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I am very new to Daoism. I picked up an introductionary book on the Daodejing and I've been listening to a few podcasts, but aside from that I am very unfamiliar with it. This may be a bit ridiculous, but I came across Dao thanks to a line from Cowboy Bebop. There was a line about moving like water, something about staying loose and flexible to be prepared for anything and I thought "wow, that seems like a great life philosophy" and now here I am. I think the actual quote was from Bruce Lee but I cannot recall the wording. 


I have spent the past few years studying various western esoteric traditions. Namely Hermeticism, Thelema, and Anderson-influenced witchcraft. I was at one point heavily interested in Sethian Gnosticism but not so much anymore.


I am very much looking forward to digging deeper into Daoism, as I feel a natural fascination with it I have not yet felt with the previously mentioned practices. Since I began looking into this I have felt an incredible sense of peace and contentment but I know I've barely scratched the surface so far. 

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Hello, Moldaviteteeth,  and welcome.


Your membership is approved and we're happy you found your way to us. We look forward to accompanying you on some of the way that you still have to go.


Please take the time to read the post pinned at the top of this Welcome page and take a look at the forum Terms and Rules.   This covers all you need to know when getting started.


For the first week you will be restricted to ten posts per day but after that you can post as much as you like. Also, until you’ve posted fifteen times in the forums, you’ll be a “Junior Bum” with somewhat restricted access and will be allowed only two private messages per day.


Good luck in your pursuits and best wishes to you,


Fa Xin and the TDB team


Welcome moldaviteteeth,


thanks for the intro. I was into that style of hermeticism at once point - yet Daoist/Buddhist thought offered something to me that hermetics did not. I couldn’t quite explain what that was, but I’m glad I explored it. Hope you enjoy it here. 


You are welcome to jump right in to the ongoing discussions, revive an older thread, start a new thread of your own, or start a discussion in the "Newcomer Corner" sub-forum to expand on your introduction or ask general questions to help you get started.


May you enjoy your time here.


Fa Xin

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Hi moldaviteteeth.  Welcome.


With a name like that I feel I must offer this to you:


There are many translations of the Dao De Ching at the below link.  Read a few then work with the one(s) that feel right to you.

Edited by Marblehead
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