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Grand Mystery of Dao

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I started out believing everything has a opposite. Hot/cold, Up/Down, Black/White. I realized if one side didn't exist then we couldn't even comprehend the other side. So if we lived on a constant hot planet for eternity. We wouldn't know it's hot unless we went to a cold planet. I then thought if opposites didn't exist nothing would exist. So whats the point? Who do these opposites benefit? The answer is us! So if the whole universe was made for us then who are we? I guess we are god!


So then i thought if we are god how come we are not all knowing and all powerful. Well if we were all knowing there would be no mystery or curiosity. If we were all powerful there would be no challenge. Put yourself into the shoes of a immortal being and tell me what is your worst enemy? Well that would be boredom! Boredom could also be looked at as nothingness and god is the opposite he is somethingness. 


Later i thought about suffering. If your dying of thirst in a desert and you came across a puddle muddy water you would be extremely grateful /loving. If you used to eat (insert favorite food) then you went to jail and ate crappy food.  When you got out to eat the same old food you used to eat and not thing much of it would taste 100 times better and you would be grateful. So the oposite is your born rich. You got water/wine/soda ect you wouldn't drink the water you would say its tasteless (ungratefulness). Or you were given everything  you would not be as grateful if you earned(suffering) it. Think spoiled brat. So suffering gives birth to love and vice versa. This is the reason i believed heaven/hell fundamentally cannot exist. Christian version of heaven would be a breeding ground for ungratefulness, hate, perversion, destruction ect. Later i started to believe that's what the opposing white and black dots mean in the yin yang symbol. Inside the black side(nothingness,boredom,hate) the white dot is created Love ect and vice versa.


Now the grand finale! I learned everything is contained within Time/Space/Matter. Time=Past/Present/Future. Space= Length/Width/Height. Matter=Solid,Liquid,Gas. There is a trinity of trinities and everything is contained within the number 9. When i was young i used to be Ocd and my number was 3. I had to tap everything 3 times. If i tapped it four times i would have to go to nine because its three threes.


So last night i was thinking about Time=Past/Present/Future. The opposite of past is future. What is the opposite of present? Nothing. Hot, Warm, Cold. What is the oposite of warm? Nothing. The present would represent the balancing factor between past and future. Same with hot and cold. So if someone asks me what is the oposite of a car or a piece or corn? Well there is no oposite because it's the balancing factor in between birth and death or creation and destruction. What do you like the most? Past,present, future? Hot, warm, Cold? Well you like the balancing factor the most present and warm! So i thought what is the balancing factor between mortal and immortal? There seems to be no balancing factor what!!!!  Is it the Soul? I was thinking Mind,Body,Soul. What is the balancing factor? Now my thoughts end. I feel like i'm very close to proving the existence of the soul. I'm stuck on mortal/immortal. Also as a finale thought we have a perfect triangle that makes up everything in the 3rd dimension. So Past/Present/Future. Past and Future are oposites. What is the oposite of present? If we could understand that it would be a square! Is that the fourth dimension?


If you managed to read through that all thank you for taking time out of your day to listen to my crazy rambling.


Unlimited Respect


Edited by ThreeLeaf
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Oh, you are not the first person to have such thoughts.


But I have no idea where you want to go with the thoughts.


Dualities.  They exist in the Manifest.  Science tells us that we partially understand only 4% of the totality of the universe.  Is the other 96% of the universe non-duality?


Well,  I live in the 4%.  Therefore I must live most of my time within the concept of dualities.  Even our water faucets have red for hot and blue for cold.  We need to know the difference.


Even when we order coffee to go we see on the container a warning that the contents are hot.



Science has convinced me that there is no separation of time and space.  It is always time/space.


Yes, the present is always present.  The past is written in stone - can't change it.  The future isn't here yet.  But we can change the probability of a certain event happening by what we do in the present.


Sure, the present is linked to the past and the future will have its links with the present and the past.  That's because of "ause and effects".



So are you looking for answers or trying to clarify your questions?


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8 hours ago, ThreeLeaf said:

I started out believing everything has a opposite. Hot/cold, Up/Down, Black/White. I realized if one side didn't exist then we couldn't even comprehend the other side. So if we lived on a constant hot planet for eternity. We wouldn't know it's hot unless we went to a cold planet. I then thought if opposites didn't exist nothing would exist. So whats the point? Who do these opposites benefit?


Mmmmm ...  I dont see it all as duality but a type of triplicity  ;


It isnt  'hot'  /  'cold'    , what we are talking about here is temperature, and that is a 'range'  from hot to cold - and that depends on you - are you a shrimp on a deep ocean laval thermal fount, or a microbe under the Antarctic ice ?


Up down are the  'two choices'   of  'height'  - and here we need to further define things as what does that mean without breadth ( left right ) or length (and even motion)  back forwards . So those directions are another 3 - the' 3 dimensions '.








The answer is us! So if the whole universe was made for us then who are we? I guess we are god!








So then i thought if we are god how come we are not all knowing and all powerful. Well if we were all knowing there would be no mystery or curiosity. If we were all powerful there would be no challenge. Put yourself into the shoes of a immortal being and tell me what is your worst enemy? Well that would be boredom! Boredom could also be looked at as nothingness and god is the opposite he is somethingness. 


Hmmm ... you hopscotch was going okay until now, now you seem to be hopping all over the place.  How did we get from immortal being  >  boredom > nothingness   ? 


I think such above scenarios are best described by ' number theory ' .   There, the stumulus isnt boredom, but  , first,  contemplation .  That is, if existence is primarily awareness, first, of the self (which it must be if we are speculating about a temporally manifesting / 'creating all'  'God' ) then that awareness would and could only be in contemplation of itself, first, as nothing exists before that  .


And that is the beginning of 'number theory' ; the 'one' can only contemplate itself  - givng birth to 2 ; the original one and then the 'contemplator of that one'   or   the one and its now new idea of itself due to contemplating the self  ... which gives rise to an understanding - a third principle ... and so on.




Later i thought about suffering. If your dying of thirst in a desert and you came across a puddle muddy water you would be extremely grateful /loving. If you used to eat (insert favorite food) then you went to jail and ate crappy food.  When you got out to eat the same old food you used to eat and not thing much of it would taste 100 times better and you would be grateful. So the oposite is your born rich. You got water/wine/soda ect you wouldn't drink the water you would say its tasteless (ungratefulness). Or you were given everything  you would not be as grateful if you earned(suffering) it. Think spoiled brat. So suffering gives birth to love and vice versa. This is the reason i believed heaven/hell fundamentally cannot exist. Christian version of heaven would be a breeding ground for ungratefulness, hate, perversion, destruction ect. Later i started to believe that's what the opposing white and black dots mean in the yin yang symbol. Inside the black side(nothingness,boredom,hate) the white dot is created Love ect and vice versa.



Thats the 'fun'  of experience and existence 








Now the grand finale! I learned everything is contained within Time/Space/Matter. Time=Past/Present/Future. Space= Length/Width/Height. Matter=Solid,Liquid,Gas. There is a trinity of trinities and everything is contained within the number 9. When i was young i used to be Ocd and my number was 3. I had to tap everything 3 times. If i tapped it four times i would have to go to nine because its three threes.


Thats becaue, as I said above, its all based on 3s



..... when we get to  'foursies'  very interesting stuff starts to happen !   We go from an ideal concept, into a more real world , we 'cross the abyss'  as they say.


But yes, the 3   3s is significant, as if everything is based on a triad, then the first triad must give birth to a 2nd and 3rd one , in some systems that is all outlined before we get to the '4th principle' of the material world ; the Kabbalistic Tree of LIfe does exactly this ;


first triad is 'god like'  / ideal / above the abyss, that creates a 2nd and  3rd triad and they all create a 4th principle ( 10th Sphere )  - Malkuth - the kingdom and material world of the elements







So last night i was thinking about Time=Past/Present/Future. The opposite of past is future. What is the opposite of present?


Not being present   :) 






Nothing. Hot, Warm, Cold. What is the oposite of warm?


Cool ?





Nothing. The present would represent the balancing factor between past and future. Same with hot and cold. So if someone asks me what is the oposite of a car or a piece or corn? Well there is no oposite because it's the balancing factor in between birth and death or creation and destruction.  


Birth   ......   life   ......  death


Creation ...... preservation ...... destruction .


Its not just my wacky three fold theory  -  gunas !ṇa




What do you like the most? Past,present, future? Hot, warm, Cold? Well you like the balancing factor the most present and warm! So i thought what is the balancing factor between mortal and immortal? There seems to be no balancing factor what!!!!  Is it the Soul? I was thinking Mind,Body,Soul. What is the balancing factor? Now my thoughts end. I feel like i'm very close to proving the existence of the soul. I'm stuck on mortal/immortal. Also as a finale thought we have a perfect triangle that makes up everything in the 3rd dimension. So Past/Present/Future. Past and Future are oposites. What is the oposite of present? If we could understand that it would be a square! Is that the fourth dimension?


I would not call it a 'balancing factor'   its the 'field'  - hot and cold is in the field of temperature , and so on.


The field of immortal immortal seems to be 'existence'   ?     The soul IMO is something entirely different (I just wrote about that elsewhere on DBs ).


Mind body soul  are the 3 continuants of the human psyche , but we need to add spirit, - to make a functioning 4 fold system (as 3 fold systems are only 'ideal' we need to add a 4th principle to make them 'real'  ;


Spirit  - fire , Soul - water, Mind - air ,  body -earth  ... and in body we have   ; nervous system and consciousness - fire, blood and circulatory system - water ,  respirator system - air and muscles tendons skeleton, etc as earth   (and each of them can further be divided  - its a 'fractal' pattern .




If you managed to read through that all thank you for taking time out of your day to listen to my crazy rambling.




Edited by Nungali

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Ahaha thank you for all that. Good stuff to think about it. I see made some mistakes as well. I Meant Hot, neutral temp, Cold. I just had a idea! Maybe when hot and cold collide at the very center point it gives birth to the third. So field is not a good word for everything in between because the exact center is it's own entity. Like Past, present, future. The exact center seems to be important. Idk more crazy rambling lol.

Edited by ThreeLeaf

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19 minutes ago, Marblehead said:

K - Keep

I - It

S - Simple

S - Sweety


The more we break things down the more confused we become.




Lol ya maybe its not the important. It's kinda how i feel about religion. It doesn't matter what we believe. I don't think god cares either way.

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