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More Icelandic delicacies

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The traditional method is by gutting and beheading a Greenland or sleeper shark   (  The meat of the Greenland shark is poisonous when fresh, due to a high content of urea and trimethylamine oxide, but may be consumed after being processed)   and placing it in a shallow hole dug in gravelly sand, with the now cleaned cavity resting on a small mound of sand. The shark is then covered with sand and gravel, and stones are placed on top of the sand in order to press the shark. In this way the fluids are pressed out of the body. The shark ferments in this fashion for 6–12 weeks depending on the season. Following this curing period, the shark is then cut into strips and hung to dry for several months. During this drying period a brown crust will develop, which is removed prior to cutting the shark into small pieces and serving.


Archaeologist Neil Oliver tasted it in the BBC documentary Vikings as part of examining the Viking diet. He described it as reminiscent of "blue cheese but a hundred times stronger".


Chef Ainsley Harriott, during his series Ainsley Eats the Streets, was unable to handle the heavy ammonia taste and described it as "like chewing a urine-infested mattress".





It doesnt  LOOK as bad as an old  urine soaked  mattress .


I guess ya gotta smell and taste it as well as look at , to get the full effect




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Oh ... you dont like those ?


Perhaps rather, you are a surstromming man ?









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A basic Boy Scout lesson  ..... DO NOT open a bulging tin  ... and especially DO NOT eat what was in that tin ! 



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