
What are your Go to Healing Techniques- mundane & esoteric

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1 hour ago, dwai said:

AFAIK, Pre-natal Jing cannot be replenished.

There are two aspects to primordial jing... heavenly and earthly.


Earthly jing is the pre-natal jing we know about.


The heavenly jing is a rare ‘substance’ that is tapped at the bai hui (heavenly lake at the top of the mountain)... it can ‘take the place of’ ones earthly jing - and is accessed through advanced practices.


This is what is used to ‘return to youthfulness’...

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I'm gonna share a little anecdotal story of what happened to me recently. It's nothing more than anecdotal keep in mind.

Basically I've been noticing for a while(a few months now) that I've developed a little bit of a belly. Nothing serious, I'm not fat, average weight I think, I used to be somewhat underweight actually. That boy was just getting a little thick, little chubby down there. My appetite went up seriously as I was getting more and more into Neigong.

So I decided, I will cut out dinners from now on, that should adjust things back to normal a little. My belly disappeared in just 3 days of cutting out only dinner. A week-ish at most. I wasn't even very strict about it, only other thing I did was dial down my use of butter and olive oil. It is now at a normal/somewhat over 'thin' level, I guess. Keep in mind that I train fairly seriously (4-5hrs daily) Neigong proper mostly.

Now I don't actually know what it is/was. Maybe I practiced a bit incorrectly to develop a bit of a big belly, or maybe it's the pelvic tilt/tightness in sacrum(which I have also been more seriously looking at this week), maybe it's something completely unrelated or just my own perception playing tricks. (In fact I'd love to get some feedback from @freeform whether this seems possible)

Other than as an advertisement for !!my new $5000 dollar guaranteed 3-day weight-loss program!!, 100% money back guaranteed, maybe serious cultivators could take this as a possible word of warning, proceed with caution when combining fasting + serious energy work!

Edited by Piyadasi
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16 minutes ago, Piyadasi said:

(In fact I'd love to get some feedback from @freeform whether this seems possible)

Yeah the efficiency of the spleen system to absorb nutrition from food goes up drastically... at which point you simply need to slightly reduce the quantity of food for each meal.


(alternatively, if you’re sinking too much, and not allowing an inner stretch to develop in the Yao as a result of dropping the weight of your pelvis off the upper torso - this can also cause stagnation (followed by fat) in the belly area. But I don’t think that’s what’s going on for you)


Mindful (silent, undistracted) eating (tasting, smelling and sensing the movement of food through your system) will also increase absorption of the good stuff :) Particularly if each ingredient is directly identifiable with the senses.


Three meals a day with no snacking in between is what my teacher recommends.


Great for health :) 


(trying not to get too off topic)

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13 minutes ago, thelerner said:

been 3 ½ years.  bump.


I'll bite. 😊


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Deep healing of life dynamics are a whole different matter.  If it can be figured out what the body is trying to say to you, the dynamic that created the manifestation (dis-ease) can be reversed.  This is a deep healing used by both Christian Science and shamanic practitioners.  For example, there was a lady who suffered from a withered hand (I read this in Mary Baker Eddy's book).  The 'diagnosis' was made that the hand had withered from her chronic stinginess, and they found that she had a particular memory that would pop up at appropriate times - a memory about 'not getting enough' as a child.  Memories such as these remain with us seemingly forever, they pop up periodically, and there's probably no emotion attached with the memory, because it has not been processed to this point.  The trick is to do something (a ceremony is helpful) to reverse the memory.  In other words, in this particular case, I would have her re-enact that moment of deprivation in her young life (couched in ceremony, I use a native american backdrop, usually) and then I would help her change the memory.  I might act out the part of the parent who deprived her, initially (or maybe a friend), but this time to do it so that the need is met this time - i.e. re-enact the parent giving something in abundance to the child.  Sometimes it needs to be repeated a few times, and hugs often abound after the ceremony.  Just acknowledging the dynamic within themselves goes a long way to changing the behavior, but bringing it into the 'physical' with ceremony is powerful. (I'm sorry, lol, I can't remember if this worked for the nice Christian ladies or not!)

  I do find that getting my own ego out of the way prior to any ceremony or physical reenactment is crucial.  I find that approaching this in 'all-oneness', i.e. 'I and You are the very same being', this takes the healer/patient aspect out of it, ego is leveled.  It's all so very subtle, but there's something to it.

  As I see it, it's all mind.  It starts there, it's governed there.  It manifests from there. That's the area that needs to be addressed, in the 'long dynamic' game.



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On 4/10/2020 at 2:33 AM, Earl Grey said:

Mundane: adequate rest at an early time. 

good, simple and effective. I should add this one to my Intermittent fasting routine for health improvement, as both together can perform fairly well.

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successfully pulling qi into the dan tien has been a life saver for me--it pulls down bad qi from the organs as well as some from blockages and pushes it into the furnace.  

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There's no catch-all panacea. Open awareness during the day helps to catch a first-level of what might be "off" but it's not always possible, nor does it prescribe what to do with it.


That said, a daily meditation practice is a good thing, as long as it's not a form of avoidance - it's just not healing per se though.

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