
Novice experience - any thoughts?

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I’ve had depression low energy my whole life been trying to find the answer which has led me here!  I’m 38 male.  I’m back to focusing on internal arts after being distracted and impatient with it and getting lost down other health avenues.


im currently practising Wong kiew kits basic moves of lifting the sky, carrying the moon.  I’m slowly learning the 8 brocades sequence, seems to be a good starting point.


I can feel what I think is Qi movement straight away.  I most regularly feel it when I’m lowering my arms by my sides from above my head.  I have two different sensations .  The most pronounced is a flow of feeling like silk down my body level with my hands as they lower, this feeling then directs towards my crotch as a heavier fuller feeling when my hands reach the bottom.  Pretty cool. The other sensation again when lowering my arms in these basic movements is like insects moving in individual spots on my chest.  Subtle but interesting. 

is this normal? Is this a sign of progress?


also,  I’ve meditated on and off through the years but never consistently.  A few time’s out of the still emptiness my mind and body will feel overwhelmingly with energy and rushes mostly around my head.  I tend to focus it on my head as it feels most pleasant there.  It’s addictive and frustrating as it happens very rarely.  I tend to just follow breath and nothing else.  Is there a focus point that brings these feelings more reliably?  I guess I will discover with consistent practise.


I can consistently feel a brief rush of pleasant energy or tickles moving up the right side of my torso when I strongly contact and pull up my pelvic floor.  The sane feeling I get occasionally in meditation but on demand for a brief spurt when I contract.  Why is it only the right side.  Does that indicate a problem?


after my Basic Qi gong movements I feel a bit lighter and subtly energised and can feel energy move as I just relax for a few minutes after.  It doesn’t last too long and I slip back to my low energy empty state of normal.

what does all this say to me as a beginner?  Any guidance?


my biggest weakness is my lack of patience with results and I get distracted.  But I am determined this time.... hopefully.



Edited by NoviceMonk
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Another thing is prior to starting this basic practise my stomach was mostly silent and I wasn’t very regular.


my stomach gurgles a lot now, and I am regular daily.


positive things but I’m not much happier!


i have only been practising a week, so I’m thankful I have these effects so soon.

Edited by NoviceMonk

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Those sensations your experiencing are quite common. 


It is good that you know your weaknesses (impatience, distractibility...etc). The key is to take the time to intentionally remove these obstacles from your training so that your path is open and free. Cultivation is a process of internal landscaping....trim the trees and plant the onions in a way to allow your cultivation to grow and your life to blossom. 


Using the energy that you generate from chi kung to blast through these internal obstructions is a potent tool. Where awareness flows.



Edited by RiverSnake
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