Patrick Brown

The Brexit Thread

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The establishment and ergo the Media are firmly behind the Remainiac cause. We can safely infer that the Showbiz types are also entrenched in that camp.


Here are two fine specimens who been vociferous in their support of the E.U. Eddie Izzard and Bob Geldorf.


Izzard is an Englishman so one must I suppose respect the right to his Remainiac stance, Geldorf however is in fact from the Republic of Ireland and one must ask that if he is so opposed to Brexit then why does he not simply return to the country of his birth and remain within the folds of the E.U. shroud.


I think that you will agree that both men are fine specimens of manhood.


Edited by Chang
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Fury as BBC refuses to sack Gary Lineker over anti-Brexit rants
THE BBC has refused to say how many complaints it has received from licence fee-payers angered at Left-leaning Match Of The Day presenter Gary Lineker's frequent anti- Brexit rants.


The ex-England footballer, 58, who is the taxpayer-funded BBC's highest paid presenter on £1.7million a year, uses Twitter to spread regular pro-EU messages to his 7.2 million followers.


Many feel his political tweets breach strict guidelines. But the BBC, which wants to stop over-75s having free TV licences, said he was above the rules because he was a sports presenter.


Guidelines only include staff and freelancers working for BBC news and current affairs. They are not allowed to state or reveal publicly how they vote or express support for any political party or policy or subjects like Brexit.


The Daily Express used a Freedom of Information law to demand the BBC reveal how many people had complained about his impartiality since the EU referendum was held in 2016. But it has refused to co-operate.


Tory MP David Davies said: "He has been given a platform to express his pro-EU, anti-controlled immigration ideology to all and sundry but is in a position of enormous responsibility and it's about time he acted as such.


"It's a shame the BBC does not think licence fee-payers have a right to know how many complaints there have been."




I think the BBC's days are numbered. Yes I know many think this wont be allowed to happen but they are becoming more and more despised and the number ditching the TV license are rising dramatically. 



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I think the whole process has stalled! May and all the remainers are in denial as to the fact the only choice left is WTO. 


Worth noting that the Article 24 idea is still being ignored and even funnier was the EU suggesting we're going to give them 39 billion whatever happens!! 

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2 hours ago, Patrick Brown said:

I think the whole process has stalled! May and all the remainers are in denial as to the fact the only choice left is WTO. 


Worth noting that the Article 24 idea is still being ignored and even funnier was the EU suggesting we're going to give them 39 billion whatever happens!! 


It may well be the case that we do indeed give the E.U. £39 billion no matter what happens. It could be a sort of Danegeld so that they are nicer to us when we are out on our ownsome. :D:lol:

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I got my overseas voting renewal papers today.  So I'll be able to renew my registration - and if there is a peoples vote I can cancel out one of you guys :)  Excellent.

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4 minutes ago, Apech said:

I got my overseas voting renewal papers today.  So I'll be able to renew my registration - and if there is a peoples vote I can cancel out one of you guys :)  Excellent.


It's gone too fat now we're leaving one way or another. It's like watching in slow motion. :wub:

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Just now, Patrick Brown said:


It's gone too fat now we're leaving one way or another. It's like watching in slow motion. :wub:



Too fat!  Yes that's me.

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2 hours ago, Apech said:

I got my overseas voting renewal papers today.  So I'll be able to renew my registration - and if there is a peoples vote I can cancel out one of you guys :)  Excellent.


I would expect nothing less from a true European. :D


2 hours ago, Patrick Brown said:

I'm gonna stick my neck out here but I predict a riot in Paris today!!!:lol:


If Apech is resident in France perhaps he will start it. :ph34r:

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6 minutes ago, Chang said:


If Apech is resident in France perhaps he will start it. :ph34r:


Well it warmed up for a while in France but has now fizzled out. I think the french just see it as a bit of fun or even a 'right-of-passage', i.e you're not french until you've rioted! So I figure they're not riots but protests which are pointless. If it kicks off in the UK it will be much more intense as arson is very much a cultural thing with us Brits! B)

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European Council President Donald Tusk has spoken of a "special place in hell" for "those who promoted Brexit without even a sketch of a plan of how to carry it out safely".

He was speaking after talks with Irish premier Leo Varadkar in Brussels.


Ahead of the UK's EU membership referendum Tusk warned of dire consequences should the UK vote to leave.  After the vote he pursued a hard line on the UK's withdrawal from the E.U. stating that the country's only real alternative to a "hard Brexit" is "no Brexit"


In September 2018 he caused controversy after his official instagram account posted an image of himself handing a slice of cake to British Prime Minister Theresa May, with the caption "A piece of cake, perhaps? Sorry, no cherries."


I think that the British people can pretty well gather Master Tusk's views of both  Britain and Brexit. The only sadness is that there are still establishment figures in the U.K. running cap in hand to this tinpot politico and begging for favours. Most of our politicians are in need of a good dose of beef and beer and a reminding that we have been threatened  before by figures more dangerous than the likes of Tusk and Juncker.


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For someone that likes to been seen as aligned with minorities, Israel and the Jews he does seem to be deeply involved with Germany and everything German! Apparently he speaks fluent German but very poor English! I don't think I'd be far off the mark to suggest that he's yet another Nazi type and his recent dictatorial attitude seems to back that up.  


And strangely information about his early life is pretty patchy:


Anyway Peter Bone thinks he's a tosser as well:



In the Commons the Tory Brexiter Peter Bone described Donald Tusk’s anti-Brexiter comment as a “completely outrageous insult”, adding:

"I don’t recall any president insulting members of this House, members of the government and the British people in such a way."





And Tusk's comment:


And in full:


Edited by Patrick Brown

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