silent thunder

Dao Bums Trolls akin to a Virus

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As Above, So Below.

As Within, Without.

Life truly mirrors at all levels, including it seems, virus like interactions.


DB Trolls are a virus here now that mirrors the general virus encompassing the globe.

It's spread has been rather impressive and following a similar curve.


To hazard a guess, I'd say it's how they're processing their panic and I pity them.

Not enough to engage them often, unless i slip, or am seeking low hanging fruit as entertainment.


As the word gets out and the Trolls descend and return to DBums.

Can't help notice they're effect is the emotional version of the covid virus infection.

All public spaces and conversations are compromised.


To enter public discussion is to engage with infection.

For all they scream how much they hate and loathe it here, they sure to contradict it by how much time they spend demonstrating their addiction and need of it.


As Covid has effectively grounded the human species and sent it to its room...


Here Trolls act as a virus in conversation and functional conversation isolates in PPD's.

There's always a work around for the cultivators.


Honestly, I've been perusing PPD's I've overlooked for years and finding so many gems... I'm grateful.

The blather will cease, they'll grow tired, when they run out of food.



By the fruit, is the health of the tree known.

As for the blathering and mouth trumpeting... stemming from unqualified observers, it's akin to traffic noise, not meaningful content.



Keep on keepin on Bums!  This will pass, as do all forms, proclivities and processes.


Remember to cultivate your siddhis.








Like all virus sweeps... this will pass.




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Your main problem is that you dont realize you are one of them.


This is called Ultimate Projection.



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@Gasmaster right on cue!



just can't get enough.

he just can't get enough...


some folks are addicted.


others adickted

Edited by silent thunder
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1 hour ago, silent thunder said:

@Gasmaster right on cue!



just can't get enough.

he just can't get enough...


some folks are addicted.


others adickted


Flabbergasted at your spiritual awakening as forum troll.


Ever since I first seen your post in my welcome thread, all you did was troll, talking about silent pissing and other meaningless bullshit.


Have you ever thought that passing 1 seminar of WLP is not enough? May be the fishing skill you learned is faulty, and you have been driving all these years towards mental insanity, not enlightenment?


The only post so far I have seen that was not a troll from you, was about cooking meat on stone.

Thanks for that contribution.


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All this talk of You're a troll,

No, You are, gets silly. 


Though it may serve a purpose.  I thought reminding people to be nice and respectful was the answer, when instead, maybe this is a necessary nasty period.  One I hope peaks and goes away.


A very wise man (ST) once told me-

"Honestly, I see it as a pressure release valve at this point.

Folks will out their bile and panic in some way, perhaps venting here

keeps them from shitting on whomever may be couped up with."


This forum isn't real life; so better the anger here then at our mates.  Still we'll have to let it pass.  Live and let live, leave the trolls under the bridge.  All of us. 


Edited by thelerner
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To further define trolling, it is about people without abilities in real life, talking shit online.


You are not getting anywhere in spiritual and self development, being permanently confused and staggered.


No abilities, no powers, no enlightenment. Just endless ranting retarded dogshit threads and a long posts full of confusion and empty sensations. Oh dao is that, oh dao is this. Delusional load of crap.


You could count all practitioners on this board who have some kind of abilities / attained anything by practice with fingers on hand.


Sometimes collective bias happens, i.e. when people imagine each other as being developed.

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We're bums man.  Just bums.  Nothing special, except maybe to each other. 

You are too good for us,  We don't deserve you. 

You should leave and find a forum that does. 

One that gives you the accolades & respect you deserve.





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6 minutes ago, thelerner said:

You should leave and find a forum that does. 


You might want to leave yourself, as I am not doing that.


Find a cozy place. Invite all your friends. Nobody who cultivates will come there, so you wont have to suffer from inferiority complexes or envy.

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9 minutes ago, GSmaster said:


You might want to leave yourself, as I am not doing that.

I'm working on something. 

it goes like this-  f l u s hhhhhh


<you do realize, because I don't respect you, your insults are.. not worth the paper, they're not written on.  And thats sad because you genuinely have talent, but you're rude, abrasive and egotistical as hell, so not worth peoples time> 

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Maybe everyone’s ignore list will have to be as long as GSmaster’s. I’ll be adding to mine today :) 

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7 hours ago, thelerner said:

You are too good for us,  We don't deserve you. 

You should leave and find a forum that does. 

One that gives you the accolades & respect you deserve.


This is your perspective.

Once I have left I have realized quite something.


The people who don't like me here, is a bunch of trolls and delusional beings, representing a small group / social club of friends.

What you believe is "arrogant rude bla bla bla" is just me talking truth how it is. You dont like truth, because you are incapable of learning things. If you were able to learn something, your attitude would be so very opposite.


Once I quit the forum, I have gotten more than one dozen of PM's, whenever people were sad to see me go, or wanted a comeback, or just said that they benefitted from my posts.


You are actually a minority, a minority of fools that have strong attachment to the board, and project their own insecurities on other people, you do spam and post alot. So you ended up believing you are = this forum. My ignore list might be "huge" but its only about 30 people, and there are 10000 members on this forum.


This place would be much better if you all just quit but even if you dont we dont mind at all. You are fit for entertaining purposes.


I will be waiting 10-20-30 years till you learn something, and you can expect atleast a 3 meter statue once you achieve that.

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So many people claiming spiritual realization and powers, yet unable to simply mind their own business.

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Hey, I saw god in my backyard today, he looked like a little sparrow and was singing to the sun...and the sun heard.

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8 hours ago, GSmaster said:

I will be waiting 10-20-30 years till you learn something, and you can expect atleast a 3 meter statue once you achieve that.

Whoa, that's like 9 feet tall.  Cool, you know, I never expected so much.  Tell your people I'd like it in the nude. 

Maybe a mouse in one hand, keyboard in the other. 


Thanks, the statue compliment, its the nicest thing I've heard all week.


<a bit more serious, you might want to try existing here without putting others down.  Dropping the insults and condescension and write about your practices and passions.  It may be more pleasant for you.  As an experiment.>

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I think trolls have a grosser nature than viruses. More like poltergeists. Or even numbskulls. 

Both can be such nuisances. 

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6 minutes ago, C T said:

I think trolls have a grosser nature than viruses. More like poltergeists. Or even numbskulls. 

Both can be such nuisances. 



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9 hours ago, GSmaster said:


This is your perspective.

Once I have left I have realized quite something.


The people who don't like me here, is a bunch of trolls and delusional beings, representing a small group / social club of friends.

What you believe is "arrogant rude bla bla bla" is just me talking truth how it is. You dont like truth, because you are incapable of learning things. If you were able to learn something, your attitude would be so very opposite.


Once I quit the forum, I have gotten more than one dozen of PM's, whenever people were sad to see me go, or wanted a comeback, or just said that they benefitted from my posts.


You are actually a minority, a minority of fools that have strong attachment to the board, and project their own insecurities on other people, you do spam and post alot. So you ended up believing you are = this forum. My ignore list might be "huge" but its only about 30 people, and there are 10000 members on this forum.


This place would be much better if you all just quit but even if you dont we dont mind at all. You are fit for entertaining purposes.


I will be waiting 10-20-30 years till you learn something, and you can expect atleast a 3 meter statue once you achieve that.


There are 2003 members here and approximately only 10% are active more than once a month.  How someone that is so endowed, could be so off on something like that, is just one more indication of what a fraud you are. 

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