
How to cultivate detachment?

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3 hours ago, silent thunder said:



The Sage veritably dances through the world, dancing the dance, connected, healing, working, playing, fully present, yet not entirely invested, in the end, it's still only a dance.  No matter what occurs our essential nature is spotless, unstainable, never cracked, broken or marred by the dance of life. 


When dancing, I move through the music across the floor, there is no predestined time or place to arrive.  Unless I manufacture one.  I dance through the music (environment) and movement (decisions/actions) arises in natural expression of connected presence.  When releasing a need to end up in a particular spot on the floor (condition in life), I am able to release more fully into presence.  When present without taking it personally (thinking things should be different), I am utterly, perfectly, exactly where I am... should and shouldn't fall away as irrelevant.  The center is everywhere.  Bliss is a natural 





A beautiful dance deserving attentive study. Thank you so much Silent Thunder.

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For detachment you may want to read oldies but goodies like the Stoics- Epictetus, Seneca and Marcus Aurelius. 

Many dharma talks touch on detachment, though they might be calling it controlling the ego. 


Then there's the dharma of 38 Special, preaching that we should hold on loosely, but not let go..



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12 hours ago, thelerner said:

For detachment you may want to read oldies but goodies like the Stoics- Epictetus, Seneca and Marcus Aurelius. 

Many dharma talks touch on detachment, though they might be calling it controlling the ego. 


Then there's the dharma of 38 Special, preaching that we should hold on loosely, but not let go..




Loss is nothing but change, and change is nature's delight... - Marcus Aurelius


Great philosophy to have with a pita dharma 38 special and a pint of Carling.

Thanks mate :)


Edited by oak
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