
Mouna Samadhi

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The mind is weak on it's own. So Ramana Maharshi recommends a vegetarian diet plus breathing exercises in order to help focus the mind and also sitting in half lotus. He says Westerns are too "raja" -- their minds are too active in thought.


Ramana Maharshi focuses on LISTENING to the source of sound -- either japa or a mantra but most importantly the logos, the source of the I-thought.


Ramana Maharshi recognizes that kundalini and prana are part of establishing dyana (Ch'an) or a one-focused mind but he argues that the electromagnetic life force ultimately descends from the head going back to the heart, thereby getting to the root of the mind.


I recommend that you read Swami Vivekananda's Lectures on Yoga -- a series of books on raja and jnana yoga. Vivekananda explains that what Ramana Maharhsi practiced is the highest level of yoga -- nirvikalpi samadhi. When this is achieved the body is full of electromagnetic fields so greatly that it's just like deep sleep -- you don't feel the body and you're immersed in bliss. Most meditators never even achieve this first step to true meditation!


Ramana Maharshi teaches that when most yogis achieve nirvikalpi samadhi the ego takes over and the energy of the body is used for astral travel or for paranormal powers or for putting the body into a deep trance that stops time, etc. Ramana Maharshi states that these are just temporary abilities of the mind whereas ONLY by holding onto the "I"-thought as dyana, a focused concentration of one-thought, can the mind continue to go deeper into it's root within the body, whereby finally the self-awareness of the I-thought gets to its root, beyond the body. This can also happen by surrender or LISTENING to the source of a mantra or japa -- what Ramana Maharshi calls MOUNA SAMADHI (silence samadhi).


When the ego, attached to the body, is finally destroyed, after the heart stops for 10 minutes, then the mind can no longer accumulate karma and at death there is no reincarnation and while alive each breath and each thought AUTOMATICALLY resonates to pure consciousness.


What this means is that there is no evolution, that the only real truth is beyond time and space, that the whole universe is actually an illusion, etc.


But again since the mind is weak on its own normally, as Vivekananda details, the body must be harmonized so that nirvikalpi samadhi can be achieved. What the Taoists and Mahayana Buddhist and Gurdjieff teaches is that the harmonization of the body is based on an abstract process of the logos as 1-4-5 nonwestern music intervals. Gurdjieff uses the perfect 5th interval for his alchemy, detailed in "In Search of the Miraculous" while his "cirulation of energy" practice is the same as the small universe practice c.d. sold by http://springforestqigong.com and described in the book "Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality." As my masters thesis "epicenters of justice," readable online, documents, the 1-4-5 music intervals are actually the yin-yang and empty awareness harmonics. Mircea Eliade's book on yoga describes how the same small universe exercise was used in India as well.


So first practice the small universe in order to ionize your lower emotion electrochemicals so that more energy goes to your brain for stronger concentration. The active exercises that are sold from http://springforestqigong.com are the same as simple tai-chi and the secret of Gurdjieff's dances.


After you get the body harmonized then 20 minutes of full-lotus is worth 4 hours of any other exercise for enabling the harmonized electromagnetic energy to leave your third eye, thereby healing people, as your lower body takes in their unharmonized lower emotions -- anger, fear, sadness, worry, over-excitement.


This process is again impersonal and enabled by the 1-4-5 harmonics of the logos. An excellent book studying the origins of tantra in relation to the establishment of patriarchal monotheism and monism is WHEN GOD WAS A WOMAN by Merlin Stone. The original "god" is the snake-goddess -- the Tai-chi symbol -- the kundalini -- Pythagoras -- found as a statue in a cave from 80,000 BCE, Bushmen Africa.

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Interesting, great post. Could you explain better, "the harmonization of the body is based on an abstract process of the logos as 1-4-5 nonwestern music intervals." ?

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OK on Friday I was talking to my coworkers about these issues after having given one of the Gurdjieff's second book "Meetings with Remarkable Men" and also Autobiography of a Yogi. They're asking me questions and the radio is on in the background.


All of a sudden Bessie Smith is singing the blues and I say see -- she just went to the 4 chord, now back to the one, now to the 5 chord, the 4 chord and then the one chord.


They couldn't hear it because they're not musicians. Then another blues singer came on the radio and I showed them again:


see -- he's singing the same note as while on the one chord but the chord switches to the 4 chord since it's the same harmonic. This adds tension which builds to the 5 chord and then resolves back to the one chord.


He can sing the same note because it's based on the same overtones and Taoism works the same way -- the consciousness or emptiness is what Ramana Maharshi calls:




and as this resonates it creates bliss -- the 4 chord -- the yin electrochemical energy of the harmonized lower emotions and as they resonate it goes to the 5 chord -- which is great intensity of consciousness -- and so it finally resolves back to the one chord.


The process is something we LISTEN to because we exist within consciousness.


So the microcosmic orbit or small universe is just the 12 notes of the chromatic scale only as along the outside of the body -- the 12 notes are actually a cycle of the 1-4-5 harmonics:


C G D A E B F# C# G# D# A# F C


That's the Western "circle of fifths" but the actual REAL harmonics is infinite -- so that the 1-4-5 doesn't return to the same "C" an octave higher but an "evolved" level of consciousness -- an increased awareness.


The self-awareness is actually the 5th or yang, electromagnetic energy, while the Underlying Current is formless -- it's own own reality that we exist within.


No One can Know the Tao -- we just listen to it.


I have articles at http://mind-energy.net for more details. Just google "Secrets of Psychic Music Healing" or "Against Archytas" , or "The Yan Xin Secret"


The full-lotus is just the Tetrad -- 1-4-5 as the harmonic ratios 1:2 (octave) 2:3 (yang or fifth) and 3:4 (yin or 4th). The tetrad is the Western Pythagorean Logos as the Tai-chi symbol.


The full-lotus is just a 3 dimensional tetrad -- the tetrahedron -- based on nonwestern harmonics of consciousness.


The central chakras are 7 to 9 in number -- the same as the diatonic scale built from the 1-4-5 dynamics. It's 7 to 9 because the octave starts over at 8 but the octave doesn't line up with the previous octave -- this is called "the Comma of Pythagoras" in western music and it undermines all of western science and philosophy, etc.


My blogbook http://mothershiplanding.blogspot.com is about the structural effects of this issue in the West.

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No One can Know the Tao -- we just listen to it.

This is a secret so deep we can never understand it - only listen to it :D


My teacher say that once you learn to listen there are no secrets, everything becomes obvious. This is the only ability we need in our developement.

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Ramana Maharshi recognizes that kundalini and prana are part of establishing dyana (Ch'an) or a one-focused mind but he argues that the electromagnetic life force ultimately descends from the head going back to the heart, thereby getting to the root of the mind.

Very interesting discussion Drew. I'm a bit ignorant of some of the concepts and plan to spend some time looking at your work. I would suggest some caution about interpreting Ramana's comments regarding head, heart, and mind. I may be misreading you but I feel that you are referring to the individual head, heart, and mind above. More often than not, his references to heart refers to the universal heart which he frequently uses interchangeably with Self (universal self) and, I think, mind. There is a nice discussion of his use of terms in David Godman's book. If I'm mistaken about your intention, please ignore my post!


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I'll need to read all of this musical ratio stuff with a guitar in hand...at work doesnt cut it :D

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OK first of all a guitar won't work! That's EXACTLY my point -- I'm against equal-tempered tuning because it kills the complementary opposite harmonics which violate geometric symmetry. That's what is so radical about Taoism -- all of western music is mind control creating a condition of military-type aggression (the major mode) or nostalgia sentimental obedience to the state (the minor mode) as sanctified by Plato.


Now on Ramana Maharhi's "heart" -- we'll again he's promoting mind yoga which relies on separation of Brahmin males from females -- that's the only way mind yoga works. Mind yoga relies on an anthropocentric view of reality whereas Taoism relies on snake goddess worship, documented to be 80,000 years old, as per the recent discovery of a Bushmen snake statute in a cave, a statue from 80,000 BCE.


That's why jnana yoga is all the rage among the white male bourgeois "what is enlightenment" scene -- just like zen was in the 1970s, etc. That's why Master Nan, Huai-chin trashes zen -- it's too conceptual and doesn't rely on opening up the body channels.


So we have to be careful with Ramana Maharshi.

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It's a good question and people get pissed when I tell them I don't listen to equal-tempered tuned music aka western music.


For example consider raga music. Ravi Shankar states IT'S NOT JAZZ. So all this fusion stuff -- it's ignoring and even destroying the true meaning of the raga -- which is a form of yoga. There were ragas that even created lightening -- because the musicians body would be so full of chi.


Music should be an extension of the yin-yang dynamics of mind-body consciousness. So in the Bushmen culture the women sing 10 hours straight all night using really precise harmonics while the men do qigong healing through trance dance.


Equal-tempered tuning cuts off the complementary opposite harmonics as yin-yang healing -- so any music where the western tuning is the structure of the music destroys this dynamics. Some western music may just rely on octaves -- like some R & B or hip hop -- where the polyphonics are really barebones and the main reliance is the voice.




all you gotta do is rip off them frets... B)


drew, do you think there is any kind of equal temperment based music that avoids falling into the two traps you describe? what about those that incorporate both western and non-western tonalities? or how about experimental forms of electronic synthesis, microtonal music, etc.?

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It's a good question and people get pissed when I tell them I don't listen to equal-tempered tuned music aka western music.


For example consider raga music. Ravi Shankar states IT'S NOT JAZZ. So all this fusion stuff -- it's ignoring and even destroying the true meaning of the raga -- which is a form of yoga. There were ragas that even created lightening -- because the musicians body would be so full of chi.


Music should be an extension of the yin-yang dynamics of mind-body consciousness. So in the Bushmen culture the women sing 10 hours straight all night using really precise harmonics while the men do qigong healing through trance dance.


Equal-tempered tuning cuts off the complementary opposite harmonics as yin-yang healing -- so any music where the western tuning is the structure of the music destroys this dynamics. Some western music may just rely on octaves -- like some R & B or hip hop -- where the polyphonics are really barebones and the main reliance is the voice.

what do you recommend listening to? Ive been listening to some native american flute music lately is it condusive to complementary opposite harmonics?

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hehehe I knew you were going to say that, Drew. I'll have to use my upright bass then, which is fretless :D but then again - if it is ratios we're talking about...I dont want to hijack this thread by going too far off with musical ratios, so I'm going to create another, but not this moment. I do want to get a better understanding of it.

C G D A E B F# C# G# D# A# F C is why I said I was going to get out my guitar - I noticed in there that the progression spans multiple octaves, then I realized that played ascending in that sequence it easily spans more octaves than the guitar has available. I'll have to play with it and see what I can make of it. regarding the 1-4-5, cant that be done with using note ratios on an equal tempered instrument?

What's a good instrument to try this with? hehehe


Steve, yepper! My dad gave me an old acoustic when I was 7, 8, 10, something like that...I still play it! Got into electrics when I was 11, 12, bass when I was 14. Been banging on drums since I can remember, but I've really only gotten any good in the last 5 years when I started playing drums in a band! (and I had to take my sig from a favorite band :D)

Edited by joeblast

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Ok what I'm talking about is abstract yet really radical so bear with me. The circle of fifths is western because it averages and divides the natural overtones so that pure number (1:2:3:4 as yin-yang-consciousness) can be subverted into time as distance (irrational geometry). So the 12 fifths don't keep naturally resonating when they are warped into the equal-tempered tuning because that relies on the square root of two, determined as an inverse square law (with the original equation as arithmetic mean times harmonic mean equals geometric mean squared, so that 3:2 x 4:3 = 2 as the octave, no longer as the overtone harmonic of doubling frequency, but as the square as geometric mean with the square root as the tritone or 9/8 cubed.


Again my article with commentary, "against archytas" by drew hempel at http://mind-energy.net goes into all the technical details.


Listen to traditional nonwestern music -- which is hard to find because even global music relies on western tuning now. But there's a lot out there. I like Anuradha Paudwal -- an Indian singer -- her T-series devotional music -- even though it's some what westernized. The female voice is the best for meditation, as per the Bushmen practice.

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Blogger Great Galactic Ghoul said...


The conscious observer in science is technology since the measurement relies on negative infinity through geometric proof by contradiction as an upper limit, ever since Plato's introduction of zero and geometric incommensurability (see professor H.M. Collin's recent academic article, "Lead to Gold.")


Science relies on the consciousness of matter as mass or amplitude density -- the increase of the time period or height of the energy wave, from increased tension of space as weight -- thereby destroying organic life on earth.


According to the three different consciousness science books by Puharich, Bentov and Fred Alan Wolf, as brain nerve frequency decreases to 7 Hz, the pulse of the ionosphere-earth resonance, then the amplitude energy of the brain, the time period, increases as synchronized light, as per the square of the time period, just like a laser.


The increased amplitude enables consciousness to detach from the body but because of quantum uncertainty, as the time period increases, the space period decreases, so that ultimately only infinite consciousness remains, as taught by Ramana Maharshi.


The decrease in space period is why the projection of mind consciousness, through increase of nerve electron-proton time period, is inversely proportional to the decrease of nerve pulse frequency of the mind-body electrochemical system.


In chapter 16 of "In Search of the Miraculous" Gurdjieff diagrams this inverse relation of mind-body-consciousness through the change of "center of gravity," for the three main energy centers -- the brain, heart and stomach.


So for an astral body to develop the brain must decrease from the thinking nerve pulse frequency (Hydrogen 48) to the moving center frequency (Hydrogen 24 -- an inverse increase in electron light time period or consciousness) while the heart is now the brain frequency as Hydrogen 48). The final stage of this inverse relation between brain and body is when the sex energy (Hydrogen 12) is now in the heart center as love energy (the sublimation and ionization of the lower emotions) while the brain energy is the slower frequency of Hydrogen 6, with in inverse increase in light consciousness time period.


The full-lotus accomplishes this harmonic inverse ratio ionization naturally since the brain frequency is slowed down by the increase in body amplitude energy going up through a harmonic vortex, like a black hole spacetime cone, thereby enabling the time period of the consciousness to expand.


Again the synchronization of the consciousness as light wave amplitude or holographic laser is enabled by the inherent asymmetric or complementary opposite harmonics of pure number based on logical inference beyond time -- not the geometric proof by contradiction of incommensurability used ever since Plato and relied on in Einstein's relativity and Bohr's quantum mechanics.

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Again the synchronization of the consciousness as light wave amplitude or holographic laser is enabled by the inherent asymmetric or complementary opposite harmonics of pure number based on logical inference beyond time -- not the geometric proof by contradiction of incommensurability used ever since Plato and relied on in Einstein's relativity and Bohr's quantum mechanics.

Wonderful! If we look at nature, at first glance it looks symmetric. But if we take a closer look it really isnt. There are errors all over the place! And that is what makes beautiful and fascinating!


My girlfriends sister is an artist and she gave us an abstract picture that really got my attention. I looked at it for many days without realizing why this pictue was so fascinating. It looked just like any other abstract pictures, but had a little touch of something else. Then suddenly I noticed that every line was broken, and every field of colour was uncomplete.


But Drew, have you read The Keyes of Enoch by J.J.Hurtak? He uses pretty much the same kind of scientific language that you do and talks a lot about how consciousness and matter is related.

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The increased amplitude enables consciousness to detach from the body but because of quantum uncertainty, as the time period increases, the space period decreases, so that ultimately only infinite consciousness remains, as taught by Ramana Maharshi.


The decrease in space period is why the projection of mind consciousness, through increase of nerve electron-proton time period, is inversely proportional to the decrease of nerve pulse frequency of the mind-body electrochemical system.

fabulous!!! :)

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Yeah actually I'm totally against James Hurtak and the New age scene -- Jose Arguelles, Drunvalo Melchizadek, Dan Winter, etc. I go into the details in my blogbook -- http://mothershiplanding.blogspot.com.


See the New Age states that Nature NEEDS the irrational fraction as the Freemasonic golden ratio, in order to spiritually evolve -- which is the opposite of the Tao where by 2:3 is yang and 3:4 is yin -- Taoism does not use Western irrational fractions. The new age scene takes western math, based on irrational geometry and projects it back onto Egypt, Mayans, the Kogi, Taoism, etc. -- it's all a big lie and scam, exposed in the Stargate Conspiracy book by Prince and Picknett, as well as my research.

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Yeah actually I'm totally against James Hurtak and the New age scene -- Jose Arguelles, Drunvalo Melchizadek, Dan Winter, etc. I go into the details in my blogbook -- http://mothershiplanding.blogspot.com.


See the New Age states that Nature NEEDS the irrational fraction as the Freemasonic golden ratio, in order to spiritually evolve -- which is the opposite of the Tao where by 2:3 is yang and 3:4 is yin -- Taoism does not use Western irrational fractions. The new age scene takes western math, based on irrational geometry and projects it back onto Egypt, Mayans, the Kogi, Taoism, etc. -- it's all a big lie and scam, exposed in the Stargate Conspiracy book by Prince and Picknett, as well as my research.

Yeah, I can see how mathematics and limited understanding is projected onto other independent traditions, but why is it a lie and a scam?


I tried to read your blog, and from what I could make out of it, you say new age is connected to CIA and mindcontrol experiences, right? This is a super-conspiracy, a conspiracy theory about the conspiracy theorizers :D Where does it end!

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Yeah actually I'm totally against James Hurtak and the New age scene -- Jose Arguelles, Drunvalo Melchizadek, Dan Winter, etc. I go into the details in my blogbook -- http://mothershiplanding.blogspot.com.


See the New Age states that Nature NEEDS the irrational fraction as the Freemasonic golden ratio, in order to spiritually evolve -- which is the opposite of the Tao where by 2:3 is yang and 3:4 is yin -- Taoism does not use Western irrational fractions. The new age scene takes western math, based on irrational geometry and projects it back onto Egypt, Mayans, the Kogi, Taoism, etc. -- it's all a big lie and scam, exposed in the Stargate Conspiracy book by Prince and Picknett, as well as my research.

Would you mind expounding on this for me? or pointing to me to a place where it is more thoroughly covered. What is the irrational fraction and the freemasonic golden ration? In what way is it projected back onto egypt, mayans etc...? please excuse my ignorance, I am very curious about all of this. does the stargate conspiracy disscuss this?

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Well the Stargate Conspiracy used to have a website but it got attacked by the CIA -- as the authors Prince and Picknett described. The website named Drunvalo Melchizadek and Jose Arguelles, while the book discusses James Hurtak. The book is focused on the CIA, the New Age and Egypt and a general promotion of technology as spirituality -- so that people put trust in aliens, etc., to unite humanity -- we need to attack the aliens. It sounds crazy -- but people really do worship technology so....


According to http://viewzone.com Dan Eden's website -- Hurtak works for the NSA -- the top secret spy agency or maybe it was the DIA -- anyway his meeting with Hurtak is online and I've corresponded with Eden, plus he posted an article I wrote for his website.


Arguelles relies on symmetrical based time -- whereas Taoism and paranormal healing relies on complementary opposites -- so Arguelles' use of "scalars" is just a total projection of the West back onto Mayans. A much better insight is


Martin Prechtel's book Secrets of the Talking Jaguars -- village-based Mayan shamanism is completely like Taoism -- based on complementary opposites.


As for the Golden Ratio -- there's academic stuff online saying it was never used in Egypt -- despite claims otherwise by so many New Agers -- again the difference is because the irrational fraction is a product of symmetric-based math.


I'm pretty much the only one online who has done the research on this and it's abstract philosophy so not many can understand it.


Math professor Luigi Borzacchini had his article published May 2007 on music and math and incommensurability. It might be on his website.


I sent him a bit of my research several years ago and he responded with a letter saying I had figured it out -- he's very cool.


So my blogbook has more details or you can google "drew hempel" for tons of forum posts, articles, old blogs, etc. where I've debated and discussed these issues further.

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