
What is the Definition of "Achieved Small Circulation?"

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17 hours ago, Mudfoot said:

Welcome MopaiWarlord! 


You are having a good start. Maybe you will grow in to it, so we in the future may enjoy a classic Mo Pai thread, with insults and innuendos. 

@Ilovecoffee have becomed a little soft and repetetive in his dotage, so a little fresh blood will invigorate the scene.


Now, you claim to be the avatar of the nasty but powerful protector of the Mo Pai lineage? 



Cool, tell us more. 😁 

Can you do the one about the rest here stuck in level zero dead-end practices? 

It is one of my favourites. 


I think you misunderstand the situation, most in our group remain silent rather than become targets.  I do my best to remain as respectful as is possible. Were I not to do so I would quickly be removed as have many others in the group.

Edited by Ilovecoffee

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3 hours ago, Ilovecoffee said:


I think you misunderstand the situation, most in our group remain silent rather than become targets.  I do my best to remain as respectful as is possible. We're I not to do so I would quickly be removed as have many others in the group.

That was a joke. 

Fitting, if you compare yourself with previous champions of the art, and the most recent one. 

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11 hours ago, Cheshire Cat said:


According to the theory and practice of bates method, myopia and astigmatism are caused by chronic muscular tensions. Those tensions can be cured with the practice of simple eye exercises. But apparently, meditation -with all its power to relax- can't cure eye problems.


There are many neigong books which stress the importance of having healthy eyes and even suggest improbable exercises in the attempt to offer a cure.

I think that the book "the secret of the golden flower" is very significant because it plainly states that the eyes are "the handles of the big dipper" and the Ming version of the text goes even further by explaining that it's not easy for the blind to achieve the result.

The eyes are connected with the energy system and if your vision is impaired, your energy system is equally impaired: certain pathways may be inactives and the currents may run in different directions.


it's not easy to heal the eyes and MCO can't surely do it.


I saw a documentary that seemed to come to the conclusion that myopia is caused by too much close work and lack of sunlight. Don't remember if they talked about astigmatism.

Do you know if the Bates Method works to heal myopia and astigmatism?


If we're talking about Neidan, the Classics seem to say that the physical body is not the Real Body so I'd say eye problems don't matter much, though I could be wrong.

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When I read the words of Baopuzi that 'practices are not natural'... after many years of practice, It make me stop all practices to contemplate that meaning.  What I came up with is, if we are 'trying', it is because we are lacking; we are not 'there' , wherever there is in our mind.  But we use the practice to justify the need to support our practice and be critical of others attempts, maybe.


I've never heard of 'achieved small circulation' although I did the MCO quite a bit but I got into trouble with a forum when I told them I didn't understand the word 'cultivation'.  They laughed at me.   But it was not about trying to cultivate as a word, it was just MCO.   I realized that folks needed to create words to extrapolate what they did to something beyond what they did.  I just saw the state of now, although in practice, to others who were trying to get somewhere.  If you are trying to get somewhere, I hope you get there.


The main thing I've learned over the years, is a fondness for Zen, when I first read it so many years ago: that you are there, here and now.    While I see many are comfortable with that idea, it didn't really explain what is really 'here and now'... that is just a timeline reference for our minds.  It is a kind of empty minded, dualistic dance with nature whereby you just feel one with your surroundings.


The here and now I found was a surrounding without time and space; you can go in time and space as you want but you create separation when you do it.  There is not a goal of finding or getting to unity or singularity; that is the reality.  But being aware of it is still here and now.  Even feeling you can flow or reside with it, is here and now.   


Beyond here and now; beyond flow and reside; beyond the beyond.  It may be like a sensing or seeing a primordial space or origin.... that is still here and now.  As long as we think it and use words for it, we are here and now.


But when words are used to describe the indescribable, the flow and residing beyond, the passage of time and space...  one has come back to here and now to describe the beyond. 


That is my achieved small circulation. 



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On 6/24/2018 at 2:34 PM, TigerJin said:

Like, how do you know when it has been "achieved" and you can move onto Grand Circulation? When I do it, I can feel the qi moving from spot to spot. And there was even a time where I could really feel it going and it created a white flash in my mind. Though, that hasn't happened since.

How do I know when I can move on to Grand Circulation?


I agree the elixir or sweet dew. I guess, I am wondering Tiger Jin about this post because I've been cultivating 'lesser' or small circulation


for about a month. Why do you want to move to grand or 'greater' circulation? I am liking lesser heavenly circulation more than enough to proceed.


I am practicing, to be honest, a simple greater heavenly circulation, however. It involves only pulling energy through your psychic channels. For simple greater heavenly circulation; start at the lower tan-tien pull to crown through the central channel (tu mo?), pull down to the lower tan-tien though the front channel (jen mo?), pull though the belt channel then up the back channel to the shoulders; out to the center palms through the arm channels; back to the lower tan-tien though the jen mo; up the thrusting channel; down to your soles though the leg channel, and up to the crown, and repeat.

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10 hours ago, KuroShiro said:


I saw a documentary that seemed to come to the conclusion that myopia is caused by too much close work and lack of sunlight. Don't remember if they talked about astigmatism.

Do you know if the Bates Method works to heal myopia and astigmatism?


Some say it does, but none managed to provide scientific evidence for that claim. 

I feel that Bates' book (available for free) is worth reading. 


10 hours ago, KuroShiro said:


If we're talking about Neidan, the Classics seem to say that the physical body is not the Real Body so I'd say eye problems don't matter much, though I could be wrong.


There are many different neigong philosophies, but they all have the ambition of creating an immortal body with the substances of the mortal body. 

The mortal body is the cauldron and it must be healthy in order to be useful for neidan. 

All of the "nourishing life" methods have the specific purposes of curing/preventing illness and prolonging life.


The idea is that any illness prevents the practitioner from achieving the result. 

The subject of vision is not widely explored because IMHO this could very well be the measure of the efficacy of specific qigong routines... but people are more interested in developing bizarre tactile sensations in their MCO's points. 



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On 9/20/2018 at 3:18 AM, MopaiWarlord said:

His MCO is about 70% opened, need to meet in person to tell whenever it is 100% or not.

Just wondering how is it possible to evaluate so precisely...



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On 9/22/2018 at 7:51 PM, MopaiWarlord said:

Third Eye is a horrifying ability.

Well, I see this is an attempt to make a good joke. ^_^

On 9/20/2018 at 3:18 AM, MopaiWarlord said:

I know only one so far, John Chang. His MCO is about 70% opened, need to meet in person to tell whenever it is 100% or not.

How are you going to check if the MCO opened or not if you don't have it open yourself?
Also regarding third eye...

oh come on!
Are you serious?!

I bet Third Eye is something which only few people really has and can use.
They'd say something like
"There are over 9999 levels of third eye open. You are at the level 2. I'm [local teacher] at the level 234 and Buddha was 9999 level. Now give me all your money and I'll teach you all I know..."

"And one day you'll achieve Buddha level" - that is what they say.

People really like playing games nowadays...

Edited by DaoKeeper
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12 hours ago, DaoKeeper said:

Well, I see this is an attempt to make a good joke. ^_^

How are you going to check if the MCO opened or not if you don't have it open yourself?
Also regarding third eye...

oh come on!
Are you serious?!

I bet Third Eye is something which only few people really has and can use.
They'd say something like
"There are over 9999 levels of third eye open. You are at the level 2. I'm [local teacher] at the level 234 and Buddha was 9999 level. Now give me all your money and I'll teach you all I know..."

"And one day you'll achieve Buddha level" - that is what they say.

People really like playing games nowadays...


I have third eye open. You don't have it.


I can see MCO, energy fields, energy bodies, ghosts and creatures of astral plane. You cannot.


Buddha is not a top level, that someone should aim for.

Is better to be @MopaiWarlord than some Buddha.


I have started cultivating at a much younger age than Buddha.

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On 9/19/2018 at 11:17 PM, MopaiWarlord said:


One thing none of you amateurs knows about cultivation. There can be only one Mopai master in the world. Once you reach high level in practice everyone else practicing Mopai at high levels is your enemy. Is one of the main reason JC dissapeared or died. True @MopaiWarlord is one and only. The world of real cultivation is brutal and bloody, one person ascending means countless beings falling down into the abyss. Wtihout experience in real war and lethal martial arts it is foolish to step into cultivation world. You also must be sly and crafty to survive. 


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On 6/24/2018 at 1:42 PM, Marblehead said:

Achieved Small Circulation?



First of all, you need to know what is a Small Circulation. Then, you need to know how to achieve it. Also, you need to know that you haven't got it and why? Does anybody have any idea?

Hint: Virtually, it has something to do with the Governor vessel and the Conception vessel.

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