
Remote Viewing Tournament

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I just stumbled across this app RV Tournament, where players attempt to predict what is in the picture of the day. It seems genuine enough, without trying to be gimmicky or sensational. I'm going to give it a try for a few days and then follow up.


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I like the idea, if they do it straight, the only danger I can see is if its a possible con, whereby they tell people how great they are and..  well here-


Edited by thelerner
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So far so good. The app itself is well behaved, with zero ads, fees, or spam. It does have a scoring and ranking system, with modest $10 prizes for the top performers each month. 


The process itself is pretty simplified. You're given a blank page where you can write/draw what impressions you get, and then afterwards are shown a pair of different images. Select which of the two images best matches what you saw, along with a percentage of how confident you are in your choice. The correct target is not revealed until the next day at a specific time. I guess this could be considered more future viewing than remote viewing, but uses the same techniques.


There are some potential snafoos with this setup, as the author is aware and discusses in the included documentation. Lots of other great information, advice, and instructions are also provided. 


I got the first three attempts in a row correct! The next two I missed, but admittedly was a lot more distracted at the times. What's funny is at first I wasn't being super serious about it or anything, and ended up being surprised by a couple really accurate details that just popped out. So then I started trying too hard and it didn't work. Typical.

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Yes, I know its crazy but at first I thought the guy was jason sudikus, in my dream but low and behold....sweet jesus theres my boss with a machine gun( we only have one photo of the guy) and its a damn shame...we got invited to a ski trip, but had -30 below weather approaching, you guys know how i feel about wood and getting it myself. kinda really wanna meet the guy  now...


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