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8 hours ago, Nungali said:



Yes, and it is a  perspective that is all about  you   telling other people    how they are stuffed up and what they need to do about it , according to you   -   which are all really, ;hollow words' anyway  eg ;


" your perspective is resistant and thus not capable of integrating and flowing with your own true nature/life force which is the energy which creates worlds, if it is allowed to flow through you, without resistance. So you have a difficult and uncomfortable life, unless you let go of that perspective which is not capable of integrating the greater knowing that is constantly flowing your way. Hence you need to let go and allow "

Yeah also regarding your discoveries about sumeria. You will always be coming to a new perspective which is of greater allowed realisation. Less resistant in nature and more capable of flowing your greater knowing through you without contradiction. You feel also great when you make big discoveries about that. But you need to let your knowing of what you don't want serve you, by feeling your emotions as you think, so that you can be guided more fully into alignment and harmony with your own greater knowing of your own greater non-physical consciousness. To naturally and effortlessly and joyously come to evermore greater allowed realisation. 


Such as the 60 being a whole full circle number, due to the identified energy motional frequency of the time and space signature of sumeria. That may not be applicable to our current present day reality, but it does give you a stepping stone or guiding stone to accelerate your journey into the further discovery of what sumeria was all about, what kind of reality they lived in. And if you don't enjoy the topic, or you don't actually want to discover sumeria, then you must negotiate with your own ego why you feel the need to force yourself to expand upon the knowledge you rather say you do not wish to expand upon. 


And the more you feel your way to your greater allowed realisation, in fuller allowed harmony and alignment with your own greater knowing, there is no limit to what you can discover. You will simply be inspired to allow the greater allowed realisation through the path of least resistance that is of your joy. Of whatever it is and all that it is you truely want to be do or have, also regarding your knowledge and discoveries about sumeria. Who are now primarily non-physical. And further than that, they have been way more than what we think they were, and further so, they are right now being and becoming evermore than the evermoreness of what they used to be, while also physically focused through the co-creative time space reality of sumeria. So in order to come to know their present here and now being and becoming, it is simply not possible for you to flow those high frequency highly integrative fast moving stream of energy motional thought forms, through your physical consciousness, if you have resistance in your being, that would literally explode your physical vessel. So take it easy, and feel better about sumeria. Emotionally. And the better you feel, the more the answers and discoveries will be allowed to flow through you, under any and all conditions, through any and all conditions, through the path of least resistance, that is of joyous deliberate conscious ever replenishing and evermore awakening pure positive consciousness that is who it is and all that it is what it is you truely are being and becoming evermore here and now. 


And the discoveries about anything are eternal and infinite, as are the discoveries about yourself and any and all things in all of existence being and becoming evermore here and now, through you, as you are an inseprrable unconditionally loved and guided and supported extension of the source of aol creation. 


So joy to you and your evermore greater allowed realisation of all that sumeria is being and becoming evermore here and now. There is nothing that you cannot be do or have. And you come to know all of it evermore, by feeling your way to your greater allowed realisation of any and all things you can or will ever want to know or be or do or have. Effortless, naturally, joyfully. 

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