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doc benway

Xingyiquan Video

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It looks like some bagua palms around the last minute. Is this found in most styles of xing yi? I do remember a tale about a bagua and xing yi master fighting each other to a draw and then agreeing that their students would learn both styles. I just always thought of Xing Yi as very linear as opposed to Bagua's circularity.

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There have been a number of nice martial arts videos posted lately but xingyi's yet to be represented.

Here's a nice clip:


nice to see... I didn't understand what there saying. What Xing Yi was that? what was he doing?


It looks like some bagua palms around the last minute. Is this found in most styles of xing yi? I do remember a tale about a bagua and xing yi master fighting each other to a draw and then agreeing that their students would learn both styles. I just always thought of Xing Yi as very linear as opposed to Bagua's circularity.


There is Linear Xing Yi and there is non Linear Xing Yi.

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It looks like some bagua palms around the last minute. Is this found in most styles of xing yi? I do remember a tale about a bagua and xing yi master fighting each other to a draw and then agreeing that their students would learn both styles. I just always thought of Xing Yi as very linear as opposed to Bagua's circularity.

This master, Feng Zheng-bao, studied xingyi, bagua, liu he and probably incorporated training elements of each with one another. I don't think it's typical to see circle walking in xingyi training. There could be in some style but I'd bet it was added later. I haven't seen any in the classical styles. There's none in the style I practice which is Hebei style. This is Shaanxi style, I believe.

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My teacher doing Rooster:



"There is Linear Xing Yi and there is non Linear Xing Yi."




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"There is Linear Xing Yi and there is non Linear Xing Yi."



Yes i believe there is non linear Xing Yi. I don't practice any. I also could be wrong. I don't know it might be influenced by other martial arts (Bagua) But i do believe that there are Non Linaer Xing Yi

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Never heard of it. Although xingyi has a circling exercise called pan gen, it's just an exercise.

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Here's a really nice series that clearly demonstrates Xingyiquan's origins of using the long spear: Kung Fu Quest II! B)


So basically, I'm guessing that soldiers were trained to use the spear...and later on as wartime passed and the spear became outdated, the same training methods were still retained and simply applied to bare knuckle combat..


Anyhow, for some highlights:

First watch the astounding flexibility of this older Xingyiquan master.


Then note how they actually train using a long spear...and how their santi shi stance and

. Followed by a nice, impromptu,
! Edited by vortex

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