doc benway

A silly dream... probably not original

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What would it be like if this forum were to serve as a nidus to help people to feel the spark that causes them to turn the light inside and find their source?


What would it be like if that gradually spread, little by little, across the world; liberating tens then hundreds then thousands? Creating a vast revolution or mutation as some have called it, of the mind leading to real and meaningful change!


I doubt that I'm the first to have this thought (or even post it) but...


How cool would that be?


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Look within.


If there is revolution happening, it is happening within you.


It does not have a place.


Dreams are fine, what is the source of dreams? What gives them power?


Is any dream worth losing that?

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This brings up something I was just wondering about last night. It seems Taoists make no mention of this new age theme of "age of aquarius" or awakening and movement towards enlightenment of many many people in increasing numbers. Is it fanciful thought or is there evidence that this may be happening?

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Look within.


If there is revolution happening, it is happening within you.


It does not have a place.


Dreams are fine, what is the source of dreams? What gives them power?


Is any dream worth losing that?

You are perceptive - there is a revolution going on inside.


I will sit with your questions for a while - they are good ones!


Thank you, Todd






Thank you for the lesson, Todd!




Edited by xuesheng

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You're teaching yourself... and me.


Thank you.



_/\_ :)

Edited by Todd

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This brings up something I was just wondering about last night. It seems Taoists make no mention of this new age theme of "age of aquarius" or awakening and movement towards enlightenment of many many people in increasing numbers. Is it fanciful thought or is there evidence that this may be happening?


That is an interesting question.


I suspect that speaking for all Taoists is not your intention here, as I'm certain that at least some can see the general trend.


The 'evidence' is there - if you want to look into it, you really need to trace human history from the 'beginning' - from small tribal societies, to agriculture, to industrial age and to the current information age... these 'ages' were always very grand and relatively quickly changed our entire way of life in many very important ways...


To view a tiny part of it all in a Taoist way, you can notice that this trend has been moving up and out - yang expanding... this is apparent microcosmically in the average western human - most of their awareness is limited to the head and all their attention is outwards to things outside themselves... As this trend is gathering more and more momentum there is a quieter, subtler trend moving in the opposite direction - people moving down into their bodies with their attention moving inwards into themselves (for most this is an extremely painful process)... Nature has this habit of balancing things out eh?


That balancing is happening internally too - you notice richer people, more complicated healthcare, all the external things seem to be sorted out, yet there is this obvious dissatisfaction with it all - do you realise how many middle-aged women are on anti-depressant medication? - particularly those of middle and upper class economic standing... Innate nature corrects the imbalance of going up into the head, by drawing us back down into the body with plenty of 'new world' illnesses. And it's also drawing us back inwards by never allowing real satisfaction from all the stuff we've hoarded...


There is so much more to it, so much fascinating exploration to be had... It's so beautiful to watch it without concern and judgement - and it's so painful to watch it with concern and judgement... but we have to do both, if we're to grow...



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There is so much more to it, so much fascinating exploration to be had... It's so beautiful to watch it without concern and judgement - and it's so painful to watch it with concern and judgement... but we have to do both, if we're to grow...



Nicely put - dispassionate compassion?


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That is an interesting question.


I suspect that speaking for all Taoists is not your intention here, as I'm certain that at least some can see the general trend.


The 'evidence' is there - if you want to look into it, you really need to trace human history from the 'beginning' - from small tribal societies, to agriculture, to industrial age and to the current information age... these 'ages' were always very grand and relatively quickly changed our entire way of life in many very important ways...


To view a tiny part of it all in a Taoist way, you can notice that this trend has been moving up and out - yang expanding... this is apparent microcosmically in the average western human - most of their awareness is limited to the head and all their attention is outwards to things outside themselves... As this trend is gathering more and more momentum there is a quieter, subtler trend moving in the opposite direction - people moving down into their bodies with their attention moving inwards into themselves (for most this is an extremely painful process)... Nature has this habit of balancing things out eh?


That balancing is happening internally too - you notice richer people, more complicated healthcare, all the external things seem to be sorted out, yet there is this obvious dissatisfaction with it all - do you realise how many middle-aged women are on anti-depressant medication? - particularly those of middle and upper class economic standing... Innate nature corrects the imbalance of going up into the head, by drawing us back down into the body with plenty of 'new world' illnesses. And it's also drawing us back inwards by never allowing real satisfaction from all the stuff we've hoarded...


There is so much more to it, so much fascinating exploration to be had... It's so beautiful to watch it without concern and judgement - and it's so painful to watch it with concern and judgement... but we have to do both, if we're to grow...




Nicely put. I think that is a very good perception. It also is a motivator for me at least. Not only should I be looking at myself but also to see what is going on outside of me...

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