
Three Dantians Filled and flowing

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Hey Spiritual cultivators 


I like to hear any advice on what happened next after three dantians are FILLED and flowing

recently couple days of ago, this happened to him while cultivating my lower dantian then it flow up fill my middle dantian for couples of weeks then fill my upper as well. Now when I cultivating my lower dantian (sitting meditation upon it) the qi flow from lower to middle to upper and now it return back to lower dantian. 



I like to know more about this process and what WILL happen next?

Edited by lightminefire
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Versions of this technique or experience has bridged time and location, that is, all over the world in different cultures through differer times in history  ;  I practices it  for years in hermetics , a more modern version is given by Israel Regardie .  Its in a lot of eastern mystical practices and religion ,  it can even be recognised in the concept of 'Bodhisattva' .  So there is  a  LOT you can find out about this process with a little research . 


You can also use it 'laterally'  , like in Aikido ; 'take in ki , and project out ki '   .   One might even see a similarity in the process of  ' prayer and grace ' .


I give it validity as I can see its reflection in nature  - it is the natural 'alchemical'  process of   Circulation . 


What  happens next with this   ?   There is the 'magic'  ;   somehow   the process  gains more energy than was put in  or 'causes transformation' .   In western practice one is encouraged to diary the practice and results, then any 'transformations' can be tracked - and utilised  .


Regrading  ' abundances '  ,    its up to you how you  give out and share .






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A lot of "things" happen. Blockages are dissolved, healing occurs, greater vitality, vibration is raised...the system is gradually reshaped like water smoothing out a rock in the river. You'll learn more as you walk the path and experience the effects for yourself. 

Edited by RiverSnake

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