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Cognitive Roots Event

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Its been about 10 years since we used our riverside,  sub tropical rain forest festival site .  Good to see it used again .


Any one in Oz ?    or  'come on down '


Still got a bit of work to do ....   ( and tractor still unrepaired !  :angry: )  toilets and showers being revamped and upgraded , I put myself in for finishing off the outsides in bamboo work..... which I have to go and do more of , right now .

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Well, as usual, its been an adventure.  I think, by now the 'young' guy organising the event now agrees with me ;  "  You need 6 months at least, a good large crew and be prepared for anything to happen . "


HA!  Aside from all the 'usual' insanities that happen he had the lease illegally withdrawn (it got reinstated but not without serious consequences to the person that tried to do that )  the tractor , broke down  - we got use of another.  A branch landed on his car and smashed the back  rear door and window , now it lets exhaust smoke and rain in , the council claimed part of the site was was a commonwealth road ( they never said that for the 5 festivals I helped organise there ! ) and he had to get approval of the Australian government to use 'our' land   .... etc etc .


I got bursitis and sciatica  from bamboo cutting and tying  ( eventually help turned up ) , had to leave and go to family funeral ... and other stuff ... etc etc .


People started turning up ... then the rain . yesterday the whole area was totally fogged out in daytime, very cold and rain ... massive piles of firewood gathered ... that is getting wet . ....


But we got to the 'snowball' point where even if we pulled out the moment was going to make it happen anyway , so we are underway !


heaps of people / helpers have turned up, camps set up in the orchards ( and citrus is nearly ripe .bye-bye fruit !  )  .  I can hear  duff duff duff , from my place now, sound checks  .... go down there soon






( its so great to see our riverside festival site finally being used again , with the flags, streamers, camps, travellers etc being set up , it been dormant for years . )


Here is the site




That white square in lower centre is the stage , cleared area on left is camping,  light green vegetation along river is  bamboo groves.


More on facebook apparently  , but I have nothing to do with facebook

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