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In praise of wikileaks

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By the same people who brought you wikipedia, wikileaks is dedicated to posting information that governments and corporations *really* don't want you to know about. They are dedicated to do this in a way that eludes imperial interference.


China is shitting themselves. They are also outside the jurisdiction of the US legal system. They are uncensorable, untraceable, and unstoppable.


Ok, so the US did manage to kill and a few other domains, but they have 100s of domain names and servers scattered to the four winds, and the publicity of killing backfired big time. Now even non-techie dudes like me know about it.


Two thumbs up.


It took me just a few seconds to google a portal. that works.

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Ok, so the US did manage to kill and a few other domains
Lol, sounds like the US was the one shytting themselves...


Man, from what I've learned about our skeletons, people would be simply traumatized if they knew what was really going on behind our curtains of power.

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