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I used to love watching Jack Horkheimer. He would come on after Doctor Who on Saturday night on my local PBS station. Those are good memories.


"Keep Looking Up."

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Saturn also joins the party, just visible here near the top left corner. There's a new Moon hiding somewhere around here. The sliver crescent should show up tomorrow.




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The next Jupiter jam sessions are set for March mornings with Mars. Should be visible on SE horizon just before sunrise.


The largest planet in our solar system, by both mass and volume, is Jupiter. It is two and a half times more massive than all of the other planets in our system combined. Then, despite its mass, it’s still a comparatively fast-moving planet, which is why it’s considered one of the personal planets, or most influential planets on the individual.


So when this massive, influential planet goes conjunct (goes near) malefic Mars and Saturn, it changes the behavior of Mars and Saturn, giving them a more beneficent demeanor than usual.


Thus, the period of the Star of Bethlehem is a time of hope, optimism, renewed faith, and a time to connect with Divinity. It’s a time when divination is heightened, so it’s a good period for spirit work. Connecting to the angelic or deva realms is also optimal during this astrological period. Renewal of vows, initiations of a spiritual nature, and really, all pursuits of happiness are amplified at this time.


With the event occurring in Capricorn, we see the Star most affecting culture and politics. On the personal level, this is also a strong period for manifesting career goals and ambitions.


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Amazing viewing Saturn and Jupiter side by side overhead, as extra bright Mars just began to rise.



then next week:



Halloween is going to be a "blue moon," since October 1st was also a full moon.



And for the early birds, catch the rest of the waning crescent tomorrow and Thursday mornings



Edited by Nintendao
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As the article says , Mars is  'bright' .


They aren't kidding , I woke up some time before first light  and  Mars was HUGE and bright  ... a disc virtually !   Shining up there through my window  onto my bed . 


The wheels turn ,  cosmic forces come into alignment ,   and now  ............... 




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Mars is incredible these nights.  Jupiter's also very bright w/ fainter Saturn following it. 

I encourage to download apps like StarWalk and Skyview (free) on there smartphones.  These apps allow you to scan the night skies, show you where the planets are, the constellations and individual stars.  StarWalk even shows you satellites and ISS.

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Mars is an absolute juggernaut right now.

I wake every day around 3 am and take my walk in the hour before Dawn... Mars is in beast mode.

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