The following is an archive of what was the peak of conflict between gendao and Earl Grey. It has now been resolved amicably and is remaining here for historical purposes. It has at least led to some good, which can be seen in this link.         I certainly don’t think so when he won’t stop invading every thread and forcing his alien Christian colonialism conspiracies and pseudoscience in every thread regardless of whether it has anything to do with a topic or if anyone wants to hear what he says, like he is on the volcano thread and won’t shut up about it.   One can say “use the ignore option” but when he’s doing obnoxious things like linking Feminism and the Pill to genetics that cause homosexuality and insists he is not homophobic, or talking about colonialism in a thread about a volcanic eruption and the disaster it has created where I am, or comparing his lack of a pillow as part of the fight against colonialism forcing pillows on people to sleep unnaturally as making him a modern day Rosa Parks—it’s too much and suffocates any helpful exchange on this forum.   Yes, I know I did something similar to this before with the Everything thread, but enough is enough and this idiot brings no value whatsoever to this forum. I’m not calling for an outright ban, but I am sick of him invading and polluting every thread he meddles in and want to see who is willing to chime in an opinion on him or demonstrate exactly what value, if any, he brings here, because I sure as hell don’t see anything positive.