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Qigong without Vizualisations

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Anyone have any recommendations for Qigong Books/DVDs that have no vizualisations, I have tried

Qigong with Vizualisations and to me it takes focus away from the movement and awareness.

I was looking at Spring Forest and to me the Vizualisations put me off, I just can't get the feel of

them, I really prefer movement and breathing as the focus.



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Anyone have any recommendations for Qigong Books/DVDs that have no vizualisations, I have tried

Qigong with Vizualisations and to me it takes focus away from the movement and awareness.

I was looking at Spring Forest and to me the Vizualisations put me off, I just can't get the feel of

them, I really prefer movement and breathing as the focus.




There is a good book called The Way of Energy by Master Lam Kam Chuen. It doesn't have much movement though.


One of my students lent me a chi kung DVD put out by Garripoli and I approve of it.


Here is a youtube video clip of a piece of that DVD, I think you will approve:


I found the video for sale on ebay:

Beginning Qigong


I'm sure there are other DVDs that have some systems that are simple enough but many types of chi kung, like mine, are too complex and change continually, and you must have a good grounding in the internal arts and postures in order to be able to do it right in any case. It is best if you can find a teacher because learning the moving types of chi kung is better if you have some 'real time' visual input and feedback.

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Do you like to work with a DVD?


Ken Cohen is excellent in every way, and he has a DVD that shows and explains some Qigong movements that are very effective and easy to do. Nice walking meditation/Qigong in there too.


You couldnt make a better start than via Ken Cohen. Check him out.


Good Luck.

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Hi, DanC:


Looks like you've gotten some great advice. I second Starjumper7's recommendation of Master Lam's The Way of Energy. If visualization-intensive qigong has left a bad taste in your mouth, you might enjoy Master Lam's stripped-to-essentials approach: "just" standing.


Several years ago, my approach to qigong changed after participating in a workshop with the Garripolis. The movements we learned felt wonderful, and I bought their Qigong Beginning Practice DVD. I guess I'd gained enough from standing meditation to have a basis for practicing those moving forms, which are now the foundation of my qigong practice.


Another option, book-wise, is Roger Jahnke's The Healing Promise of Qi. It documents and teaches a dozen or so very simple forms, including moving ones, that can be used in combination or singly.


I don't own any of Ken Cohen's DVDs, but everything I've read about them has been very positive.


Take care and have fun!

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Guest sykkelpump

Anyone have any recommendations for Qigong Books/DVDs that have no vizualisations, I have tried

Qigong with Vizualisations and to me it takes focus away from the movement and awareness.

I was looking at Spring Forest and to me the Vizualisations put me off, I just can't get the feel of

them, I really prefer movement and breathing as the focus.




You can train level 1 active exersises without vizualisations with exellent results.I higly recommand it.It is much more powerful for opening energy cahannels than any other qi gong methotds I have practiced.It is just on another level I think ,and I have 15 years experience

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SPFQ looks good, but do you have to vizualise that you are breathing into every cell of your body

on every single exercise, because you also have to vizualise channels opening up as well on some exercises.

I might give it another look.



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Guest sykkelpump


SPFQ looks good, but do you have to

on every single exercise, because you also have to vizualise channels opening up as well on some exercises.

I might give it another look.




No ,you dont need to vizulise,but you can vizualise or try to feel that you are breathing into every cell of your body before you start the exersizes but you dont need to.

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So if you just have breathing into your skin in your awareness, whilst vizualising your central channel as

a rainbow of energy that should be sufficient, I really like the simplicity of the forms, Ive just got to get the other stuff like reverse breathing and vizualisations down pat.

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Anyone have any recommendations for Qigong Books/DVDs that have no vizualisations, I have tried

Qigong with Vizualisations and to me it takes focus away from the movement and awareness.

I was looking at Spring Forest and to me the Vizualisations put me off, I just can't get the feel of

them, I really prefer movement and breathing as the focus.





try this Hun Yuan Qigong, you can feel the chi, you don't need to visualize, for me works excellent I am the same kind of a feeling person, i cannot visualize anything...




Taiji ruler 1


Taiji ruler 2


I have the book in PDF if you like this qigong I will send you by mail


PS.The breathing is natural, you should focus on feeling the energy like a vibration or tingling in palms or dantian like an electrical current, or a magnetic feeling between palms and body, the rest is practice

Edited by steam

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Thanks I will PM you my email address.


The book is too large (17 Mb) so I uploaded here (only for 7days):


Standing Qigong:


Qigong the way of energy by Lam Kam Chuen:


Qigong the way of power by Lam Kam Chuen:

Edited by steam

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Guest sykkelpump

So if you just have breathing into your skin in your awareness, whilst vizualising your central channel as

a rainbow of energy that should be sufficient, I really like the simplicity of the forms, Ive just got to get the other stuff like reverse breathing and vizualisations down pat.


You are mixing the the exersizes.Dont you have the video?Anyway you should try the exersizes I doubt you find better ones

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I have only got the book Level 1 for Health, I might get the DVD as the instruction in the book is not

very detailed.

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Guest sykkelpump

I have only got the book Level 1 for Health, I might get the DVD as the instruction in the book is not

very detailed.

you can find the video on

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The book is too large (17 Mb) so I uploaded here (only for 7days):


Standing Qigong:


Qigong the way of energy by Lam Kam Chuen:


Qigong the way of power by Lam Kam Chuen:


Thanks, Feng Zhiqiang is a grand teacher of mine and I've learned the Hunyuan system. It is nice for a simple and effective non visualization system. Gao Fu told me she had a book written by Feng, about Chen style, which was for his students. She said she learned a lot from it, a lot that she didn't learn from being his student for so many years. Do you know if this book is available or translated?


also, I'm wondering about the copyright issues with putting those books out there in PDF form. Is that OK to do?

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Thanks, Feng Zhiqiang is a grand teacher of mine and I've learned the Hunyuan system. It is nice for a simple and effective non visualization system. Gao Fu told me she had a book written by Feng, about Chen style, which was for his students. She said she learned a lot from it, a lot that she didn't learn from being his student for so many years. Do you know if this book is available or translated?


also, I'm wondering about the copyright issues with putting those books out there in PDF form. Is that OK to do?


I am sorry I never heard of that book, though I might be interested in it


the other statement you made, I have only two comment: energy flows by its own way and if you don't pay money, you pay something else, some another time. it's OK if you accept the reality


here some more videos featuring Feng Zhiqiang:

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How about Fragrant Qigong. Seems quite popular and has no visualizations.


edit: Xiang Gong mentioned in the post below just happens to be another name for Fragrant Qigong.

Edited by freesun

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