
Corporate Meditation and Weapons of Mass Distraction

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I thought some Bums might like this article. I have seen an explosion in promoting mindfulness and meditation apps. It is ironic that the same companies that are always vying for our attention are now telling us to meditate to be more calm so we can be more productive workers.


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2 hours ago, escott said:

I thought some Bums might like this article. I have seen an explosion in promoting mindfulness and meditation apps. It is ironic that the same companies that are always vying for our attention are now telling us to meditate to be more calm so we can be more productive workers.



I dont quite see it as a bad thing. 


I think people are just realizing how to make the most of their brain, and it’s catching on because it works. 


the flipside could be that our material based society and stressful work habits need to be balanced by stuff like meditation and self care.  I’m sure there’s many corporations that don’t care about their workers mental health, and I appreciate forward thinking companies like Google that offer mindfulness workshops.  


The one thing I do agree with is it’s better with a tradition such as Buddhism or some sort of spirituality, than just a cold scientific approach. 

Edited by Fa Xin
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Meditation is about energetic alignment.

Energetic releasing of resistance.

And energetic allowing of aligned harmonicc of physical and non-physical energy of a perfect blend of the total you, that alignment feels like good feeling energy in motion, or positive emotion.


1. You do that by focusing your mind on anything like a meaningless mantra. So you let go of all thought. Releasing of energetic resistance.

2. And then relaxing into your good feeling nature, emotionally, energy motionally. Allowing it to flow more fully through you by allowing yourself to feel it more fully and allow it flow more fully through you. Feeling it and allowing it to flow more fully through you is one and the same thing. Being and becoming.


And then again. And again and again. 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2. Untill you feel absolute bliss. Like breathing in and out and rejuvinating your body with fresh oxigen. You do this releasing of resistance and allowing your true nature, it fills your physical life with your own soul.


If people teach that, well, I'll just see it as an opportunity to feel more joy in the here and now moment.

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I'm just always suspicious when corporations promote anything...


I wonder if anyone here has tried any meditation apps. Years ago I got a Photosonix Muse light and doing machine. It didn't do anything for me. I prefer to do things the old fashioned way - focus attention on the breath.

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Mindfulness ... is vastly degraded as are many popular traditions.

For instance going to a Yoga class is actually "Asana" and most Yogis never did any, and it has limited value in self-realisation.

Human society is unconscious ... when it is seen that something is fashionable then the charlatans will join in promoting it ... but because they have no real interest in self-realisation they will naturally not be able to teach the real thing.

They are unable to comprehend the real thing, so they teach a degraded version with all important bits removed.

Mindfulness of the outside environment is useless.

One needs to be "mindful" of your real self inside, in other words become absorbed in the inner feeling of on'es reality.

What good is it to be mindful of clouds and walls and candles ?
Not only will corporations promote this, but people will promote this to themselves, because few people seem at all interested in their real nature ... it is just too far from them.

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It is very ironic. I once - soon after 9/11 - had an Asian-american young lady ask me what I thought of the Feng Shui of Manhattan - I think where she was from. So Manhattan used to be virgin native forest but now it's an epicenter of global trading that is destroying ecology. I don't think the dragon lines as qi energy are very conducive to all the pollution and electromagnetic pollution, etc. as supposed Feng Shui. But now architects are supposedly incorporating Feng Shui as well.


So yoga and meditation are things we can do on a superficial level for healing but their deeper philosophy have structural implications that few inquiry about or consider.



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Mindfulness and meditation apps!  :o


Are you kidding me!? Who wrote those apps ... and for what purpose ... and am I going to turnover the nature of my meditations sessions to another party?





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On 25-7-2019 at 7:50 PM, escott said:

focus attention on the breath.

Object of focus, for the purpose of quieting the mind, doesn't actually matter that much. As long as it doesn't encourage thought, and if it's easy to focus on it, it's all good. And the more consistently you hold your attention there, your focus improves and you're able to quiet your mind and go deeper into the "receiving mode" where you begin to stop offering thought and start receiving thought from your greater knowing, how do you know? Those thoughts feel very good emotionally, it's like an energy stream of consciousness, that is your own greater non-physical consciousness. You flow your true nature more fully through you, and the knowing of your greater deeper non-physical conscious of greater knowing, is capable of being realised by you more fully, which means you feel very good at first, come to realise your greater knowing, you got acces to a way higher intelligence and wisdom, as your energy sort of relaxes back into it's default natural state of high integrative capability of fuller realisation. This knowing is of the soul of all that you truely are and have become and are being and becoming the ever MOREness of.  So you could say, people who are new to meditation, maybe 20 minutes is enough to reach enlightenment. Maybe 40. If done more often they know what works for them what helps them focus fully and release thought fully, and sometimes it can be shorter. Sometimes it happens in a minute or maybe two. Best time to meditate is before sleep and after you wake up. As before sleep, your natural enlightenment will be realised by you more fully more consciously, and upon awakening you will also be more  fully realised, then another meditation and you basically got the energy which creates worlds flowing through you for your joyous path of least resistance towards all things that you can ever want to be do or have, tangible or intangible. You will realise all that you truely are being and becoming evermore.


But in short words, yeah, the practice itself is as simple as focusing on your breath to release all thought. Because when you release all thought, you also release all resistant thought which are self contradictory in energy motional nature of being in contradiction with itself, causing negative emotions, which prevent your natural self realisation which feels more like joy, freedom, love, bliss, whatever you wanna call those good feeling positive emotions indicating a blending of you physical and the greater more full total all that you are YOU non-physical greater consciousness.

So when those resistant thoughts, which feel more like negative emotion,  are out of the way, the blending of you (physical) and YOU (non-physical) of all that you truely are being and becoming evermore, allows for your or its natural self realisation for you, as it  will simply thus then be allowed to happen simply  automatically all by itself. It's simply who you are. As the total being of all that you truely are. You allow that more fully as you release energetic thought patterns which are self contradictory in nature. As those energetic thought patterns causes a lessening of your greater non-physical consciousness flowing more fully more consciously through you. So letting them go, through a technique like meditation, means, you will begin to receive your greater non-physical consciousness thought energy streams of greater knowing of more fully realised thought forms, of greater knowing and realisation, of all that you truely are being and becoming in evermore greater freedom and joy. Of true knowing and realisation and freedom thus. Of all that you truely are being and becoming evermore.


Any meditation that helps you withdraw your consciousness away from your physical awareness is a very good meditation. For me sound works very well, perfect blend between physical and non-physical. To focus on my experience of a sound. Auditory experience. Sometimes I even focus on the absence of a sound, I internally voice a mantra (meaningless sound of my own inner voice or ability to imagine a sound, imagination being the same ability as your ability to conjure a memory) then I listen ineternally to the evermore fading absence of that sound and I hold my attention there. This is a deep thoughtless state of non-physical internal awareness of pure thought and pure awareness. This allows my awareness to be fully immersed and focused fully on my ability to allow my greater non-physical consciousness and it's greater knowing to flow more fully through me, more fully and consciously allow its and my realisation to blend and co harmonize, the experience of immense serenity, joy,  and it requires deliberate powerful/consistently held focus to ensure it is all that you experience. And you will be naturally drawn to do this more fully and deliberately once you realise how powerful it is when you allow yourself to feel this good and flow all this inspiration through you. This almost always works for me, and I find it very easy to do, and it gets me fully inspired very quickly to realise my path of least resistance towards the being and becoming in full alignment of all that I truely am being and becoming evermore, in full harmony and alignment with my entire soul fully flowed here and now, as all that I may ever want to be do or have, as my consciousness fully expands into all of my greater knowing,  with all of my greater knowing emmediately flowing more fully through me of greater allowed inspiration.  of higher intelligence and wisdom, and further greater allowed realisation ongoingly along the path of least resistance of joy and all those positive good feeling emotions indicating the energy motional alignment of my physical being with my greater non-physical consciousness' greater knowing.


So I keep focusing on the ever more subtle in my awareness, and the deeper I allow myself to focus into it and go into it, the more fully I feel enlightened, and the more fully I allow my natural state of being in. Tapped in to my greater knowing which allows me to more fully allow my natural inspiration to flow more fully through me, of my soul, all the way up to infinite intelligence full blown realisation of your evermore being and becoming evermore fully here and now, that would feel like extatic rapturous bliss of fully realised evermore greater allowed realisations of freedom and joy evermore.


The goal is simply to quiet your mind, so that you can allow your greater knowing to flow more fully through you. As it is subtle at first, but if you allow your mind to quiet long enough, you will begin to feel the greater knowing more fully, and it will flow more fully through you, and you will realise it more fully, and it will become more fully realised by you, aswell. Naturally effortlessly. All you gotta do is allow it to happen. And meditation is wonderful tool and technique to practice your ability to allow your greater knowing and blending with your greater non-physical consciousness for its fuller allowed realisation by you. And the reason is, because it is simply easier to think no thought, than it is to all of the sudden begin to think pure positive thought of your soul's greater knowing of pure positive thought of high frequency high integrative infinite intelligence and eternal wisdom. So you go back in yourself, let go of all thought, and you come out more fully realised. Your emotions guide you on your way to your fuller more greater allowed realisation. Your emotions help you know how you are doing on the allowing part. You can feel the state of allowance, as it feels very good. Because it is compatible with your nature to flow your greater nature/knowing/realisation more fully through you.

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Some people in an FB group I'm a member of were saying they use these Apps to help them with meditation,  saying that it's helpful in tem8nding them to focus when they get distracted. 


This is missing the point of meditation completely.  You are supposed to be 3xercising the art and skill of soong this yourself from within,  not using something outside of you dictating your inner being. 


I wonder what kind of negative effects they ate practicing when doing this?  When I am driving when ever something causes anxiety, stress,  or whatever which can be frequent when driving, I immediately return to my breath and relax everything.  I am training myself to regulate my experience and to return to stillness, and remain calm and relaxed when ever I feel a hint of stress. 


If someone becomes accustomed to letting their mind wonder and body tense up until their phone tells them to focus what are they training themselves to do?


This is corruption from a materialistic consumer society. 


I know people that if you told them the benefits of meditation were something you could buy and swallow for the effects they would pay top dollar for that something as a product;  when you tell them that it is a discipline and a practice that you have to go into naked with no products and do iT all with mind and focus, concentration and discipline,  and that really they have to do it all yourself they don't want to do it.  As consumers we constantly think in terms of products we can buy to meet our challenges for us. 


Meditation works so they want to bottle it up and sell it.  There is no indication that what is in the bottle works,  no proof.

Maybe it relaxes a person to listen to the app and calm down but meditation is much more than remaining calm. 

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