
May anyone instruct me in how to MAKE talismans etc.

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If you are really serious get yourself a copy of Don Kraig's Modern Magick.  Start practicing as he instructs for about a year or so and you will be able to charge Talismans, among other interesting things.



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You need to have the energy and the will to charge objects. And the more times you repeat the process the powerful it becomes.

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The idea is archetypal , its been done for thousands of years , across all sorts of cultures. The gamut spans all the way from tatoos ,  my grandfathers St. Christopher medal, to buying a mandala from a monk. He can charge it just fine. It just needs to have a uniqueness, in his mind. It is not a thing replaceable like a soda bottle ,, unless that soda bottle came from someone significant, was made into something unique and personal , fortuitously fell into his lap on a deserted island etc. 

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