
Inner Smile and Six Healing Sounds Practice

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Hey guys, I'm new here and I'm still learning.


I have a lot of fears, anxiety and social phobia, and it was told to me to practice the INNER SMILE and THE SIX HEALING SOUNDS to solve these problems.


Then I went to look for a book to buy about this practice and I found Gilles Marin book "Five Elements, Six Conditions"(which is a great book btw) and I just finished reading it. In the book he doesn't describe the six healing sounds practice, just the inner smile.


So, I was thinking in practicing the six healing sounds from Mantak Chia and the Inner Smile from Gilles Marin book.


-If there is something wrong please advice me-


I have 2 questions:


1- Should I practice the six healing sounds before the inner smile or after? Because I read somewhere that the six healing sounds takes away the organ energy so you need to tonify the organ after, so I tought the right order is: The Six Healing Sounds before and The Inner Smile after, but I want your confirmation on this, please.


2- Since there are 5 organs, should I practice them every day(7 days of the week) or should I practice them separated, in example: Lungs Monday, Liver Tuesday, etc.. ???


I hope it's understandable, english is not my first language, sorry for the mistakes.


Thanks in advance!!:D



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Hi Almaxy,


I don´t think you can go wrong with the inner smile and six healing sounds.  I would practice all six of the sounds each time you practice  The order of the organ sounds follows the creation cycle of chinese medicine with each phase of energy giving rise to the next.  On the other hand, there´s nothing so wrong with focusing on a single sound if you feel so inspired.


The inner smile is actually part of the healing sounds, at least the way I learned.  First you do the sound and then you smile into the organ.  Of course the inner smile can also be a stand alone practice and any time you want to do it is fine.  You could even do mini inner smiles throughout the day on an as needed basis.  Say whenever a fear or anxiety comes up, just smile gently into the feeling.  Send yourself love and acceptance  


Best of luck,


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thanks for the answer man!


I just have a question, so you saying I should practice the healing sound and then smile into that organ. So you saying I should do the full practice in one organ before moving to the next one?


In example: Now I will do the LIVER healing sound and in sequence I will smile into that organ, then I go to the next organ. Right?


At first I tought I should do all the six healing sounds and then do all the inner smile practice, you changed my perspective.


Thanks @liminal_luke



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The way I learned you do the liver sound and then smile into the liver.  It doesn`t have to be a long smile, could be just a few seconds, could be longer if you like.  Then you do another liver sound and smile into the liver -- three, six, or nine times.  And so on with all the other organs.  A lot of practices have a yin and a yang aspect.  I see making the sound as the yang active portion of the practice; the inner smile afterwards is yin.  So first you shake things up with the sound, then listen/see/feel into the effects of the yang sound with your receptive inner smile.  The inner smile can also be a separate practice all on it`s own.  


Does that make sense?



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I agree the combination is a worthwhile practice.  Whether you first completely purge with sounds then smile , or purge and smile at each one may be an interesting experiment for you.


I was in a JAJ medical qigong program that, at the time recommended starting with the liver and following the five phase order.  When I asked, why purge a lower area organ (liver) before higher area ones (lungs, heart) that will later purge dirty Qi to the liver... I was meet with silence.  


Now, there are purging techniques to pull dirty Qi directly out but that was not the sequence.   


There are three aspects to keep in mind: purge, tonify, regulate.  The last one is to create a peaceful flow.  How to do that?   


The simple way would be to view the entire body as a whole (for some that might mean whole to the universe):  


Smile.   Let go of thinking.  Release you from you.  You might even fall asleep.   Good. Repeat. 

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Interesting. I started with lungs, then kidneys, etc..


You said that I need to purge, tonify and regulate, so I think I am missing the last one.


Last night I did the lung practice and then went to bed and had a dream I can remember until now, it was very clear and seemed like I was really having that experience. I remember there was a part where I wanted to say something but I couldn't, my voice just vanished and this morning I woke up with a feeling of pressure in my throat, this is the part that marked me the most although I don't see the relation with lung practice and voice/throat(I'm trying to find a meaning to my dream lol) 


I'm sharing this because it was a looooong time ago when I had my last vivid dream experience like that, and coincidently it happened just after my first healing sound and inner smile day practice.

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These three stages (purge, tonify, regulate) are usually taught as how to treat another person.  I've not really seen it mentioned when one is doing something on themselves but it seems reasonable to consider.


Cool on the dream.    You can search here for some relationship between the lungs and throat:


As I mentioned the idea of purging lung dirty Qi potentially moving down to an organ already 'cleaned', the Qi can also go upward and the lungs connect to the throat.  This is my first guess at what you might of experienced.


This reminds me of the idea that I think one can/should do the sounds and smile with the chakras as well.  I prefer to do most of this type of thing from head down to feet so I can finish by purging out of my feet as well.


I think its good to self-explore and don't want to recommend one pat method. 

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