
What counts as Idolatry to you?

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Respect is good, even necessary at times. Its healthy, and nurtures devotion. Idolatry imo is something a bit different. I think it means one has sort of stepped over the boundary of healthy practice by surrendering all accountability to what they deemed to be representations of divine grace, power or whatever they may choose to project onto the idol. I see a difference between surrendering to an image and surrendering to that which the image represents. The former often breeds neuroticism and superstition. Its silly to hold deities responsible for one's life anyway. Thats not devotion, more like bribery. My 2 cts. 

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On 10/02/2020 at 8:52 PM, idiot_stimpy said:

To answer your question for myself, esoterically, it's the worship of any object whether physical or mentally created.


When you take all objects out of the equation including mentally created objects, all that is left is yourself existing now. Some would call it the 'I AM' presence. 



I like this quote by Krishnamurti:


Do human beings not radically transform themselves because they are really frightened not to belong to a group, to something definite? Are they afraid to stand completely alone?

To be alone implies not to carry the burden of tradition with you. Tradition being knowledge. To be alone implies total freedom.

Alone is all one, when there is no fragmentation. That is total order.

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