
Who is Loneman Pai?

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1 minute ago, King Jade said:

 Okay we've seen it can  be faked. 

In your view true siddhis exist or not?


What are some true, real, not faked, feats of qigong you seen are possible?

Since everything is energy, you are a true, real, AND fake feat of Qigong.

It's your focus that determines what aspects of creation you choose to perceive, giving you the ability, thus then, to perceive more of that which is of like energy.

The first manifestation of that focus upona certain energy is always energy in motion, or emotion.

The secondary, is and will always be secondary. Not very relevant. As irrelevant as physical manifestations of that energy.


And the irrelevance of the physical evidence, is the reason why so many people get lost in between fake or real. Because they cannot change the mirror of reality, by insisting that the reflection in the mirror do something different than what you are doing. Energetically.

So one has to take responsability back, and not keep creating the same as what the mirror is showing, saying that the mirror decides for you... That doesn't make any sense.


As energy is the real language of existance. As even you are primarily 99% non-physical consciousness. But the evidence of your true being doesn't show up, all of the time. Because you are looking for it, outside yourself, in the reflection of the mirror. When it is in reality YOU who is the allower or disallower of the reflection of your true being, or not, in any given moment in time, more or less.


And the more often you choose to be the true all that you've become in your ever becoming, then the physical reality, will just reflect more evidence of all the things that support your evermore allowed becoming of all that you are, instead of not.


And how do you allow your energy to line up with your 99% true source of being? You simply understand, that you have a non-physical counter part, and that every thought/perspective you think or focus upon, causes an energy to be activated, and the relativity between this energy and your greater non-physical consciousness's knowing and energy, determines how you feel. As the better you feel, the more your energy is in alignment with the greater truth of your being and becoming, and the worse, the more your energy is in misalignment. 


So often, as you simply care unconditionally about how you feel, and your energy in motions alone, magical things can happen for you. Which are actually the way the universe works. But those around you, who are most often forgetful of who they truely are, will deem it magic or strange or lucky. Because they were not there, with you, on every thought you contemplated, which brought you joy in the moment, and how easily and effortlessly you went with that flow of inspiration because you cared about how you feel, and how all of that led to the full synchronisation of your true being and becoming with the all of who it is you've really become and are becoming evermore.

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2 hours ago, pegasus1992 said:

These people are vessels because their aim is not spiritual attainment.

Define spiritual attainment.

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18 minutes ago, joeblast said:

once a few years back, my coworker asked me well, what can you do?  so I held out my hand, totally white, and turned it red with blood for her in a few seconds time.   she gave me a funny look and said "you're weird" and walked away :lol:

Aww heck that ain't nothing even an average bloke can do that and more with blood flow with nothing more than a kiss from their favorite girl. :P

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2 hours ago, Pilgrim said:

Define spiritual attainment.

People want to feel worthy. That they are good and that they deserve to exist, just the way they are. That there's nothing wrong with them. That this life is not a mistake. But they exist for a reason and purpose that is good. And that they and everything is going well for them. That they're on their path towards everything that they want evermore. That they always have this emotional guidance that comes forth from the Source of their being and that they are always fully connected with their true original Source of being, which is the Source of All Creation, of infinite intelligence.

And that they always have full acces to all of that which they have truely become, for their own personal ever deserving attainment and achieving of anything and everything that they can ever possibly want for themselves. And so that nothing can ever go wrong for them.


That their worthiness and deservingness is a given. And that they need not do anything except allowing themselves to enjoy the evermore unfolding of that which is who it is they truely are, of all of that which their life has caused them to become. For the benefit of themselves and those around them evermore aswell.


And that this desire is not only very important to them, but it is the very reason why eternity and infinity is infact eternity and infinity. That they never have to doubt their own worthiness of all that they truely seek in their evermore expansion of evermore allowed flow of realisation of all that they can possibly ever want for themselves evermore.


Edit: made it shorter.


Edited by Everything
made it shorter

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3 minutes ago, Everything said:


People want to feel worthy. That they are good and that they deserve to exist, just the way they are. That there's nothing wrong with them. That this life is not a mistake. But they exist for a reason and purpose that is good. And that they and everything is going well for them. That they're on their path towards everything that they want evermore. That they always have this emotional guidance that comes forth from the Source of their being and that they are always fully connected with their true original Source of being, which is the Source of All Creation, of infinite intelligence. And that they always have full acces to all of that, for their own personal ever deserving attainment and achieving of anything and everything that they can possibly want for themselves. And so that nothing can ever go wrong for them.


That their worthiness and deservingness is a given. And that they need do nothing except enjoy the evermore allowed unfolding of all of that which their life has caused them to become, for the benefit of themselves and those around them aswell, evermore.


And that this desire is not only very important to them, but it is the very reason why eternity and infinity is infact eternity and infinity. That they never have to doubt their own worthiness of all that they truely seek in their evermore expansion of evermore allowed flow of realisation of all that they can possibly want to be do or have evermore. And their enjoyment of it, as the effortlessly  more fully allowed realisation of all of that which they can want evermore, is the joy that they truely seek in life. As the evermore allowed unfolding, of their evermore allowed realisation of the moreness of all that they've come to realise for themselves that they want evermore, and are thus then by virtue of their existance alone, worthy of, forevermore. 


And so in this natural state of their own given worthiness, of all that they want evermore,  life simply becomes effortless to them. Natural, free and enjoyable. And truely effortless. That all is well for them. And all is always getting even weller, evermore. That they don't need to do anything in order to allow life to simply naturally and effortlessly improve, evermore, in the way that it always does. And that they can simply enjoy the unfolding of that which is their life, evermore. For it does so, always, for the joy of that which is who you truely are, evermore.

This reply reminds me of the everyone gets a trophy for participating mentality. It also fails to answer the question, thanks for trying.


The very use of the phrase Spiritual Attainment negates the words above.


So I will ask again please define Spiritual Attainment.


From the dictionary we get the following.




1.Relating to or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.
"I'm responsible for his spiritual welfare"
synonyms:    nonmaterial, inner, psychic, psychical, psychological; More
2. Relating to religion or religious belief.




1. The action or fact of achieving a goal toward which one has worked.
"the attainment of a complete collection is the measure of a collector’s success"
a thing achieved, especially a skill or educational achievement.


From this we can say there is some achievement or collection of spirit or something immaterial.


Specifically what is it the Western MoPai folks are practicing for? 


In plain ol English what do they hope to get out of it?


To ignite paper and create electrical shocks? 


FYI grounding oneself literally with a wire attached to ones naked butt and leading to the ground outside probably should be avoided especially during a thunderstorm.

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2 minutes ago, Pilgrim said:

This reply reminds me of the everyone gets a trophy for participating mentality. It also fails to answer the question, thanks for trying.


The very use of the phrase Spiritual Attainment negates the words above.


So I will ask again please define Spiritual Attainment.


From the dictionary we get the following.




1.Relating to or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.
"I'm responsible for his spiritual welfare"
synonyms:    nonmaterial, inner, psychic, psychical, psychological; More
2. Relating to religion or religious belief.




1. The action or fact of achieving a goal toward which one has worked.
"the attainment of a complete collection is the measure of a collector’s success"
a thing achieved, especially a skill or educational achievement.


From this we can say there is some achievement or collection of spirit or something immaterial.


Specifically what is it the Western MoPai folks are practicing for? 


In plain ol English what do they hope to get out of it?


To ignite paper and create electrical shocks? 


FYI grounding oneself literally with a wire attached to ones naked butt and leading to the ground outside probably should be avoided especially during a thunderstorm.

They just want to allow their own ever becoming to naturally unfold, along the path of least resistance, in the way that it always will.


That someone else goes about it differently than you do, does not make their way any less deserving than your way. It is exactly through your appreciation of all the variety that is evermore, that you always come to a more fully allowed realisation and appreciation of all that is who it is you truely are being about aswell.

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1 hour ago, Everything said:

They just want to allow their own ever becoming to naturally unfold, along the path of least resistance, in the way that it always will.


That someone else goes about it differently than you do, does not make their way any less deserving than your way. It is exactly through your appreciation of all the variety that is evermore, that you always come to a more fully allowed realisation and appreciation of all that is who it is you truely are being about aswell.

Who are you speaking for?


I was not asking about how whatever it is you do, or how you do things. 


I am asking specifically in reference to the person quoted IE: a western Mopai proponent.


Might want to take the time to read and put questions asked by others in perspective outside of your own overwhelming desire to blurt out whatever is on your mind before doing so much writing.

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1 hour ago, Pilgrim said:

Who are you speaking for?


I was not asking about how whatever it is you do, or how you do things. 


I am asking specifically in reference to the person quoted IE: a western Mopai proponent.


Might want to take the time to read and put questions asked by others in perspective outside of your own overwhelming desire to blurt out whatever is on your mind before doing so much writing.

Ok, I can be more specific.


Let's say, someone lives a life, they were born good, and they experience allot of difficulties, but they still have this youthfullness passionate spirit in them. And it is not capable of being expressed. But that doesn't change the fact that they want to have fun. And to think, that they are inherently bad or not deserving of being who they truely feel they want to be, feels bad. So they are not allowed to think that thought. Or otherwise, they will suffer. But if they express their true being, they FEEL ALLOT BETTER, but, they also attract allot of negative judgement from the people around them, who have are disconnected from their own true being aswell.

So they got lost in this in between world.


Hence, they will simply ignore anyone who judges them for their rediculous beingness and expression of being.


However, they can't help but notice that no one likes them. And it drowns their own conscious awareness further so. So they continue to avoid people. And they become all the more weird because of it, estranged. Since they receive no love whatsoever, they simply become their own advocate.


And so they have to find a way to love themselves, to become their own source of love for themselves.


And the path of least resistance, thus then, becomes to express themselves, in secret. Because their SOUL KNOWS that they are loved by the people around them, but their physical being finds difficulty in reaching for that love. So even tho secret, it is yet ever so much desiring for public attention and recognition, and appreciation.


So do you then understand, how what you deem unnecessary, or delusionary, is simply due to a lack of appreciation of the people around them. However, very often, when that love or appreciation is found, they can suddenly, show themselves to a world, which for the most part dislikes them, in a way that works for both them and the world. And through this awkward co-creation, can actually flow tremendous benefit and expanded allowed realisation and awareness of the truth that is essential to so many people.


And you may think it is absolutely demonic or lost soul. But that is because you cannot see that which is at the core of who they are. Because everyone is essentially good at the core of they are. Even those we deem as demonic. As it is hidden, like covered in a layer of darkness. And shrouded by a horrific layer of suffering. And it is that goodness of who they are which drives them. And it is causing the physical being to struggle to find the path of least resistance for their very own full allowed expression of all that they truely wish to be do or have in life, which is always perfectly fine and good. But the path of least resistance becomes narrower and narrower.


And so it requires EXTREME counter measures, to break free from all of that resistance. Why? Because there is allot of momentum behind the negative contradictory energy, that they have picked up along their physical life. As negative thought forms of other humans who were not in full alignment with the full total all that they were in any given moment aswell.


And since these individuals never learned how to meditate, or seek unconditional alignment with their own true nature, they feel and believe they have to do the unimaginable in order to deserve to be, do or have anything that they want. Because their energetic thought patterns is only capable of perceiving all of these disconnected thought patterns from all the people around them. And then you come around, and judge them. Which causes them to take even more strange approaches to life. Like, they may want to burn the entire planet alife, with their mind power. Why? Simple. They just want to be deserving of who they truely already are. And recognized as being deserving of who they are, and supported in being who they are for no other reason than that they exist.


And in reality, that simply looks like this. "Look I can do these amazing things!"

"Oh wow I love you, can you tell me more about yourself?"

"Yeah, I had a difficult life, and so... And I have worked so hard to come to this point in my life."

"OH really? How good of you to have come so far! I think you deserve some recognition."

"Thanks, that means allot to me. So much infact, you remind me of why I am doing all of this stuff that I don't even want to be doing anyway... You really have struck a chord in me. Thanks, this means allot to me... Infact, I did all of this for you..."



This is the journey of life. And it is their soul that came here knowing all of this. For a very important reason, that it knew so well. And it is, simply, unconditional love. As that will always reveal the core of who anyone is, always.


As I always say, if you truely want to know who anyone truely is at the core of who they truely are, first you have to mate with your own soul. For otherwise, you will never recognize, that every single person in your life, is your soul mate. For if you are not being true to who you truely are, then how can you ever expect the people around you to be true to who they are aswell? 

Edited by Everything

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Do you feel I am judging you? Is that what this is about?


I was asking a fairly simple question in reply to what someone posted about a specific area of practice.


It was about Spiritual Attainment and what it means in the Western Mopai Tradition.


As far as I am concerned if a person practices something with no way to concretely express why and what it is for then they may be practicing something that they need a real teacher for that can tell them.


If a teacher can not explain this much then there is little reason to continue with them.


If a student does not know it is a poor reflection on the teacher.


Either way I am curious and not just about Mopai when it comes to this question. 


If someone were to ask me about Kriya for example and say what is the purpose of practice I can break it down for them in meaningful terms step by step explaining why and what each practice is for as well as what to expect.


Hope this helps clear up where I am coming from.

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At least Loneman Pai can do things that others such as mo pai level 4 fusion achievers cannot. Ie. hitting an object with chi to move it... Why does Level 4 need sorcery? The MOJ shows a bit on sorcery too.

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On 6/6/2019 at 7:41 PM, vonkrankenhaus said:


Science has proven that when you mix carbon disulfide and yellow phosphorus, once the liquid evaporates, this will ignite in the air.


Science has NOT proven that anyone can point at paper and have it burst into flames.


If you had study philosophy, you would know this. The philosophy it shows is "Showbiz".








And science has not proven that this it what John Chang did....thanks for leading yourself to that conclusion...so if theres no scientific evidence regards the fire phenomena ( and nobody ever claimed there was) we are left to assess the evidence and make a judgement call.....you seem to think that this fire thing and the LED display is all he's ever done......



On 6/6/2019 at 8:21 PM, vonkrankenhaus said:


What people call "siddhis" is just the comparison of trained with untrained people.


Trained people gain result from training that untrained people do not usually have.


Only surprising or different for the untrained.


I see a lot in almost 50 years of study.


Note that we do not practice Qigong to do "feats". Just to develop functioning and humanity.


People who come to this from Media always looking for "feats" because that's what the media wants to show - a show.


I can do a media job on you and show and describe many things I see in those decades of study, and impress you.


I can make videos that show things.


That will just make ME a target of this idiocy about putting on a show for the ignorant.


And what will I gain?


Idiots and the weak will want power they don't now have. Boring me even here in this group.


I will do it when I can figure out a way around that audience. A place and context. Maybe through a university that is already studying this, so university can post it.


I go slow. Maybe because I study Chang Ming Shu, I dunno. After 50 yrs, just now in last few yrs starting to teach anyone.


I'll do some demonstrations soon, and hopefully in a context that is showing proof at same time, etc.


None of this discussion here is good reason, but it will happen.








You're most welcome to come and join me to put that to the test, I need a decent test subject, and seeing as you think the likes of John Chang & SOTG is fake, I'll be 100% sure to pay specific detail to every minute detail ( unlike the souls who tested chang, and left themselves open to so much scrutiny) You'll also have full anonymity, so your wish to circumvent any audience will most definatley be granted...We can use the full range of neuoimaging equipment, so fMRI, fNIRS  and MEG/EEG...and be more precise after we work out the details of what you can do statically, and dynamically



On 6/6/2019 at 8:43 PM, Pilgrim said:

Define spiritual attainment.


Why exactly? Im curious


On 6/6/2019 at 10:58 PM, Pilgrim said:

This reply reminds me of the everyone gets a trophy for participating mentality. It also fails to answer the question, thanks for trying.


The very use of the phrase Spiritual Attainment negates the words above.


So I will ask again please define Spiritual Attainment.


From the dictionary we get the following.




1.Relating to or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.
"I'm responsible for his spiritual welfare"
synonyms:    nonmaterial, inner, psychic, psychical, psychological; More
2. Relating to religion or religious belief.




1. The action or fact of achieving a goal toward which one has worked.
"the attainment of a complete collection is the measure of a collector’s success"
a thing achieved, especially a skill or educational achievement.


From this we can say there is some achievement or collection of spirit or something immaterial.


Specifically what is it the Western MoPai folks are practicing for? 


In plain ol English what do they hope to get out of it?


To ignite paper and create electrical shocks? 


FYI grounding oneself literally with a wire attached to ones naked butt and leading to the ground outside probably should be avoided especially during a thunderstorm.


I do not know, why dont you go and ask them? Ive no association or affiliation there ( thats my second time saying that on this forum)



On 6/7/2019 at 12:13 AM, Pilgrim said:

Who are you speaking for?


I was not asking about how whatever it is you do, or how you do things. 


I am asking specifically in reference to the person quoted IE: a western Mopai proponent.


Might want to take the time to read and put questions asked by others in perspective outside of your own overwhelming desire to blurt out whatever is on your mind before doing so much writing.


No you are not asking a proponent of Western Mopai...you are asking a person who takes the current degree of evidence (what little it is) pertaining to John Chang, as indicative of activity that is paranormal by western reductionist materialistic frameworks...THAT IS ALL....and I would say the same for SOTG and a few others also....So please don't categorize me with a splinter cult I know nothing about.

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12 hours ago, pegasus1992 said:

No you are not asking a proponent of Western Mopai...you are asking a person who takes the current degree of evidence (what little it is) pertaining to John Chang, as indicative of activity that is paranormal by western reductionist materialistic frameworks...THAT IS ALL....and I would say the same for SOTG and a few others also....So please don't categorize me with a splinter cult I know nothing about.

My apologies, the error is in my understanding. I see so you are an outsider to all the Western MoPai stuff.


What have your findings revealed? 

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On 6/2/2019 at 4:44 PM, Forwards said:

Ive yet to light up light bulbs, but I've ruined plenty of electronic devices lol


How many have you personally lit up?

The international certification standard for qigong in China is to have household electricity through your body while you change the light on a 40 watt bulb. That is the training that Chunyi Lin did. I've already posted what Lonemanpai said about Chunyi Lin. thanks

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4 hours ago, voidisyinyang said:

The international certification standard for qigong in China is to have household electricity through your body while you change the light on a 40 watt bulb. That is the training that Chunyi Lin did. I've already posted what Lonemanpai said about Chunyi Lin. thanks

So you have not.  Just trying to clarify if your experience is hearsay or personal.


As of right now i agree with sotg on electric chi.  I can shock people but actual electrical items i can't operate.   I imagine if a person can light a bulb then they would be able to power and operate solely through chi a number of items.  I've interfered with and ruined electric devices but haven't solely powered them by touching them. Chi and electricity do seem to be different in this regard, even when it feels like I have powerlines connecting through me haha


I appreciate the reply. :)

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1 hour ago, Forwards said:

So you have not.  Just trying to clarify if your experience is hearsay or personal.


As of right now i agree with sotg on electric chi.  I can shock people but actual electrical items i can't operate.   I imagine if a person can light a bulb then they would be able to power and operate solely through chi a number of items.  I've interfered with and ruined electric devices but haven't solely powered them by touching them. Chi and electricity do seem to be different in this regard, even when it feels like I have powerlines connecting through me haha


I appreciate the reply. :)


Qigong has a bidirectional intention. So qigong master Yan Xin states how, in the book link I gave, a car he was in then had the battery go dead. So then he decided to transfer the electricity from a nearby powerline to restart the car. But he transferred too much electricity so the battery started smoking. So then he reversed his intention and then the car started.


Qigong master Chunyi Lin shared how he was driving and his tire went flat but instead of pulling over to fix it instead he used his qi to reinflate the wheel and keep driving. Then when he got home in the driveway the tire went flat again.


So I am not sure qigong has the intention to power mechanical devices although it can be used that way. There are healers who use electricity as part of their healing but as qigong master Yan Xin says - he proved that even though the household current went through him and the person he was touching was the ground - they felt not shock. Yan Xin said he is able to change is internal resistance and voltage levels to reduce the charge going into the person.


So I am not sure why a qigong master would want to operate "electrical items" because that is not the intention of qigong. Rather the intention of qigong is for healing energy that is done by the Emptiness or Universe. For example qigong master Chunyi Lin said when he got angry then light bulbs would explode in his house or his lawn mower would start smoking as he was mowing the lawn. But he said now from deeper meditation he doesn't get angry long enough to develop that type of intention.


So in other words the intention in qigong is from the Emptiness itself and the "bidirection" is based on the future/past dynamic. So there can be no personal intention for true power in qigong. If there is a personal intention then it has to be reversed as a bidirectional energy.


Western electrical power devices assume a symmetric form of power - the mathematics is symmetrical power and the Emptiness is actually from asymmetric time. I have had this discussion with Nobel physicist Brian Josephson who practices qigong with a colleague at Cambridge. If you look up how National Institute for Standards and Technology or NIST tests the origin of the Volt, the NIST test relies on the Josephson Junction. He received the Nobel Prize for discovering his Josephson Effect which originates from asymmetric power.


So the Josephson Junction has to convert that asymmetric power to a symmetric system. But now Nobel physicist Josephson realizes that the truth of the universe is based on asymmetric power or complementary opposites - this is also called noncommutative phase in relativistic quantum science. So this is what Eddie Oshins at SAIC realized is the secret of Daoist Neigong alchemy training. It's the basic principle underlying all the internal martial arts and the neidan meditation training.


For example h-bar means Planck's Constant based on a closed symmetric time phase cycle of h/2 pi aka ħ = h/(2π). But in fact spin 1/2 quanta are noncommutative to one phase cycle of 2 pi and so are converted to 720 degree spin that is symmetric math as the Poisson Bracket, circulating along a closed loop in a given time that is noncommutative! This is the secret cause of the Josephson Junction effect that converts phase into voltage as superconducting energy. In other words time is normally hidden in Planck's Constant as an outside parameter that has instead been converted to symmetric density as phase. And so due to noncommutative phase, de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony discovered there is a 2nd time operator that is from the future and superluminal, and nonlocal, as a guiding phase wave ether.

Edited by voidisyinyang
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1 hour ago, GSmaster said:

people who dont believe in siddhi or superhuman abilties usually have got none of those.


It wouldn't matter what the beliefs are of people who cannot tell real from tricks.


They cannot understand what they are seeing because they never really studied anything with anyone, not even chemistry or the fundamentals of electronics, and not Taoism, TaiJi philosophy, martial arts, or qigong either.







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12 hours ago, voidisyinyang said:


Qigong has a bidirectional intention. So qigong master Yan Xin states how, in the book link I gave, a car he was in then had the battery go dead. So then he decided to transfer the electricity from a nearby powerline to restart the car. But he transferred too much electricity so the battery started smoking. So then he reversed his intention and then the car started.


Qigong master Chunyi Lin shared how he was driving and his tire went flat but instead of pulling over to fix it instead he used his qi to reinflate the wheel and keep driving. Then when he got home in the driveway the tire went flat again.


So I am not sure qigong has the intention to power mechanical devices although it can be used that way. There are healers who use electricity as part of their healing but as qigong master Yan Xin says - he proved that even though the household current went through him and the person he was touching was the ground - they felt not shock. Yan Xin said he is able to change is internal resistance and voltage levels to reduce the charge going into the person.


So I am not sure why a qigong master would want to operate "electrical items" because that is not the intention of qigong. Rather the intention of qigong is for healing energy that is done by the Emptiness or Universe. For example qigong master Chunyi Lin said when he got angry then light bulbs would explode in his house or his lawn mower would start smoking as he was mowing the lawn. But he said now from deeper meditation he doesn't get angry long enough to develop that type of intention.


So in other words the intention in qigong is from the Emptiness itself and the "bidirection" is based on the future/past dynamic. So there can be no personal intention for true power in qigong. If there is a personal intention then it has to be reversed as a bidirectional energy.


Western electrical power devices assume a symmetric form of power - the mathematics is symmetrical power and the Emptiness is actually from asymmetric time. I have had this discussion with Nobel physicist Brian Josephson who practices qigong with a colleague at Cambridge. If you look up how National Institute for Standards and Technology or NIST tests the origin of the Volt, the NIST test relies on the Josephson Junction. He received the Nobel Prize for discovering his Josephson Effect which originates from asymmetric power.


So the Josephson Junction has to convert that asymmetric power to a symmetric system. But now Nobel physicist Josephson realizes that the truth of the universe is based on asymmetric power or complementary opposites - this is also called noncommutative phase in relativistic quantum science. So this is what Eddie Oshins at SAIC realized is the secret of Daoist Neigong alchemy training. It's the basic principle underlying all the internal martial arts and the neidan meditation training.


For example h-bar means Planck's Constant based on a closed symmetric time phase cycle of h/2 pi aka ħ = h/(2π). But in fact spin 1/2 quanta are noncommutative to one phase cycle of 2 pi and so are converted to 720 degree spin that is symmetric math as the Poisson Bracket, circulating along a closed loop in a given time that is noncommutative! This is the secret cause of the Josephson Junction effect that converts phase into voltage as superconducting energy. In other words time is normally hidden in Planck's Constant as an outside parameter that has instead been converted to symmetric density as phase. And so due to noncommutative phase, de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony discovered there is a 2nd time operator that is from the future and superluminal, and nonlocal, as a guiding phase wave ether.

Ok this is great, but you still don't say whether or not you can light up a lightbulb.

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14 hours ago, GSmaster said:

people who dont believe in siddhi or superhuman abilties usually have got none of those.


And I have plenty.

got 99 siddhis

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12 hours ago, vonkrankenhaus said:


It wouldn't matter what the beliefs are of people who cannot tell real from tricks.


They cannot understand what they are seeing because they never really studied anything with anyone, not even chemistry or the fundamentals of electronics, and not Taoism, TaiJi philosophy, martial arts, or qigong either.







Qigong.  Requires nothing but breathing and chi


...and multiple graduate degrees and a research team

  • Haha 2

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37 minutes ago, GSmaster said:

The hard thing about neigong and taoism is the one which is not written in books, cannot be explained by conventional means, and your regular gongfu qigong teaches knows nothing about it.


Tell us where you studied Taoism, Gongfu, Qigong, and Neigong, and who with, to even know what they contain.







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On 6/8/2019 at 4:12 PM, Pilgrim said:

My apologies, the error is in my understanding. I see so you are an outsider to all the Western MoPai stuff.


What have your findings revealed? 


Quite simply that John Chang himself is an authentic source of information and gives some insight into matters pertaining to the energetic mechanisms underlying neigong. I do not doubt what he said. His words regarding the after death process are strikingly similar to most esoteric schools of thought, regarding the purging of the spirit. Quite similarly, much of the energetic discussion is now confirmed by several others who lead schools, although the whole "dan tian cords" thing really confuses and eludes  me ( I know its been mentioned in other disciplines, but I cannot find much, if anything about it)


The splinter group I do not trust, they have nothing of value to add to the discussion. Their wild claim that john is the only authentic source of information in the world is quite simply idiotic. They are practicing with incomplete information, and will most likely hurt themselves. I think there's a guy travelling around Europe giving qi shocks to people, and another in Thailand. If they are so interested in that particular ability, I'm sure they would have sought one of them out.


I believe SOTG is correct when he speaks about JC using sorcery to an extent....but it is Daoist Sorcery, or at least a derivative of it...fu's , keris, offerings.....it is only a particular type of work that involves this. I also believe Drew's explanation of what he said about Changs abilities, and also because of my limited understanding of his internal alchemy book ( physics is not my area of study)


Finally, the Mopai method itself is most likely 1 way to achieve a certain goal...but there almost always more than one way to a destination, and given whats available, there's plenty of safer, complete teachings out their pertaining to matters of energy and the spirit. It's not something anyone should be doing, because it is detrimental to their health, which is bad for them, and because one should not annoy an egregore, particularly one that comes from a lineage such as that, which appears to have quite powerful proponents 


There's my opinion on the matter, which as you can see, has nothing to do with that group



JC = Some Legitimate insight

WMP = Nothing of Value to add

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1 hour ago, GSmaster said:

Bodhidharma was my taoist teacher


He died over 1500 yrs ago, so you did not study with him in any way, obviously.


"Little contemporary biographical information on Bodhidharma is extant, and subsequent accounts became layered with legend and unreliable details"


Plus, HE WASN'T A TAOIST. That is Buddhism and Shaolin, and I studied in a very famous lineage from those.


So you are not knowing enough to have any real informed opinion about any of this.







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2 hours ago, pegasus1992 said:

Quite simply that John Chang himself is an authentic source of information and gives some insight into matters pertaining to the energetic mechanisms underlying neigong.


A guy you never actually ever met and have never actually talked to or even seen in person?


This is a guy who does obvious street performer tricks, which have been described online for a long time.


And where and who with did you study any Qigong or Neigong to know how to discern or have opinion about any "energetic mechanisms underlying neigong"?


If you never studied this, why are you writing about it?








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8 minutes ago, GSmaster said:

How old do you think I am?


Not even old enough to know Bodhidharma wasn't a Taoist.


It fine to have opinions. But yours are not informed or educated opinions.


Like the claim that Bodhidharma was your "Taoist teacher", or any of the "Chang" junk.






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