its a part of me.3
I love anger. It gives me power.0
I hate anger. It is the emotion I hate or fear or embarrasses me the most0
2. Which technique or option have you followed more often when you are upset?
I hug my anger and use its fire as a weapon0
I use healing sounds. meditation , radionics or affirmations to get rid of anger2
I meditate and try that my inner self take care of the problem1
I go to psycologist or therapist to try to work it out0
I go to "Family Constelations Therapy"0
Anger always gets me by surprise, so I only react, no time to think0
Try to calm down, think straight and make something good5
3. You think anger is
Fuel, A fire emotion that can be used to build0
A sin. something to be avoided at all cost0
Just a temporary impotence that will heal when I finally "understand" the level I am4
Normal and unavoidable part of life, dont fight with it, no point.4