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Political Correctness of Creator's Love, Gods' Favoritism, Buddhas' Equanimity, Messiahs' Exceptions

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There is no political correctness in the real spiritual political dynamics of the universe.


The Universe/Creator Love Every Being But The Universe/Creator Does Not Love Every Being Equally Nor Does The Universe/Creator Love Every Being In The Same Manner.


The Gods & Goddesses Play Favoritism Like Any Other Teacher Or Parent In The World.


The Buddhas Teach Equanimity But The Buddhas Never Teach Equanimity In All Things.


The Messiahs Are Always Exceptions And Exceptions Can Always Be Found Everywhere.


If you belong to an unfavored family group, then you better work at cutting yourself away from that unfavored family group.


If the Universe/Creator is to establish a harem of enlightened human women to be a new generation of daikinis goddesses enlightened female spiritual teachers, there are some races of women who are bound to be much more favored than other races.


For even the Universe/Creator has His preferences of women or his favored children.


The Arch-Angel Lucifer has always been competing against the Arch-Angel Michael to be the most favored child of the Universe/Creator.


Who doesn't want to be the most outstanding child of the Universe/Creator, Our Truest Father, Our Truest Master?


To pass through the gates of heaven, one must must through the gates of hell.


Each being has different degrees of spiritual power potential. 


Each beings has different degrees different types of good & bad.


The Good Guy vs The Vigilante vs The Evil Villain.

Edited by 2ndchance

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To be a master, To be a student, To be a brother, To be a father, To be a son, All Men are more or less Equal.
To be a wife, to be a lover, to be a mother, to be a daughter, to be a sister, All Women are not Equal.
Why is this so?
Well, the Divine Creator God the Universe is Male and He Created The Divine Mother Goddess As His Daughter, His Mother, His Master, His Wife, His Sister but Ultimately The Divine Mother Goddess always remain the Creation of the Divine Creator God the Lord of our Universe, The Universe Itself.
This is why the Male Gods and the Male Buddhas are in general more powerful than the Female Gods and the Female Buddhas. Just study the different pantheons to get a sense of how things work.
Does this mean that human men in general are more powerful than human women especially in the arena of spiritual power potential? That is a resounding no. I do not have the statistics on the general population at large.
However, my observations have lead to the conclusions that at present, there is an overwhelming number of male spiritual masters as compared to the number of female spiritual masters.
Why is this so? I do not know yet. 
But from my studies of different pantheons, the male celestials seem to be the leaders of their respective pantheons rather than the female celestials.

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“What the society thinks is of no interest to me. All that's important is how I see myself. I know who who I am. I know the value of my work.”  ― Robin Sharma


God has never been and will never be politically correct.


There is always a hierarchy or systems of hierarchies and if you wanna rise up the ranks fast, you better be an exception who stands outside the hierarchy or systems of hierarchies.


Even the Buddha and Jesus Christ has their own masters whom they need to learn from.

Edited by 2ndchance

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Enlightened Human Men Stand Above Enlightened Human Women.


Enlightened Human Women Stand Above The Mundane Unenlightened Human Men.


The Mundane Unenlightened Human Men Stand Above All Mundane Unenlightened Human Women.


The Universe Creator And His Divine Mother Goddesses Stand Above All.


If you are a man or a male god, why do you choose to cut off your own penis to transform into a female to stand a chance of becoming a divine mother goddess a highest most evolved most powerful creation of the Universe Creator?


Are you that desperate to become a woman a wife a lover the closest family of the Universe Creator?


The Universe Creator only favor certain enlightened females or certain females with spiritual potential to be His Highest Creations His Closest Families His Most Faithful Followers.


In this way, females stand more of a chance at being exceptions rather than males.


“What the society thinks is of no interest to me. All that's important is how I see myself. I know who who I am. I know the value of my work.”  ― Robin Sharma

Edited by 2ndchance

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The evil always try to pull down the weakest of us all.


Yet the weakest of us all may yet be the strongest of us all.


For thousands of years, women have always been the weaker sex and have been subjected to the results of countless rapes, assaults, sexual slavery, prostitutions, pains of pregnancies, etc.


Yet the Creator Universe created the Female Archetype The Divine Mother Goddess/Goddesses as His Highest Creations of All.


There is no Yang and Yang nor is there Yin and Yin. There is only Yang and Yin.


Just look at the Pharaohs and the Emperors of the past and study how many women they have. 


There is only one Pharaoh. There is only one Emperor.


But there are many women in the Pharaoh's Harems and the Emperor's Harems.


There Is Only One Creator Universe.


But there are many divine mother goddesses in the Creator Universe's Harems.


Does this mean that every woman gets to be a divine mother goddess?


Well don't kid yourself. If you are a woman of an unfavored race, then your chances of being the Creator Universe's Divine Mother Goddesses, the Creator Universe' Highest Lovers Most Powerful Families, your chances will be extremely slim and even nil.


Just like how some men have much more spiritual potential than other mundane men, regardless of his race.


Are there contradictions? There will always be contradictions.


The Buddha teach equanimity. Yes so what? Did The Buddha teach all of us to love every single being equally?


Love is not equal. Love has never been equal. Love will never be equal.


Stop looking for equality equanimity in all things. Even in the buddha's version of equality equanimity, there will always be different degrees of love, different dimensions of love.


Do you think Shakyamuni Buddha love Vairocana Buddha in the same way as Shakyamuni Buddha would love Maya?


Do you think Jesus Christ would love the Romans who persecuted him in the same manner as how Jesus Christ would love his closet disciples?


There are many kinds of love, many different dimensions of love, many different degrees of love.


Would you sexually love lust after your own mother in the same way you would sexually love lust after your own wife?


Would you love your own dogs and cats in the same way in the same manner as you would love your own son s and daughters?

Edited by 2ndchance

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Men are Equal to Women. All Men are More than All Women. All Women are More than All Men.


The East is more Spiritual than the West. The West has more wealth and more education than the East.


I think it is time to stop all generalizations and just look at percentages and study individual cases of exceptions.

Edited by 2ndchance

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If you want to start working on yourself. 

You have to start working on yourself. 


Doesn't matter what other people are doing. 

Whether anyone is stronger then anyone else. 

All that really matters is you, what you're doing;

the state your mind body and spirit are in. 

Beware of getting caught up in trivia and measurements. 



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I can't quite make out what you're trying to say :huh: 


Are you trying to intellectualize/rationalize some feeling of superiority of yours? of men?



Edited by King Jade

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Some women are more powerful than a lot of men and certainly more powerful than other women.


Some men are more powerful than a lot of women and more powerful than other men as well.


But to be a Divine Mother Goddess, only female applicants need apply and even then, a lot of other factors are taken into consideration.


What's puzzling to me is that there are some males in our universe who are so fascinated with power that they are willing to cut off their penis in order to be a Divine Mother Goddess.


They are just not proud of themselves.



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1 hour ago, 2ndchance said:

But to be a Divine Mother Goddess, only female applicants need apply 



I didn't realize there was a job advertisement. Do these female applicants have an up to date CV/Resume ?

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No the source of all creation does not love everyone equally. Your existance is going to be cancelled, in: 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... *beep*


Okay, the source of all creation now loves everyone equally. 


As of now, everyone can go about there business as usual. Yeah you too! Carry along... 

Edited by Everything

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Although a strange way to put it, the OP does sort of have a point...


We don’t all have the same ability, the same level of intellect or the same level of dedication that’s necessary for the higher levels of cultivation.


I don’t think ‘the universe’ has favourites - I don’t think it cares... the cause and effect chains are far too complicated to understand why you’re so lucky and someone else is such a wretch. 


But one thing is clear - wherever you are, you can grow - yes it can be extremely difficult for some and easier for others, but everyone can move a millimeter forward each day. 


Its pointless comparing your progress with another’s. Compare yourself to yourself yesterday - that’s much more useful.

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God loves anyone who turns to him, and he loves them immensely, what is not given ?

As for society and it's many types of people.   The best way is for those who are best at captaining the boat to captain the boat, and those who are better at scrubbing the deck to scrub the deck.   And everyone bite their tongue.   Then they will be able to make for land.   But this rarely happens.   Mostly the boat sinks and everyone dies.


It is good to spend time to become competent, then you offer something to someone.   Competence is tested in daily life.   If instead of talking you become competent then everything becomes clear to you.

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“There are a variety of levels of evolution that are possible for human souls to attain.

Some souls remain at the lowest level of attainment during the entire course of their

existence. This is usually a choice that the soul makes during its lifetime. These souls

generally serve the Creator in a functionally robotic capacity. They typically choose

lifetimes in which their choices are made for them, and they like it that way. These

souls do not wish to attain ‘Radiant’ status and do not work toward that end. As such,

they do not possess a form represented in this star.”


“There are also souls who believe in an eternal heaven or hell state that should occur

after the death of the body. These souls may ultimately choose to create a ‘Radiant’

form but as of yet, the vast majority have not. They will typically choose to reside in a

heaven or hell-like state until the energies used to create the soul are exhausted. Their

essences will then be reabsorbed back into the Spirit. As the human soul evolves in its

awareness and knowledge of its potential, it begins to create the Radiant form. Humans

are much like caterpillars waiting to become butterflies. The dormant DNA within your

forms points toward this fact.”


Not all caterpillars become butterflies. Some are eaten by predators, some die of

disease or trauma, some will simply age and cease to function. Only the enlightened

caterpillar knows its true destiny. Such a caterpillar will know that it can become a

winged being destined to live in the air. To do so, however, it knows that it will have to

prepare itself for the transformation and live accordingly. That caterpillar will change its

diet and eat in such a way that it prepares for the construction of a cocoon. It will know

how and when to build a cocoon, and it will also look for a suitable safe place in which

to store that cocoon during its transformation process. The enlightened soul will

prepare itself for its transfiguration. The end result of this quantum state is preserved

here in the Sun until such time that the physical body is ready to receive the energy

necessary to support such a Form.”

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On 1/31/2019 at 7:09 PM, freeform said:

Although a strange way to put it, the OP does sort of have a point...


We don’t all have the same ability, the same level of intellect or the same level of dedication that’s necessary for the higher levels of cultivation.


I don’t think ‘the universe’ has favourites - I don’t think it cares... the cause and effect chains are far too complicated to understand why you’re so lucky and someone else is such a wretch. 


But one thing is clear - wherever you are, you can grow - yes it can be extremely difficult for some and easier for others, but everyone can move a millimeter forward each day. 


Its pointless comparing your progress with another’s. Compare yourself to yourself yesterday - that’s much more useful.


The Universe play favourites with those who want to be favourites.


How did Shakyamuni Buddha become the Buddha, the Liberator of Human Souls?


Why didn't Shakyamuni Buddha become Hitler, the genocidal mass-murderer?



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