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Odd tooth phenomenon

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Has anyone experienced anything like the following:


I've just begun to feel this strange electric shock like feeling which is as if it flashes between my upper and lower teeth, around the canines on left side.


I would normally think that it was just my teeth being in bad repair, but it's kind of weird, because it's just there for a second or so, gets intense and then fades, happens in response only to my jaw hanging reasonably limp, i.e. not chewing or using my mouth at all, and it just doesn't feel like normal toothache. And it would be quite odd for it to be happening in upper and lower jaw at the same time.


If I prod and push the teeth in the area nothing seems to be wrong.


That said, it's a very odd way for some kind of circuit to complete.


Any thoughts?

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Hi Ian,


It may seem odd, but it's really pretty common to have various sensations felt in the teeth that don't originate there. The teeth are often reflecting something going on elsewhere. The canines relate to the liver/gallbladder, and to anger issues. Many sensations can be indicative of something the body is trying to work out--a healing process--rather than something "wrong" per se. Of course you have to look at the larger picture, but maybe that general idea helps?



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Hi Ian,


It may seem odd, but it's really pretty common to have various sensations felt in the teeth that don't originate there. The teeth are often reflecting something going on elsewhere. The canines relate to the liver/gallbladder, and to anger issues. Many sensations can be indicative of something the body is trying to work out--a healing process--rather than something "wrong" per se. Of course you have to look at the larger picture, but maybe that general idea helps?




Oh yes, thank you. Do you know any reference for what all the various teeth relate to?

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I haven't the foggiest, but I'd get them xrayed as soon as possible just to rule out and to catch early any cavities before you have to go to a root canal.


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Oh yes, thank you. Do you know any reference for what all the various teeth relate to?


There's a good chart of teeth and their related meridians, here.


And a terrific reference not just for teeth but any symptom, is the book Messages from the Body by Narajan Singh, although it's expensive and only available from the publisher. It's a large encyclopedic work giving information about the deeper emotional/spiritual meaning of each kind of symptom or disturbance in a particular part of the body. Each "message" can't be just accepted in an unconscious way, but you have to sort of digest it and see where that process takes you.



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