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doc benway

Book Selection for March

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I am very enamoured of the name of the book club(s) as suggested by Pietro.


I will be quite disapointed if it is just called "book club", now.


Please can we use the beautiful names.

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OK as a counter-weight to the misogynist Taoist Yoga book I'll recommend "Dakini's Warm Breath"


There is a line in there that seems to corroborate what I was saying about the earth phase --


"...smith hammering a metal mirror, making the four types of joy descend slowly like a tortoise from the head to the secret center....The four types of joy have ascending experiences of bliss...." leading to female formless awareness. (p. 232)


Yeah it's a phase -- not some permanent destination (earth) since female formless awareness is beyond time and beyond space. Thanks for the clarification.

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Have you read Awareness by Anthony De Mello?


Hi Steve,


Have not read that one. Looks cool and has some great reviews. It reads nice on the preview, I enjoyed the writing style and got captured...... Wake up :)



Checked up and I have these on order/ in the post


Art of the Bedchamber

Taoist Yoga

Working Toward Enlightenment: The Cultivation of Practice

Becoming the Lotus

Vitality, Energy, Spirit: A Taoist Sourcebook

The Taoist Experience: An Anthology

The Shambhala Guide to Taoism


Should be a good few weeks (years) work in there.

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If we have a term of diverse texts as a break from Taoism, I'd like to try something by Barry Long which I know Ian recommends, but I've no acquaintance with.


Talking of which, there's a bunch of clips of him on you tube now. Just put Barry Long in the search bit and he's the first ten or so.


Sorry, book people. Please carry on with what you were doing.

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Looking forward to start,


Me to, that is the trouble with the 'net. You get so use to finding out about information really quickly,

but when you have to actually get a "thing", it still takes weeks to physically get to the

"arse end of the world" :)

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Me to, that is the trouble with the 'net. You get so use to finding out about information really quickly,

but when you have to actually get a "thing", it still takes weeks to physically get to the

"arse end of the world" :)

From the poll so far it looks like we will end up reading one book every two to three months. I'll give the poll at least a full week but it looks like our second book won't be discussed until May, at the earliest. Please keep that in mind as you think about selections for the next book. I will start a new thread once we determine the final results of the poll and will outline some new dates for making the selection and so on... Most likely, we will pick the next book in mid March so the 2-3 weeks it takes to get it, for some of us, will still leave us 3-4 weeks to read and prepare.

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Most likely, we will pick the next book in mid March so the 2-3 weeks it takes to get it, for some of us, will still leave us 3-4 weeks to read and prepare.


Now I am confused.

So we start this book on March.

Half march we chose a new book.

April it arrives. We are then supposed to read it before May and then discuss it in May.


I thought the point was to read it slowly, and discuss it while reading it.


Can you please clarify?




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Now I am confused.

So we start this book on March.

Half march we chose a new book.

April it arrives. We are then supposed to read it before May and then discuss it in May.


I thought the point was to read it slowly, and discuss it while reading it.


Can you please clarify?


Right now I'm running a poll in this sub-forum on how frequently people would like to read new books. I plan to close the poll on Sunday and that will determine how frequently we'll read new books. My thought would be to select a new book ~ 6 weeks before it is to be discussed. That gives everyone 2 weeks to obtain the book and another 4 weeks to read the book before we begin discussion. You don't have to complete the book before discussion begins but, depending on the book, that could be advantageous... I do plan on trying to divide up each book into chapters or sections and discuss it in parts (as I've already done for the first book). In most book clubs, the participants read the entire book before discussing it.


Please check back on Sunday or Monday for the final word. Obviously, the fewer books we read per year, the more time we can take with each. Also, we can always modify the logistics as we go along...


PS - My feet can be quite numb when necessary... ;)

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Based on the results of the poll, we will try reading a new book every two months. Since that will change the dates, I will start a new topic with the correct dates and close this topic to prevent confusion. Sorry for any inconvenience. I'm mainly interested in preventing confusion among people coming to this for this first time. I will carry over the specific recommendations to the new thread.

Thanks for your patience - I'm new at this moderating stuff...


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