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12 hours ago, Michael Sternbach said:

I share the following without any claims as to the accuracy of any of the information presented.


12 Experts Questioning the Coronavirus Panic


As always, decide for yourself what you wish to believe.


And better choose wisely... After you have looked at ALL available information, not just what the mainstream media and the official 'authorities' tell you.


Interesting opinions !


" I worry about the message to the public, about the fear of coming into contact with people, being in the same space as people, shaking their hands, having meetings with people. I worry about many, many consequences related to that. "


I think you have previously read  a bit of SF ?  Ths scenario sounds familiar ; a world where human contact is virtually non existent , technology has taken off, mechanisation has taken over and human population way down .  For some reason, in the story I am partially remembering, a man HAS to take a persona visit , for some reason, and he is terrified .


Thing is , to be totally selfish , I mostly live like this anyway , in a comparative isolation .  I have already been averse to shaking hands , now i can reasonably do what I used to ; back off, hold up my hand and " Look I have no concealed weapon and am pleased to meet you . "  Now, it makes a lot more sense to people .


Maybe its my past ; in younger days at the festivals we used to put on, I enjoyed close human contact a  lot more . I suppose things like spending an afternoon dancing in a mud pit at the bottom of a water slide in a  huge group of naked mud covered people pressed together  must have done it for me  .  :D       Ahhhhh ... the  now  delights of hermitage !    Yesterday, I had a guy doing some work here  ( a stranded traveller )  ....  up the 'back'  . At the end of the day he came  down to the cabin to get his pay , I had some notes rolled and a rubber band around them and tossed it to him from a distance . 


yeah , crazy , but I actually dont mind that .  Like I said , I have not caught a bug  in  a few years now due to such behaviour . And I smoke like a chimney , while some   people around me  that look after their health very good and never smoke  are always getting every bug that comes around .


The modern world , strange things are afoot ;


" This week, three Australians under the age of 35 will die from sudden cardiac arrest, where the heart simply stops beating. The young victims typically will have no warning signs and in many instances are otherwise fit and healthy. It occurs unexpectedly, "

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Wow.  Panama just came up with a novel approach to isolation.  Women can go out on Monday, Wed. & Friday.  Men, on Tues, Thurs, Sat.  


When you think about it, I think it's kind of brilliant.  If they're having cops watch for violators, how easy is that?  The news said the cops are giving out tickets or in some cases, arresting.  It's drastic, but it'll be interesting to see how this works out.

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On 3/30/2020 at 4:02 PM, Nungali said:



Thing is , to be totally selfish , I mostly live like this anyway , in a comparative isolation .  I have already been averse to shaking hands , now i can reasonably do what I used to ; back off, hold up my hand and " Look I have no concealed weapon and am pleased to meet you . "  Now, it makes a lot more sense to people .





I guess a french kiss is out of the question

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1 hour ago, manitou said:

Wow.  Panama just came up with a novel approach to isolation.  Women can go out on Monday, Wed. & Friday.  Men, on Tues, Thurs, Sat.  


When you think about it, I think it's kind of brilliant.  If they're having cops watch for violators, how easy is that?  The news said the cops are giving out tickets or in some cases, arresting.  It's drastic, but it'll be interesting to see how this works out.


And this was announced today?  :D

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1 hour ago, manitou said:



I guess a french kiss is out of the question


Well, I wondered about that .   In my  younger days  .... just a few years back  :)    I would venture out  to see GF - through hell or high water .  I wonder how all these  young-uns are going controlling their libido with SD (social distancing ) ! 


Now of course, 'libido' is not such an urgent need nowadays.  Yesterday my 'occasional'   turned up in a car with her younger  house mate and his little girl . They are a separate household  from me  ; mum had to go and look after very sick father and a mother who just had surgery, so Mum is in that household  with her high risk parents and  the other 3 in that household and me in my own . Anyway, they dropped of some tinned lentils for me and picked up some milk for them , he jumped out the car and swapped stuff over . I am standing there waving to her through the window   Gawd !    10 metres and a glass shield ... thats worse than a condom !

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My young uns are still seeing their ❤️ers. Can’t stop em, don’t wanna isolate myself. Gotta draw the line somewhere.

Edited by steve
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2 hours ago, manitou said:

I guess a french kiss is out of the question


Hi Barbara,


How about a spiritual kiss? My first ~ for you...


Twin Flame GIF - Twin Flame Spiritual - Discover & Share GIFs


- Anand


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18 hours ago, Limahong said:


Hi Barbara,


How about a spiritual kiss? My first ~ for you...


Twin Flame GIF - Twin Flame Spiritual - Discover & Share GIFs


- Anand






You just gave me spiritual covid.  Aah, but yes, it was worth it.  Tantric, almost.




Edited by manitou
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1 hour ago, manitou said:

You just gave me spiritual covid.


Hi Barbara,


Spiritual covidb...




Vibrating as ONE...




Let us all stay positive with good energy.


Good night.


- Anand


Edited by Limahong

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21 hours ago, Limahong said:


Hi Barbara,


How about a spiritual kiss? My first ~ for you...


Twin Flame GIF - Twin Flame Spiritual - Discover & Share GIFs


- Anand



Are you trying to resurrect dawei's Chaturbate Cult?





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44 minutes ago, gatito said:

Are you trying to resurrect dawei's Chaturbate Cult?


What's that? 

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Just to clarify, I am not amongst those conspiracy theorists claiming that the pandemic is all a made up story. However, I do believe that what the public is presented with is a one-sided and simplistic view.


So I share the following information in the hope that it may contribute to a more balanced view.

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4 hours ago, Michael Sternbach said:

Just to clarify, I am not amongst those conspiracy theorists claiming that the pandemic is all a made up story. However, I do believe that what the public is presented with is a one-sided and simplistic view.


So I share the following information in the hope that it may contribute to a more balanced view.


Interesting.  Someone went to an awful lot of trouble to organize those from around the world.

Why is it called Swiss Propaganda Research?


I'm not a conspiracy theorist either, but if I were, I would be wondering if all of Congress had a mandatory flu shot this year which may have contained antibodies to a manufactured virus.  And if this is the reason Trump and Ivanka are walking around without face masks.  If I were a conspiracy theorist

Edited by manitou
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On 20.4.2020 at 10:19 PM, manitou said:


Interesting.  Someone went to an awful lot of trouble to organize those from around the world.


And then to translate all this to so many different languages for the reader to choose from!


On 20.4.2020 at 10:19 PM, manitou said:

Why is it called Swiss Propaganda Research?


Let me have a go at it: Because it is research conducted by a compatriot of mine who considers the hype about corona virus some kind of propaganda, I'd say...


On 20.4.2020 at 10:19 PM, manitou said:


I'm not a conspiracy theorist either, but if I were, I would be wondering if all of Congress had a mandatory flu shot this year which may have contained antibodies to a manufactured virus.  And if this is the reason Trump and Ivanka are walking around without face masks.  If I were a conspiracy theorist


I'd say you definitely have the talent to become one.

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18 hours ago, Michael Sternbach said:



I'd say you definitely have the talent to become one.


Yes, I believe I do.  I have a brain which collect clues and organizes them without me even knowing.  It comes from 25 years of being a career detective.  I have never in my life considered a conspiracy theory as valid.  Until now.  The president just doesn't have the brains to have created the perfect storm that we are experiencing.  Flu or no flu, we were in trouble before all this.

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After listening to both sides  of the "is it really dangerous" argument, it seems to me that the only way we're really gonna know is hindsight. Are there excess deaths over previous years, not just from flu, but from all causes?

And Manitou, I agree, no president could accidentally be this bad in handling this crisis. I have thought that from the beginning. Well, after about the fourth unbelievable mess up anyway.  Just too many.

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20 hours ago, manitou said:


Yes, I believe I do.  I have a brain which collect clues and organizes them without me even knowing.  It comes from 25 years of being a career detective.  I have never in my life considered a conspiracy theory as valid.  Until now.  The president just doesn't have the brains to have created the perfect storm that we are experiencing.  Flu or no flu, we were in trouble before all this.


neither does he have the energy by himself to keep up his shit storm but the demonic host reaching into this world through him and his lackeys and driving them on does, at least for an "x" amount of time via lies, corruption, fear,  theft, etc.. So such a conspiracy (so to speak) starts on the other side in the lower astral world and will take down anyone or anything with non-human malice if, when and where it can get away with it !

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that young Teal gal has said some very iffy things about suicide, more so for the impressionable.  (buyer beware)

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3 hours ago, old3bob said:

that young Teal gal has said some very iffy things about suicide, more so for the impressionable.  (buyer beware)


Well, I only know a few of "that young Teal gal's" videos, however (even though this is a digression), I think it's best to let her reply to that accusation herself.



I do hope that we don't need to belabor the issue further here - where it does not belong. :)

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