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doc benway

Myriad blessings in challenging times!

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I was just reflecting on how many priceless opportunities exist for learning and practicing.

For example, today I was able to participate in live teachings from two different Bön geshes, one in Nepal and one in Germany.

Both are open to anyone interested and easily accessible from the comfort of your home if you have a computer and internet connection.

In the not too distant past this would have been considered magic.... and it most certainly is!

These teachings were highly restricted and even if they could be received, finding the teacher, traveling to meet them, taking time away from responsibilities, finding a way to afford the travel... unimaginable!

It occurs to me that perhaps this accessibility is a blessing from the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas to balance all of the negative forces that seem to be at play in the world today.

So I simply wanted to share how fortunate I feel to have these opportunities!

I send you all my love and respect.


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Great thought and I often feel the same way. But I must admit that I have decided to limit this exposure, since I have tendency to watch only and not practice. For example yesterday I didn't watch Garchen Rinpoche's teaching because I realized I won't practice the deity most probably anyway. So it will be better if I use my time to practices I already have and made commitment to do. 
Acessibility is amating in this day and age. I wish my own resolve to practice was at least half as good.

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6 hours ago, Miroku said:

Great thought and I often feel the same way. But I must admit that I have decided to limit this exposure, since I have tendency to watch only and not practice. For example yesterday I didn't watch Garchen Rinpoche's teaching because I realized I won't practice the deity most probably anyway. So it will be better if I use my time to practices I already have and made commitment to do. 
Acessibility is amating in this day and age. I wish my own resolve to practice was at least half as good.


I don't take advantage of it very often, just don't have the time.

And I agree, far better to dedicate our time to practice.

One good practice is all we need.

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5 hours ago, GSmaster said:


So what useful did they teach you or other people?



One teaching yesterday was from the Dzogchen tradition and focused on distinguishing between mind (sems) and the nature of mind (sems nyid). Very useful for meditators.


The other was on healing practices associate with Sherab Chamma, Wisdom Loving Mother, a Bön deity very similar to Tara in Buddhism. 





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Oh, may I ask you for the name of the masters, or where you got information about the webcasts? I fancy myself being a student of dzogchen teachings and would love to receive some instruction from bön lineage as it is the eldest one we have.

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We are blessed with many opportunities... yet without focus, discernment, patience, and perseverence we cant do much.  After spending about 10 years "discovering my place" with Zen Buddhism and Taoism mostly, now I feel I can "walk the path" without falling off a cliff or get stuck in destractions.  Good luck on your practice!


Im a bit interested in the Bon tradition, especially after coming back from North India seeing all the Tibetan refugees and the Dalai Lama.

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