
Truth Of Casual Sex

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11 hours ago, manitou said:



Is it just me, or is the upper half of your body too big for the lower half?


Nooo ... men are like that  , sorta like an inverted triangle   all shoulders and no hips  ........ broad in shoulders and thin in the 'lower half' .  The short shorts   sorta accentuate it   * 


While, on the other hand  woman are  much much bigger  in their lower half   ..... than the upper half .








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8 hours ago, manitou said:



damn I love this forum.



You are our fairy Godmother .




(Hopefully mother of some cool pagan God that is  :)  )

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5 hours ago, Nungali said:



You are our fairy Godmother .




(Hopefully mother of some cool pagan God that is  :)  )


And you are our fairy. ;)

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12 hours ago, Nungali said:


Nooo ... men are like that  , sorta like an inverted triangle   all shoulders and no hips  ........ broad in shoulders and thin in the 'lower half' .  The short shorts   sorta accentuate it   * 


While, on the other hand  woman are  much much bigger  in their lower half   ..... than the upper half .






Tell me that's not actually a picture of you, Nungers.


If that is you....your hips look quite....guidable.

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8 hours ago, Apech said:


And you are our fairy. ;)



I TOLD you not to do that while you are driving ! 



@   1 : 25





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2 hours ago, manitou said:



Tell me that's not actually a picture of you, Nungers.



Thats not actually a picture of me .


2 hours ago, manitou said:


If that is you....your hips look quite....guidable.



" Guidable "   ....   :blink:      


Ummmmm   ......   wot  ?


Guidable  by what  ,   and to  where   ?

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You won a prize !






In the Nungers ;  ' Hey Dude  ,  you  said something that I could not look up on google  award ! '


'Guidable hips'   hits  :


Tour guide for Japan says Japanese women have small hips .


Take a guided tour to  Shimokitizawa ( Tokyo's most 'hip' neighbourhood. )


" Doing hip circles will improve circulation and make you more guidable "    WTF ? hips&f=false


  - Ooooo ... nearly lost the mug  with that one !


Guidable instruments for hip replacement


Inner shell for a hip joint socket


Magna Carta - " And that the Lord'hips, Towns, Parishes, Commotes, Hundreds and Cantreds of ... and every Part thereof, shaki sland and be guidable  for ever, from and after


Not even pics  .... just  some  images of Shimokitizawa  and German Shepards  ( the dog kind )



- Now I am going to have to ask   .....   'she who knows all '     ( things 'hip' ) .



You have really flummoxed me with this one  .....  last time I got flummoxed like that I was told that I had  ' pornographic lips '   :blink:

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omg I'm dyin' over here!


In Nordic parlance... guidable hips is on par with being put in the 'paint shaker'.


When making love to a Nordic Woman, if you're incapable of 'doing it sufficiently'... they have a tendency to smile while grabbing you by the hips and saying "no my love... do it like this"  Where then then begin vigorously guiding your hips to the correct form.



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5 minutes ago, silent thunder said:

omg I'm dyin' over here!


In Nordic parlance... guidable hips is on par with being put in the 'paint shaker'.


When making love to a Nordic Woman, if you're incapable of 'doing it sufficiently'... they have a tendency to smile while grabbing you by the hips and saying "no my love... do it like this"  Where then then begin vigorously guiding your hips to the correct form.








Nooooo  .... she cant have meant that !    I mean . she is a nice dear sweet Fairy Godmother  !   :o


Hmmmm .... she did imagine I was trying to look down her cleavage once   .



Perhaps she needs a reminder  ... from fairy to Fairy Godmother  ; 



 " Ummmmmm     ...... my 'wand'   is  up here  !   " 






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Ok - Manitou!

That avatar You’re wearing is effecting everyone and now the guy jogging up the hill is sporting wood

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On 2/10/2020 at 12:46 PM, silent thunder said:


When making love to a Nordic Woman, if you're incapable of 'doing it sufficiently'... they have a tendency to smile while grabbing you by the hips and saying "no my love... do it like this"  Where then then begin vigorously guiding your hips to the correct form.





Exactly.  :lol:

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16 hours ago, Spotless said:

Ok - Manitou!

That avatar You’re wearing is effecting everyone and now the guy jogging up the hill is sporting wood


She accused me of looking down her cleavage !


How dare she !  and you cant even see down there .... not if you stand up tall and look down, try to get a side angle , squat low and look up , even with binoculars you cant see in there .


Even with  'astral vision ' ... its hard to .







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18 hours ago, Spotless said:

Ok - Manitou!

That avatar You’re wearing is effecting everyone and now the guy jogging up the hill is sporting wood



I think instead that's a tennis ball in his front pocket.  How that thing moves around....




2 hours ago, Nungali said:


She accused me of looking down her cleavage !


How dare she !  and you cant even see down there .... not if you stand up tall and look down, try to get a side angle , squat low and look up , even with binoculars you cant see in there .


Even with  'astral vision ' ... its hard to .









If you just wait until I come a-flittin' up to you there's no problem.  The cleavage is slightly deeper than the wrinkles and it is often moist.

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14 minutes ago, manitou said:



I think instead that's a tennis ball in his front pocket.  How that thing moves around....


Guy is  jogging and he finds 2 tennis balls  and decides to keep them, but having no pockets he sticks them down his shorts.  he stops to talk to a neighbour and she looks down and 


" Ohhhh ... my goodness ! "


Jogger ;   " Tennis balls ."


Woman ; "  Oh you poor thing !  My husband gets tennis elbow and even that is very painful ."








If you just wait until I come a-flittin' up to you there's no problem.  The cleavage is slightly deeper than the wrinkles and it is often moist.



:D    'Nana' ,   a very elderly friend who had  nice long hair and a trim figure used to delight in ;


hearing the young lads in town wolf whistle me  from behind while   I am out walking  , I wait until they are just behind me  and I turn around and stick my old toothless wrinkled face at them and 


" Oooooo hello darling !  "



and watch them  







Edited by Nungali
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Posted (edited)
On 01/02/2020 at 4:58 PM, zero said:

These are all just my opinions, just want to say that before sharing, hope it helps you in some way zero. And doesn’t make things needlessly complicated. It’s my hope to move more in the direction of simplification with regards to what you’re talking about.

I'd like to discuss the topic of casual sex and get to the absolute truth of it. Is this type of sexual behavior truly right for the soul.

Yes and no, depends. Just my experience, when I made casual sex a “goal” in meetings with girls I think I sort of switched off my deeper intuition (wuwei) and had some encounters that were arguably wrong for the soul (maybe, although if it’s meant to be it’s meant to be and these encounters had meaning too)

Lusting and wanting to have sex solely for the fleeting physical sensation with no regard for having any virtue around that when sharing your body

Yes I think there is a tendency to run into trouble if physical sensation is the sole goal and we ignore deeper impulses, that may have told us to pass on this occasion. I can’t be certain but I’d say early on when I was ‘going for it’ with casual sex and was in touch with many girls at the same time. I thought it casual but perhaps some of them wanted more… This I feel was not so good, psychicly I think if people have faith in more happening it can bite you in the ass… 

, or even having the self control to stop yourself from doing it,

Yeah definitely a choice if it doesn’t feel like a choice then that is not good (having sex or not having sex). Trust is important, trusting yourself and others, then standards start to emerge and parameters that are acceptable to you and make it make sense to move towards sex.

isn't this type of sexual behavior selfish in essence as well as self degrading?

Maybe, it’s like playing push hands though. Is it really the universe deciding who wins or is there still a bit of ego in there. Tactics, Strategy, Skill… there is Selfish in selfless and selfless in selfish.

To reduce an act of dispersing your life force to something casual.....

Variety is the spice of life, different with every sexual partner isn’t it? They might drain you a bit, you might drain them. Hard to say for sure isn’t it. Happens on so many levels. 
I feel the intimacy you can have with yourself becomes an extension to your sexual partner and your overall health and vitality is whatever you bring to to table (or bed) on the day. But yeah In my experience mostly it’s felt like my energy from Yoga/Qigong practice took a massive hit, on the other hand if I’m not practicing I don’t notice so much and sex is an add on to life rather than something I perceive as taking away from my practice..

I’ve not had sex with other cultivators and tend to just let go and ejaculate in a lot of cases to be honest, in my experience this always effects life force to some degree. But I think that’s more ejaculation than sex, none ejaculatory sex if you are emotionally stable should be energising really, unless something really messed up happens, or you’re having weird breakup sex, I advise against playing that card.

Where you are creating multiple links energetically/spiritually to different people as well,

Yeah I think I felt this when I was developing relationships earlier on with 10-20 girls at the same time, maybe sexual with around 5 of them at same time. Seems to get a bit complicated but maybe that was just my thinking getting in the way. Hard to know for sure isn’t it? 
I‘ve done this at different points, had five on the go at same time. It seems it’s much easier with conscious people , mature people . That know you are not into the commitment and understand that is is casual and not going to become permanent. I think this helps. If they take issue with this though it’s probably not going to be a nurturing bond in any way and is going to create strain in other relationships you have going on at the time. 

so physically it may feel pleasurable but at what cost.

Always a gamble, but not easy to predict if there is cost more than gain. Like Billy’s partner says in White Men Can’t Jump. Winning and Losing is all part of one big organic globule.

Wouldn't that drain you and take away from your essence?

Complicated, it’s gonna happen to a certain degree in my experience but it might be worth it. I think if you are really listening to the universe and taking care of yourself , you will attract partners in a similar place to you in some way, energetically you could be good for each other in some way, just my view and experience. The more you know your worth in your own eyes and the eyes of others the more this helps as long as you follow your intuition (whatever that means lol,) May seem a bit superficial but we are hierarchical mammals aren’t we, so perceived value does come into play. If you work on yourself and have your shit together on different levels I think all this stuff is easier. I think a lot of this stuff about draining is more psychosomatic and more likely related to confidence blows and self esteem issues. Placebo is real… if that makes sense…
We all know sex is pleasurable, but would you really feel good after?

Depends. Always different. :):( 

Knowing you are operating primarily in the motive of lust

This is where I think Wuwei is important. Just constantly checking in with your feelings to see if they still calibrate with what’s going on. Once I started to think more in terms of each moment dictating what comes next, rather than seeing a girl and just thinking ‘right my goal is to sleep with you.’ Things really really changed, our instincts are powerful when we listen to them in sexual scenarios, you really feel strong magnetic forces at work, or repelling. Sexy looking girls that I would think I’d want to sleep with just didn’t resonate, and other circumstances, scenarios would develop with females I wouldn’t think I’d end up with, they would start to materialise. It’s really more up to the universe than me. That’s how I reconciled this selfish/manipulative thing (which almost pushed me into a corner of thinking I should stop completely) The universe has a funny way of confirming you are in the right place along the way too. So trusting instinct and checking each moment seems to lead to deeper or more serendipitous connections that somehow seem to line up more… intricately with how you already know yourself ‘right now’ and your positions in life…

rather than cultivating a true bond

IMHO they are all true bonds, even the more superficial ones show us something by nature of their relative superficiality. Just be careful you don’t get pregnant, that changes drastically the meaning of the word bond :)

where you value yourself for that and therefore reserve that Part of you for the sake of being virtuous.

I feel this bit at the end really goes off track I don’t think this has anything to do with sex, casual or otherwise. This sounds more like societal pressure which I feel is so so sad. But relevant to mention… 


As hard as it is for me to go here I will. This thread hasn’t gone into this but I think it’s important so I will. Where you live has a massive impact on this question of casual sex… In terms of how you frame it. And how it all feeds back into your consciousness and nervous system as you move around the place in your real life. Good, Bad, Lust, Guilt etc

If you live in a polyamourous intentional community then sex with multiple partners is not going to be frowned upon. It’s going to be viewed as a path of development and encouraged. You can relax to the most part about what you are doing. You will be supported in your endeavours…


If you live in a Catholic dominated culture where most people are married in their twenties and are monogamous (in appearances and shared ideology at least) Casual sex is gonna be viewed as a problem, something that creates distractions from creating family, you will not be supported in the Arena of casual sex. You will most likely be shunned,

I personally understand that Monogamy is a good idea in terms of keeping a society safe and together. Wtf right, but yeah when you disseminate it, it is right… 

Makes things more predictable (less fighting, and especially in the past less jealousy fuelled murder etc… imagine how it used to be, Jesus).


I feel as an idealist an optimist and just someone who likes sex with different people of different colours shapes and sizes etc it’s sad to be cut off from the ability to have multiple partners. 

Modern life can offer this right. But for society there are upsides and downsides. ( lots of downsides plain to see, breakdown of family, crime rates etc, the stats are all there)

but like with everything there is a trade off. 

The most important advice I could give you is, if you want to explore casual sex and genuinely work off your own sense of what it’s all about, move to a place that is open to such viewpoints. Don’t live in an overly religious community, it probably won’t bode well. (Pathological guilt and shame is never healthy, I guess it’s up to you would you do with that, some people and ideologies are going to heal you, some are gonna hurt you, depending on perspective and goals, wild isn’t it)

I think a hell of a lot of this comes down to environment (inner and outer). It’s a case of nurture over nature… 


Love Man 👨 

Edited by Thrice Daily

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Posted (edited)
On 2020-02-01 at 7:58 AM, zero said:

I'd like to discuss the topic of casual sex and get to the absolute truth of it. Is this type of sexual behavior truly right for the soul. Lusting and wanting to have sex solely for the fleeting physical sensation with no regard for having any virtue around that when sharing your body, or even having the self control to stop yourself from doing it, isn't this type of sexual behavior selfish in essence as well as self degrading? To reduce an act of dispersing your life force to something casual..... Where you are creating multiple links energetically/spiritually to different people as well, so physically it may feel pleasurable but at what cost. Wouldn't that drain you and take away from your essence? We all know sex is pleasurable, but would you really feel good after? Knowing you are operating primarily in the motive of lust rather than cultivating a true bond where you value yourself for that and therefore reserve that Part of you for the sake of being virtuous.

I dunno I've been with about 160 women, usually felt very refreshed and alive after. 


But casual doesn't have to mean meaningless or mean there's no mental or emotional connection. You still will often need to build a connection for sex to happen.


I look much younger than my real age most people think about 15 years younger then I am.


In the words of the immortal Al Bundy, it gets better each time, as long as it's never with the same woman 😂

Edited by Immortal4life

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1 hour ago, Thrice Daily said:

I personally understand that Monogamy is a good idea in terms of keeping a society safe and together. Wtf right, but yeah when you disseminate it, it is right… 

Makes things more predictable (less fighting, and especially in the past less jealousy fuelled murder etc… imagine how it used to be, Jesus).


I feel as an idealist an optimist and just someone who likes sex with different people of different colours shapes and sizes etc it’s sad to be cut off from the ability to have multiple partners. 

Modern life can offer this right. But for society there are upsides and downsides. ( lots of downsides plain to see, breakdown of family, crime rates etc, the stats are all there)

but like with everything there is a trade off. 

The most important advice I could give you is, if you want to explore casual sex and genuinely work off your own sense of what it’s all about, move to a place that is open to such viewpoints. Don’t live in an overly religious community, it probably won’t bode well. (Pathological guilt and shame is never healthy, I guess it’s up to you would you do with that, some people and ideologies are going to heal you, some are gonna hurt you, depending on perspective and goals, wild isn’t it)

I think a hell of a lot of this comes down to environment (inner and outer). It’s a case of nurture over nature… 


Love Man 👨 

This is a good point. Society isn't actually designed for every guy to be the man, to be the shit. It's not necessarily in society's interest that every guy can be Gene Simmons or Wilt Chamberlain. Society probably needs lower status men to function, or monogamous relationships, in order to function. Everyone can't be Alphas.


So society will never encourage you to be the real naturally seductive man you were meant to be. If you try to step into that level of being, society will probably try to socially beat you down, shame you, etc. Cuz it's not in it's interest that every guy is fully actualized in his sexuality and power.


That's why in school they try to influence and suppress your expression, it's not all about being the shit, not caring what anyone thinks, and being as uninhibited and unapologetic in your desires as you can be. Think about what happens when you like a girl, it's like "shame shame I know your name, you and your crush sitting in a tree k-I-s-s-I-n-g" etc.


Society actively suppresses your true self and true nature.  If we look at other cultures it's even worse, like say guys from India or the middle east come to a more natural or free culture and they're often at a huge disadvantage. If you've never been with anyone at say 21 you're gonna be at a huge disadvantage against males who were sexually active at say 15. Then those guys will descend into mate guarding type behaviors, will try to shame girls into being artificially loyal to them, and inevitably get cheated on if they do manage to get a partner. 

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17 hours ago, Immortal4life said:

Thanks @Immortal4life but I think you missed what I write in the post … 


Its all in Bold Lettering . The editor made me answer each point inside the comment…


take another read of all the bold lettering in my answers to the original post. I’m super interested to know what your comments would be on it all. 

if you have time to share… 


Alpha, Beta, Theta, it’s all the same to me. 

Love Man ❤️ 

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On 10/2/2024 at 12:48 AM, Immortal4life said:

dunno I've been with about 160 women, usually felt very refreshed and alive after.



I've probably been with 160 men in my life, on the police department.  I'm quite serious, although the figure may be a bit high.  Now, at an older age, I feel like my sexual self has been bludgeoned down somehow; that my capacity for human to human love has also been bludgeoned a bit.  I no longer feel.  I was with my husband for 30 years before I truly fell in love with him.  It took my heart that long to really open up.

Joe and I were blessed with tantric sex for about a week.  From out of nowhere.  We were both pretty evolved, spiritually.  I can remember that that was the only time in my life that there was absolutely no limitation on the expression of sexual love.  In my minds eye, as we made love, I saw two figures making love, but they were luminescent.  That's exactly how it felt, and no movement was even required, strangely enough.  What a golden place to be in - a place of all love, no judgment, light and warmth.

I don't know how this relates to the conversation at hand, but I do believe that in my case, all the sexual activity was harmful.  For guys, maybe it's not a big deal.  But for women.....I think it is.  Not because of a rightness or a wrongness, but because of the low esteem we hold ourselves in.  And that takes a lifetime to change.

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Posted (edited)

Sex is about coming together, integration.  On the obvious external level, sex can be about two bodies coming together.  But sex transcends the physical; it can be about people coming together emotionally and spiritually, too.  It´s also about a coming together of each person individually, on the inside, an integration of different levels of being.  


Friends tell me they can have sex casually without hurting themselves emotionally.  I´m not so sure.  I know it doesn´t work that way for me.  Casual sex involves a certain compartmentalization; it presupposes an ability to divide our physicality from our emotions from our spirit.  I´m not sure this is possible.  If it is possible, I´m not sure it´s desirable.  I´d rather integrate than fragment.

Edited by liminal_luke
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Aren't I a wallflower.  At almost 60 I've been romantically linked to 6 woman(ignore the tabloids), 3 long term.  Seemed like guys around me were getting more, but I never had the moves or the motive.  I was happy with my longer term relations.  Never a player, never wanted to be.  


Happy wining dining, B&Bing, occasional parties and watching DVDs on the couch.  Marriage, kids was always my goal.  I tell my kids you have to engineer your life or at least try to.  Life curves, rarely going in straight lines but you still have to put in effort to go in a direction.  (not that I do these days)


Felt like life was way too sexual in the 70s, 80s, 90s.. or maybe that's my perception from my teens, 20s & 30s.  Culturally and economically kids these days seemingly aren't hooking up as much as they used to.  The 'meat market' bar scenes from the past may still exist but aren't the norm like they used to be.  Sex and marriage I think are more delayed.  


Not necessarily a bad thing.  Though its best when its your decision, following your path and not cultural mores. 


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