Patrick Brown

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'Cancel Brexit' petition passes 2m signatures on Parliament site


A petition calling for Theresa May to cancel Brexit by revoking Article 50 has passed two million signatures.

Parliament's petitions committee tweeted that the rate of signatures was "the highest the site has ever had to deal with", after the website crashed.

EU leaders in Brussels have reached agreement on a plan to delay Brexit beyond 29 March.

Downing Street said the prime minister "has said many times she will not countenance revoking Article 50".

The PM's spokesman added: "The PM has long been clear that failing to deliver on the referendum result would be a failure of democracy and a failure she wouldn't countenance."

Revoke Article 50 has been trending on Twitter as people were urged to sign it. At one point, the petitions committee said there were nearly 2,000 signatures a minute.

It later tweeted that sudden spikes in numbers continued to cause intermittent problems with the site. It also said validation emails were taking longer than usual to get through.

The petition's heat map shows the constituencies with the highest number of signatories, including seats in Bristol, Edinburgh, Manchester, Oxford, London, Cambridge and Brighton.

It is not the most popular ever on the Parliament website. A petition for a second EU referendum in June 2016 attracted more than four million signatures and was debated in the Commons - but thousands of signatures were removed after it was discovered to have been hijacked by automated bots.

People signing petitions on the Parliament website are asked to tick a box saying they are a British citizen or UK resident and to confirm their name, email address, and postcode to sign.

Data from the petitions website on Thursday evening suggested 1.3m signatures were from people who said they were from the UK, 10,000 from France, nearly 6,000 from Spain and more than 4,000 from Germany, among others.

A Commons spokesman said signature patterns are investigated to check for fraudulent activity and suspect signatures are removed, including those that are "clearly bots".

He added: "Anyone who is a UK resident or a British citizen can sign a petition. This includes British citizens living overseas."



Just depressing as I doubt the varsity of these signatures will ever be checked. Names and address with a generic email address aren't legally binding and don't mean a thing. I think all the names, yes all 2 Million, should be made available to the public so they can be queried.


I suspect three quarters have been generated by robot submission programs feed by a database of names (freely available from the electoral roll) and then using a variety of internet domains with catch all emails. You can set any domain name email to simply accept any email address The last step is another robot program that automatically clicks the link in the complete confirm petition submission email that the government send out.  


This is almost certainly what's happening, at least in part, and should be investigated NOW with jail sentences of 25 years for those found guilty. 


Just groups of power pissed people fighting it out for money and power, some think they are doing good some are just self motivated and despise the masses. They're both wrong as we had a vote and the result should be carried out. In fact the original vote was fixed to keep us in the EU but they miscalculated and consequently messed their plan up. It was supposed to be the remain votes just winning but, as said, they bungled it. 


I think it's is war as we will not be allowed to leave the EU.


Let's take a moment to reflect on how sad this all is:



Edited by Patrick Brown
Added full BBC article with link

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I read the full BBC article after I posted above (edited the post and added full article) and it seems my theory is correct. So will anybody go to prison? 

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16 hours ago, Chang said:


Whomsoever acts as Prime Minister for this term of office, delivering Brexit - or not as the case may be, is finished so far as the House of Commons is concerned and will have nothing left but the House of Lords, after dinner speaking and their autobiography to work on.


No point in talk of Quislings either. The establishment is Cultural Marxist which is part and parcel of the E.U. The enemies of freedom are in plain sight and bellowing their message clear and strong through the media.


As I have stated all along, even if we do eventually manage to free ourselves from the E.U. tyrany we will still be left with our own Cultural Marxist Establishment leading us down the road to ruin. Brexit was ever only the first step.


16 hours ago, Apech said:



And what in your opinion would be the final solution?


I cannot claim to have any "final solution." We are a pathetic divided people and our Government is comprised of pathetic, divided politico's. Ridding ourselves of the E.U. was only ever going to remove one layer of lunacy. Leave or stay - mass Islamic immigration will continue with all of its attendant horrors along with the continued Nancification of the white, western male.


Whilst more and more of the native European population are now becoming red pilled the Cultural Marxist Ruling Elite still hold the upper hand. So the only answer I could possibly give would be that both Individuals and Governments should act with rational self interest. But unfortunately the zeitgeist is in direct opposition to this and we have the Archbishop of Canterbury in his New Years address stating that "Britain is now wonderfully diverse." Is it just me or does the Swish Bish remind you not a little of that other fine Christian Tony Blair?



Edited by Chang

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Brexit: Theresa May to urge MPs to back deal as delay agreed

Theresa May will return to the UK later to try to convince MPs to support her withdrawal deal after the EU agreed to postpone Brexit beyond 29 March.

On Thursday night, after eight hours of talks, EU leaders offered to delay Brexit until 22 May if MPs approve Mrs May's deal next week.

If they do not approve it, the delay will be shorter - until 12 April - at which point the UK must set out its next steps or leave without a deal.

Mrs May said MPs had a "clear choice".

Speaking on Thursday, after waiting for the 27 other EU countries to make their decision at a summit in Brussels, the prime minister said she would now be "working hard to build support for getting the deal through".

MPs are expected to vote for a third time on the Brexit withdrawal deal next week, despite speaker John Bercow saying what is put forward must be substantially different to be voted on.

Thursday night's agreement reduces the likelihood of a no-deal Brexit on 29 March - but the UK could still leave without a deal if Mrs May's deal is not approved by MPs by 12 April.

Giving a news conference, Mrs May also referred to her speech from Downing Street the previous evening, which had sparked an angry reaction from MPs after she blamed them for the Brexit deadlock.

"Last night I expressed my frustration and I know that MPs are frustrated too," she said. "They have difficult jobs to do.

"I hope that we can all agree we are now at the moment of decision. And I will make every effort to ensure that we are able to leave with a deal and move our country forward."

BBC political editor Laura Kuenssberg said Mrs May, although she did not apologise, had shown a "very different tone to MPs".

But she added that the PM was not drawn on what she would do if her deal fails again in a vote next week.

A debate on the deal has been scheduled for Monday but Downing Street said no date has yet been fixed for a vote.

Brexit delay: The new dates

Two new possible Brexit dates have been offered by the EU.

  • 12 April - If MPs reject Mrs May's deal next week, this is the new day the UK will be due to leave the EU - either with a deal or without. By 12 April, the UK needs to tell the EU what it wants to do next, for example, it could ask for more time with another extension. But a longer extension is only possible if the UK agrees to stand in the European elections in May, the EU's Donald Tusk has said. 11 April is the last date for the UK to take steps to hold the European elections.
  • 22 May - If MPs approve Mrs May's deal next week, this will be the date when the UK leaves with the deal. This date provides enough time to ratify the deal, and is also the day before voting begins in the European Parliament elections, which the government has said it does not plan to take part in.

Read in full:


I think they're going to test the waters as far a civil unrest is concerned. Most people see March 29th as D-Day. One thing is for sure it's going to be a very long weekend! 

Edited by Patrick Brown
Added more about the dates proposed

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52 minutes ago, Chang said:



I cannot claim to have any "final solution." We are a pathetic divided people and our Government is comprised of pathetic, divided politico's. Ridding ourselves of the E.U. was only ever going to remove one layer of lunacy. Leave or stay - mass Islamic immigration will continue with all of its attendant horrors along with the continued Nancification of the white, western male.


Whilst more and more of the native European population are now becoming red pilled the Cultural Marxist Ruling Elite still hold the upper hand. So the only answer I could possibly give would be that both Individuals and Governments should act with rational self interest. But unfortunately the zeitgeist is in direct opposition to this and we have the Archbishop of Canterbury in his New Years address stating that "Britain is now wonderfully diverse." Is it just me or does the Swish Bish remind you not a little of that other fine Christian Tony Blair?




I don't see any reason to suppose that mass islamic immigration will continue, unless of course you mean that the birth rate in existing British muslims is such that their percentage of the population will grow.  Which seems likely - although projections assume current levels of growth even though it is well known that it is affluence which reduces the rate at which people have children.  There is a vacuum of course as Christianity is dying.  But I think this is simply because people see no reason to believe in God, science tells them no and their own eyes reveal no evidence of divine providence at work.


As to the 'nancification' of the western male - well we have always had gay men, many of whom have been gifted geniuses (e.g. Alan Turing) and otherwise formed a kind of fringe group in society which was tacitly accepted by the church and the aristocracy.  Of course there was a great deal of public discontent when it came to the fore - as in the Oscar Wilde trails - but this was really a way of shaming someone you didn't like.  But overall I don't see anything new in there being effeminate men - what is new is the implied preference for feminised men - as if it is somehow morally superior and the that awful expression 'toxic masculinity'.


I think the divisions at the House of Commons denote that we are divided as a nation and not along the old left/right axis.  Both parties are split but held together by habit and individual self interest.  It's a battleground and if it were not the affect on us would be quite interesting to see how it is worked out - which it will have to one way or another.

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2 hours ago, Apech said:

There is a vacuum of course as Christianity is dying.  But I think this is simply because people see no reason to believe in God, science tells them no and their own eyes reveal no evidence of divine providence at work.


I think this is over simplifying what's happening in modern/western society as I feel we are moving towards a new paradigm. I think the seeds of a global belief-system are being slowly defined and much of it revolves around esoteric teachings which have been gradually made public over the last few hundred years. 


Christianity along with most religions, Buddhism perhaps being the exception, have fought against the more inclusive global paradigm of a one world religion/belief-system. I use the term belief-system to be inclusive of science, existing religion and philosophy. It's funny I say this as I don't buy into the emerging new world religion but it will work for the vast majority so will serve it's purpose until time runs out! Most people find it difficult to accept that there isn't anything that can be said about existence which is why they keep yapping on!    




2 hours ago, Apech said:

As to the 'nancification' of the western male - well we have always had gay men, many of whom have been gifted geniuses (e.g. Alan Turing) and otherwise formed a kind of fringe group in society which was tacitly accepted by the church and the aristocracy.  Of course there was a great deal of public discontent when it came to the fore - as in the Oscar Wilde trails - but this was really a way of shaming someone you didn't like.  But overall I don't see anything new in there being effeminate men - what is new is the implied preference for feminised men - as if it is somehow morally superior and the that awful expression 'toxic masculinity'.


Yes it's not gay people and effeminate men that are the problem it's the use of minority groups to sway popular opinion. Most people have goods friends who are gay, straight, square or even well-rounded! So we see any accepted minority being used as a lever. Muslims are of course being used as a lever to try and suppress free speech in the west although this will probably come back to bite them. 


Most gays I've know were happy with the way things used to be before untamed sex drives released the proud to be obsessed with sex generation! As the younger generation have said to me "I'm not gay or bisexual I'm just greedy"! Sex addiction causes just as many problems as any other addiction together with a ton of mental illness, rape, murder and even child abuse!  


Another thing worth mentioning is the 'Divine Androgyny' which has been distorted and bastardised beyond recognition which is abhorrent but just shows how far the power pissed will go. I'll also add that I'm one of these peeps that think confused child being allowed to have gender reassignment surgery at very young ages, before age 18, is simply a sin and outrageous. I digress but I'll leave you with the views of this lesbian who also identifies as transgender (in the androgynous sense, don't think she's been chopped about) as they are very honest and interesting.



2 hours ago, Apech said:

I think the divisions at the House of Commons denote that we are divided as a nation and not along the old left/right axis.  Both parties are split but held together by habit and individual self interest.  It's a battleground and if it were not the affect on us would be quite interesting to see how it is worked out - which it will have to one way or another.


This is again symptomatic of the emergence of a new paradigm which means the old must die before the new can fully appear. The problem at the moment is all these disparate groups scrambling for control are generally not altruistic! I think the days of the centralised government model may well be questioned making local MP's more accountable. It seems to me that too much power has been in the hands of a few people and that no longer works for the democratic model especially in advanced, and dare I say it liberal, societies. 


Hey I'm not politically minded so maybe the system just needs redefining and some bugs ironed out? 

Edited by Patrick Brown

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1 hour ago, Apech said:


I don't see any reason to suppose that mass islamic immigration will continue, unless of course you mean that the birth rate in existing British muslims is such that their percentage of the population will grow.  Which seems likely - although projections assume current levels of growth even though it is well known that it is affluence which reduces the rate at which people have children.  There is a vacuum of course as Christianity is dying.  But I think this is simply because people see no reason to believe in God, science tells them no and their own eyes reveal no evidence of divine providence at work.


I can see no reason to suppose that mass islamic immigration will not continue. There is certainly no will in the west to put a stop to it and you are quite correct that the birth rate of Muslims already resident here will far outstep that of the native populations. It is also a simple fact that as their populations grow then so will their demands. We have invited an alien culture into our midst and we are already suffering the consequences.


1 hour ago, Apech said:


As to the 'nancification' of the western male - well we have always had gay men, many of whom have been gifted geniuses (e.g. Alan Turing) and otherwise formed a kind of fringe group in society which was tacitly accepted by the church and the aristocracy.  Of course there was a great deal of public discontent when it came to the fore - as in the Oscar Wilde trails - but this was really a way of shaming someone you didn't like.  But overall I don't see anything new in there being effeminate men - what is new is the implied preference for feminised men - as if it is somehow morally superior and the that awful expression 'toxic masculinity'.


The Western White Male is and has been under attack for decades. All manly virtues which were once held sacred are now sneered at and held in contempt. Once more it is simply the zeitgeist. Again more and more males are becoming red pilled and are desirous of broadening their shoulders and reclaiming their manhood. Unfortunately degeneracy amongst white women has taken such a hold that that in itself is a major problem. We also have the prospect of women in positions of political power which can only result in disaster as is already being demonstrated.


1 hour ago, Apech said:


I think the divisions at the House of Commons denote that we are divided as a nation and not along the old left/right axis.  Both parties are split but held together by habit and individual self interest.  It's a battleground and if it were not the affect on us would be quite interesting to see how it is worked out - which it will have to one way or another.


We are most certainly divided as a nation in all manner of ways and things are going to get very, very interesting. Fun and games ahead Old Boy.

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43 minutes ago, Chang said:

I can see no reason to suppose that mass islamic immigration will not continue. There is certainly no will in the west to put a stop to it and you are quite correct that the birth rate of Muslims already resident here will far outstep that of the native populations. It is also a simple fact that as their populations grow then so will their demands. We have invited an alien culture into our midst and we are already suffering the consequences.



Only if we allow it to happen! As far as the British people are concerned Islam is backward and something from the middle ages! Some people have even gone so far as to point out that the reason Muslims are so strict is because the peoples themselves are so savage as to need being muzzled! Perhaps the women of this region would exhibit an extremely promiscuous nature if allowed to do so hence the enforced need for them to be submissive and hidden? These are genuine questions and concerns. 


43 minutes ago, Chang said:

Unfortunately degeneracy amongst white women has taken such a hold that that in itself is a major problem. We also have the prospect of women in positions of political power which can only result in disaster as is already being demonstrated.


You have a way with words Chang! :lol:


I generally agree but to be fair a lot of modern women are fighting back and are beginning to seeing through the political and minority hijacking of what is simply women's rights which most people don't have a problem with. Angry lesbians and feminists can get fucked as far as I'm concerned! 

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Be in no doubt that every EU 27 leader dreads UK participation in those elections; they fear our involvement will corrupt the process, and taint the institution. The notion of Nigel Farage leading a new bloc of EurExiters does not warm their cockles.

And if proof you need, the decision to choose 12 April as the new Brexit cliff-edge date was made precisely because that is the last possible moment when, under EU rules, it is possible to be an EU member and not field candidates in the election. If we're members on 13 April, Farage - and anyone else who fancies - can put themselves up for election to the EU parliament.

To be clear, though, the EU's leaders can't and won't say no if we insist on fighting them. But they would hate it and would say yes with the heaviest of hearts.

What matters more than anything therefore is that in the three weeks of breathing space EU leaders have given us - JUST THREE WEEKS - UK party leaders, ministers, senior politicians, MPs have to do what they have singularly failed to in the more than 1000 days since Brexit, which is to co-operate as far as they can to find an outcome that is in the national interest, take proper responsibility for it, and lay to one side narrow party considerations.

If they don't, won't or can't, we will be leaving without a deal on 12 April. And truthfully, based on what you might call behavioural evidence on the current generation of MPs, I am retaining my prediction that we will be leaving without a deal, probably in 21 days.

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6 minutes ago, Apech said:


I think May the EU et al are also hoping that there is trouble in Londung next weekend as they will use this as a reason/excuse to remain. The ball is with the Brexiteers at this point i.e, Do they want to wait-and-see or make a massive display of defiance (civil unrest) against the-powers-that-be? This question has also been created in the hope of minimising any civil unrest by weakening peoples resolve to protest next weekend! 


It's all pretty tricky, lots of trickery, but there is still a vote next week for May's shitty deal right? 

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This is what my ex-MP (from when I lived in England) has to say on the idea of revoking Art. 50.




 I think it is vital for our democracy that the 2016 referendum result is upheld. It was after all the largest single vote in our democratic history. I therefore so not believe that article 50 should be revoked.


Yours sincerely,

Graham Stringer

MP for Blackley & Broughton



... he is Labour.

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5 minutes ago, Apech said:

This is what my ex-MP (from when I lived in England) has to say on the idea of revoking Art. 50.



... he is Labour.


Light at the end of the tunnel perhaps? Will watch the vids later. Ta.

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Here's some BBC BS!



Why bots probably aren't gaming the 'Cancel Brexit' petition

Questions have been asked about whether a government petition calling for Brexit to be cancelled has been swamped by bots.

Bots are automated programmes which can carry out a command thousands of times.

The BBC spoke to three cyber-security experts about how likely it is that a number of the 3m signatures gathered so far are not genuine.

They all agreed that the petition's email validation process would be a deterrent.

Each signatory has to supply a unique email address to which a verification link is sent before their signature can be accepted. UK-based signatories must also share a valid postcode.

While email addresses are easy enough to set up, doing that in real time at high volume is less straightforward.

Additionally, while it is possible to buy lists of email addresses stolen in various data breaches on the black market, the owner of the list would still need to access those email accounts and retrieve the validation email before being able to sign in the name of somebody else.

The email verification would be likely to deter bots said Lisa Forte, partner at the cyber-security firm Red-Goat.

"Any significant political decision such as this petition is highly likely to attract bots," she told the BBC.

"This particular petition is now employing email verification before signing, meaning it is much harder and therefore much less likely bots are being employed."

'A bit of a pain'

Cyber-security expert Kevin Beaumont said that while it was possible that bots were involved, it would be "a bit of a pain" to build a sophisticated enough programme to cope with the email addresses.

"They would have to make a bot that signs up with unique email addresses, then clicks the unique link to sign," he said.

The House of Commons declined to comment on its security checks but it did say the Government Digital Service uses "a number of techniques" to identify potentially fraudulent signatures and bot activity.

It is not possible to use the same email address more than once to sign the petition.

However, bot activity could still be used to slow down or crash the platform, meaning that people wanting to leave genuine signatures could be prevented from doing so.

This is known as a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack.

How secure is the petition platform?

"I'm not sure the system itself is that sophisticated - it fell over as soon as people started voting in large numbers," said Prof Alan Woodward from Surrey University.

The UK government's petition platform has crashed several times under the weight of traffic in recent days. The petition launched on 20 February, but has now gone viral.

"Is there some gaming going on? I wouldn't be at all surprised," he added.

"It's a petition, it's not a vote - it's not meant to be as secure as an e-voting system."

Skip Twitter post by @HoCpetitions

A lot of people have been asking about numbers. Between 80,000 and 100,000 people have been simultaneously viewing the petition to revoke article 50. Nearly 2,000 signatures are being completed every minute.


End of Twitter post by @HoCpetitions

According to the rules of the site, anyone can submit a petition. If it gets 10,000 signatures it will receive a government response, and if it gets 100,000 it will be debated in parliament. Beyond that, the numbers don't make a difference, he pointed out.

Is it Russia?

Former UKIP leader Nigel Farage suggested that "Russian collusion" was behind the unprecedented traffic towards the Brexit petition.

While Russia is notorious for seeking to meddle in the politics of the west, on this occasion there is a question mark over what its intentions would be, added Prof Woodward.

"All the evidence is that Russia was supporting the Leave campaign," he said.

"So why would they suddenly be supporting Remain?"

While the petition data (which is currently not updating) reveals that signatures are coming in from all over the world - including small numbers from Russia, China, Iran and one from North Korea where it is unlikely the page can be seen - the UK government said that any British resident or citizen can sign, wherever they are.

The BBC understands that fewer than 4% of signatures are coming from outside the UK at time of writing.

It is however not difficult to disguise or hide a location on the web.

Has it happened before?

In 2016, an earlier petition calling for a second EU Referendum attracted 3.6m signatures, but was hijacked by bots.

In January 2017 a petition calling for the end of "mass signings by bots" was rejected by the Petitions Committee on the grounds that it was unclear what was expected of the government.



All the stuff about valid emails addresses is complete rubbish. Anybody with a small amount of understanding about web design will tell you why! I have very little doubt a third to a half of all the petition submissions are fake but in reality probably many more.  


This blatant attempt to pervert the petition should actually undermine the remain camps credibility and it brings into question everything they claim is wrong about Brexit. The truth is we know Brexit isn't a problem and if we leave without a deal it's easily doable. Project fear has now become project fraud! 



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18 hours ago, Patrick Brown said:


Only if we allow it to happen! As far as the British people are concerned Islam is backward and something from the middle ages! Some people have even gone so far as to point out that the reason Muslims are so strict is because the peoples themselves are so savage as to need being muzzled! Perhaps the women of this region would exhibit an extremely promiscuous nature if allowed to do so hence the enforced need for them to be submissive and hidden? These are genuine questions and concerns. 


Islam is like Christianity: the belief system involves actively converting others to their faith and look down on others who do not agree. I know this from many Muslims I have engaged in discussion with and they say it when you talk one to one.


So of course it creates tension in Western societies which generally do not care about religion. The insanity of organized religion is not a step forward but backwards. All European countries now are getting stricter immigration laws.


The EU was created as a trade union first and then became more of a political union. Germany has benefited from the Euro and the internal EU market because they can sell cars, washing machines etc easily using the laws of the internal market. 


Big Politics, like Big Pharma, Mega Corp etc do not generally care about the connections between humans. Everything is top-down shoved down your throat and benefits the top elites only. Merkel is a symptom of this top-down "broad-view" approach which favors THINKING over real life connection.


Regarding whether Muslims are more savage than others: I do not think so but you have to think about the inherited violence they bring along because of all the wars etc they have experienced. This is not only a Muslim thing, I have seen Albanians react very violently as well and see violence as completely natural.


Whether it is true or not: I heard that dark people are seeing as enemies "instinctively" because the plague in Europe killed so many and the victims of the plague were black skinned and thus seeing a dark/black skinned person creates fear instinctively. 


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The "Revoke Article 50" petition is blatantly bogus as anybody can see the submissions just don't add up. Here's a series of screen grabs from the petition website and if we look at the colour coding and the numbers on the index we see there's no way 4 million submission have been made from the UK. We also notice some very suspicious dark areas which suggests a bot is active in that region. 


In the post above we also see the BBC bullshitting that people can not get around the security of the petition which is a lie. The BBC are shills and spreading blatant lies read my other posts further back on this thread explaining how easy it is with a bit of technical know-how. 





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I don't know about BBC but if it is like the national service in my country then it serves as a brain washing centre. 


I did not notice before but suddenly I could sense the intention behind most of the articles 'you should do this and not do that' like don't eat lots of meat etc. 


So people who are not aware will mostly just do what the programming tells them to do. 


This is how the elite programs people. 


The good news is that lots of people are waking up and can't be programmed any more. 

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1 hour ago, Patrick Brown said:

The "Revoke Article 50" petition is blatantly bogus as anybody can see the submissions just don't add up. Here's a series of screen grabs from the petition website and if we look at the colour coding and the numbers on the index we see there's no way 4 million submission have been made from the UK. We also notice some very suspicious dark areas which suggests a bot is active in that region. 


In the post above we also see the BBC bullshitting that people can not get around the security of the petition which is a lie. The BBC are shills and spreading blatant lies read my other posts further back on this thread explaining how easy it is with a bit of technical know-how. 







London is a strong Remain area so I don't see that as a surprise.  Also given 48% of people voted remain why is it unlikely that 4 million sign an online petition?

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More importantly:



Illusionist Uri Geller has told Theresa May he will “not allow” her to lead Britain out of the EU.

In an open letter to the prime minister, the Israeli-British TV personality said he felt “psychically and very strongly” that most Britons were anti-Brexit and promised to stop the process telepathically. He wrote: “I feel psychically and very strongly that most British people do not want Brexit. I love you very much but I will not allow you to lead Britain into Brexit. As much as I admire you, I will stop you telepathically from doing this – and believe me I am capable of executing it. Before I take this drastic course of action, I appeal to you to stop the process immediately while you still have a chance.”

  • Haha 2

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32 minutes ago, Apech said:


London is a strong Remain area so I don't see that as a surprise.  Also given 48% of people voted remain why is it unlikely that 4 million sign an online petition?


I wouldn't have a problem if it wasn't for the speed of the submissions and the simple fact that the government petition website, including it's security protocols, are very, very poor. Hey kids can figure out how to write scripts and run severs from their homes so if people with money wanted to do it then it would be very easy and simple to execute. 


What's really disturbing, and very telling, is the simplicity of tricking the government petition website is being ignored by the BBC amongst many others. It's the kings clothes all over again. People really are so stupid!!!


This wont end well, and as I keep saying it is war. 

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