Junior Marcus

Type of QiGong On-Line

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3 hours ago, lifeforce said:



Lam Kan Chuen made that fantastic teaching documentary, with beautiful music, interesting interviews and poetry, I always really liked it, and his books are also very good.
But ... his ever smiling face and "balloons" puts me off. 
Credit where it's due though.

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Hi, thank you for the Zhineng recommendation, so it appears this appears to be a style that's been put together by a famous master, and does seem to have the healing.  It seems to have standing practices, healing sounds, etc., does it contain bone-marrow stuff development and internal organs healing.  You have provided many links, I'll check then out.  Of all of them, which direction would you got learn on line that has the best instruction and can offer a complete instruction on-line as much as possible (I realize that nothing will replace person to person instruction).


Junior Marcus

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2 hours ago, Junior Marcus said:

Hi, thank you for the Zhineng recommendation, so it appears this appears to be a style that's been put together by a famous master, and does seem to have the healing.  It seems to have standing practices, healing sounds, etc., does it contain bone-marrow stuff development and internal organs healing.  You have provided many links, I'll check then out.  Of all of them, which direction would you got learn on line that has the best instruction and can offer a complete instruction on-line as much as possible (I realize that nothing will replace person to person instruction).


Junior Marcus


The 'Lift Qi Up, Pour Qi Down' course on Udemy by the 3 Monkeys School of Qigong is excellent. It goes into a lot of detail, but it's easy to follow. They are very good teachers. I gave it a 5 Star review. That is the starting point for Zhineng.


If you want in-depth explanations of the theory behind Zhineng and additional methods then download the book, 'The Methods of Zhineng Qigong Science' from daohearts.com. Payment went smoothly through PayPal.


For some free videos on YouTube you can watch Gina Lim, Luke Chan, and Mingtong Gu. There is another online teaching website - www.zhigongonline.com . It has a paid subscription, but I have been watching some of the free content from Master Liu. Also on YouTube is the 'Qi Channel' and talks/interviews with Ooi Kean Hin. Ooi has also authored several books on Zhineng.

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So I am assuming that the Udemy course is the same as anywhere else if I started QiGong in another place and can just build up on that.


Thank you!

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1 hour ago, Junior Marcus said:

So I am assuming that the Udemy course is the same as anywhere else if I started QiGong in another place and can just build up on that.


Thank you!

Yes, the sequence they teach follows exactly how it is described in Dr. Pang's book.

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Thank you, I will take your recommendation and start with that.  Do you know much standing meditation Zhineng covers (Zhan Zhuang)?


Is it covered in that course already?

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Thank you for insight thread, though I'm still confused whether i should invest in Zhan Zhuang.  Initially, I had a LOT of plans to do different styles, and now I think I'll be happy with 3.


Doing Mawang Dui


and Zhan Zhuang, or Gods Playing.


Not sure which should be my third one, or if they tend to overlap too much. 

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On 4/5/2019 at 3:34 PM, thelerner said:


I tend to think marry one art, flirt with others.  Though after a decade or two, it may be time for trial separations as you're a different person with different needs and perspective. 



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