
If you know Aliens run your world governments, wouldn't that change your perspective on life?

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9 hours ago, Starjumper said:




When I tried to discuss Fata Morganas you played cheap word games, it reveals you like to argue on the level of a low grade troll.  So ...go shove your head back up your ass now, again.







What actually happened was, you tried to embarrass  me by saying I had no knowledge of physics and while trying to write that 'embarrassment '  ... it totally backfired on you !





PS  This is how magic works on those that try to  contend with ...


The Nungali Master !








Edited by Nungali

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Okay folks, its the fight you have been waiting for ; Nungali Vs  (Iron Palm ) Starjumper


We get underway  at 2 10 .... Starjumper looks a lot older than we are used to, but that s probably because he advertises himself with a picture from years ago - we can see he has lost all his hair, but still retains the grey beard .


Starjumoer starts with a series of attempts at Iron Palm strikes, which Nungali easily avoids .  Then   Nungali gives him a little pattycake in the mouth . Starjumper looks incredulous 'Where did THAT come from ! "  ( @ 2:30 ... and yes, I suppose  tooth did hurty  { a little commentating humour there  :) } )


Nungali is 'You okay Bro ?  Wanna keep going or finish now ? "   Starjumper wants to go on, but just stands there with his 'magic' palm out . Nungali advances and punches him in the head a few times and then kicks him , Starjumper seems to be unable to do anything about that  and collapses outside the ring , goes down and covers up his head with his arms .


ref awards to Nungers and he




but then @  3:10 Nungali realizes Starjumper cant get up  !   he rushes in to help ; 'You guys, get the first aid kit ... you guys get a stretcher ... someone call an ambulance .... what the F  I thought that guy said he could fight ! "



Edited by Nungali

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