
Samael Aun Weor, Aleister Crowley, Helena Blavatsky and others. Post about magick and the occult

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Title has it all. I have been reading these 3 people mainly. Have any of you studied them? Have any knowledge to share about the occult in general?

Edited by Lightseeker

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5 hours ago, Lightseeker said:

Title has it all. I have been reading these 3 people mainly. Have any of you studied them? Have any knowledge to share about the occult in general?


The second two, but not Weor.


Yes, I have knowledge to share about the occult    in general , or specifically in certain areas.

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I have some knowledge regarding the teachings of Crowley and Blavatsky (but mostly of Alice A. Bailey, as far as Theosophy goes).


And yes, I am quite willing to share my knowledge, when somebody has a specific question.

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Samael Aun Weor's system is an eclectic approach to magic and self-cultivation which is fundamentally based on the dichotomy of good&evil. 


Here's some knowledge to share about him : he's dead ATM, but a few of his followers have claimed full enlightenment (or something of that sort) to build gnostic groups all over the world. 


They'll keep you busy at cultivating perfect celibacy and lucid dreaming... but without providing effective methods to achieve any of those. 

In the meanwhile, they'll encourage you to practice a sort of inner psychological work that - I must admit- has some validity. 


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