
What are your Go to Healing Techniques- mundane & esoteric

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What healing techniques do you use?  Looking for both mundane and esoteric/energy practices.



Mundane for me is going to bed early, before 10:30.  With a sleep tracker I notice it gives me more Deep Sleep, which is the most rejuvenating.  Another when I'm feeling feverish drinking lemongrass tea, taking very hot shower, more tea, then wrapping myself up and laying in bed.  Simply taking a long hot shower usually refreshes me.  All the better if I've sprayed with some eucalyptus oil 


Listening to a guided meditation, like Anna Wise's Healing Circle where you fall backwards into a Stonehengelike place and a healing ceremony happens.  Or some of the Unlock Your Life guided meditations on Allergies, Flu and Headaches. 


More on the esoteric scale, doing the Wim Hof breathing exercise has helped me with some stomach aches.  It seems to release adrenaline then a deeper relaxation.


I learned a chest beating routine in a Golden Bell group I went to long ago.  It had you lightly hitting your breast bone then continue hitting along the lower rib cage.   It was said to stimulate healing. 



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Haven't had a cold or flu since my son was in preschool, but when those around me at work begin getting sick we make a variety of Bone Broths or Healing Tonics.  Mixed bones are always on hand stored in freezer until needed, then boiled/simmered for 12-36 hours.  Add a variety of vegetables, Leeks, Onions, Carrots, Kale, Jalapenos for the last hours.  


Toward the end, mix with generous infusions of Tumeric, Cayenne, Smoked Paprika, and epic amounts of Garlic and Ginger... epic amounts.


Strain this and store in fridge, then daily heat a thermos full and bring it to work to sip throughout the day and offer to those suffering most.


When flu and cold are making the rounds in my home, I'll also pulverize a bulb of garlic in the mornings/evenings and take it, mixed with a spoonful of honey.   Smash a bulb thoroughly to release oils and consume within 10 minutes.  And snack on pickled ginger throughout the day.  We make our own.


Good sleep is probably the most vital. 

When working on a project my bedtime the last decade is 7:30-8:00, wake around 4, at work by 5:30.


The last few years I was getting colds and the flu, I noticed a pattern in myself in the couple days before the symptoms arose.  A tendency for unregistered flashes of anger that would cascade heat through the body.  Always wondered if feeding that anger weakened the Wei Qi Field and contributed to sickness taking root.  No way to know, it was an intuitive ping.


Shaking and stillness.  Shaking in the morning and evening for 5 minutes.  Generally I eat my daily meal on a work day at 9am coffee, then sleep or enter stillness, or read during lunch.

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Imagine letting a deity or avatar fill your body, either as an overlay or in your body.


Ask them to heal what you want fixed.


Last step is to integrate your system.


This can used on anything, an illness, chakras, meridians etc etc.

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On 4/7/2020 at 1:07 PM, thelerner said:


I learned a chest beating routine in a Golden Bell group I went to long ago.  It had you lightly hitting your breast bone then continue hitting along the lower rib cage.   It was said to stimulate healing. 




I was watching a doctor talking about COVID yesterday.  He talked about how the lungs are mainly exposed to our backs.  I've been doing a chest beating thing too - but I'm thinking maybe my roommate and I should beat each other's backs while laying prone with the sides of our hands - kind of like the old massages.  They showed an X-ray of Chris Cuomo's lungs (has Covid) and there was something that could be seen within the lung passages - they called it something like 'exudate' or something.  I'm pretty sure I have the wrong word there.....but I think the thumping might help keep the little virii (new made-up word) from taking up deep residence.  'Might' being the operative word.


Another method I've recently heard is similar to Yogic breathing techniques, but without the nostril holding.  To keep the lungs very aerated, by breathing deep in 5 times, holding your breath for the count of 5 each time.  Then on the 6th time, rather than just exhale, make yourself cough once rather forcefully, and this dislodges stuff from the lungs.  This series is repeated once more.  You will enjoy the vertigo, I did.




Edited by manitou
I really like Lerner & wanted to talk to him for another paragraph.
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42 minutes ago, manitou said:


I was watching a doctor talking about COVID yesterday.  He talked about how the lungs are mainly exposed to our backs.  I've been doing a chest beating thing too - but I'm thinking maybe my roommate and I should beat each other's backs while laying prone with the sides of our hands - kind of like the old massages.  They showed an X-ray of Chris Cuomo's lungs (has Covid) and there was something that could be seen within the lung passages - they called it something like 'exudate' or something.  I'm pretty sure I have the wrong word there.....but I think the thumping might help keep the little virii (new made-up word) from taking up deep residence.  'Might' being the operative word.


Another method I've recently heard is similar to Yogic breathing techniques, but without the nostril holding.  To keep the lungs very aerated, by breathing deep in 5 times, holding your breath for the count of 5 each time.  Then on the 6th time, rather than just exhale, make yourself cough once rather forcefully, and this dislodges stuff from the lungs.  This series is repeated once more.  You will enjoy the vertigo, I did.

In Aikido, we'd do a simple massage after class.  I think it was called Thumping.  Mostly on the shoulders.  You'd raise your hand a 6 or 7 inches above the seated person shoulder and relaxed but with follow through, drop it so the hand 'Thumps' the shoulder.  Its a loud sound and a fair amount of force, but one thats distributed over a wide space. 


We'd start above the elbow, move towards the neck, switch sides and slowly, loudly Thump, to the other elbow.  Because you drop the whole arm, only making contact with the flat of the hand, its surprisingly powerful and relaxing.  I haven't done it in a while.


The Wim Hof breathing I'm doing these days is 30 Deep fast Ins, letting it go.  At the 30th there's a breath hold after exhaling, for as long as is comfortable.  Indepth description on the net and various real time instruction on some Youtubes.

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44 minutes ago, gendao said:

Massage (compression), stretching, & experimenting with a little Paida Lajin now...

Strange stuff, but looks..invigorating. 

how do you like it?  Is it similar to this?

reminds me a little bit of the Golden Bell qi gong classes I took long ago, but those were mostly abdominal, at my level anyway.

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^ I'm no expert on it, but I do it maybe twice as fast and not as stiffly.  They do sell a rubber Paida paddle...which you can see would replicate a looser hand slapping in more of a whiplash motion.  And I do it faster because the faster you do it, the shorter it takes overall, lol.  Obviously you do have to do it lighter on your face like him...but on other parts you can basically be hardcore spanking yourself.


There's been several threads on it in here before, and lots of videos with demos and testimonials on YouTube...


Like many Chinese therapies, it requires you to embrace and feel your PAIN.


Aside from that, the other tough parts are that it is a very tiring and loud exercise...and so I usually just do some very short sessions in the shower.


And funny, I just now read about NATURE BEEING's custom approach to sounds a lot like mine, lol!

On 3/29/2020 at 2:59 AM, NATURE BEEING said:

Made the same experiences gsmaster! But for me it wasnt students i was doing it on " normal people " what they described sounded to more like an initiation then just energy healing. Altered states of mind like the feeling of an intense love for life or the feeling of being immortal while driving back home 😀. I had to meditate for years to experience this.


I also developed a massage system where i at first make the clients stand properly and correct there posture and use a pressure test for feedback.Then i make them sit in the same posture and i do a deep massage using listening skill, i go in spontaneous qigong mode while doing it. At the end of the sessions i do spontaneous paida tapping.By doing it for 20 minutes posture changes are extreme and people also experience bliss from doing it.


I think if i had a " student " i could boost them like maybe doing all that for one week they would get to a point that they inly would have reached after maybe 1 year of practicing or even 3 ,i dont know hard to tell.


I am also interested in "energy pushing" because i noticed when i do playful push hands stuff with people i usually dont go as deep in energy mode as in solo practice.


Excited what you will experience while doing your experiments.


Ah i am usually not drained because i use preheaven energy but i have a few issues again after years of amazing health and now its more difficult.But sometimes if i do distance healing it feels like a party and i am happy afterwards.

Hey @NATURE BEEING, mind posting a video of a sesh?  I'd be interested to see what yours looks like?

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27 minutes ago, thelerner said:



Hi Michael,


Take the herbs at/from TDB - after discerning the weeds?


- Anand



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7 hours ago, RiverSnake said:

3 day water fast, combined with energy work

fasting combined with energy work is incredibly draining for one’s jing. Particularly if you’re able to mobilise Qi to any great extent.


if fasting gentle breathing practice is best... and sitting quietly with awareness.


For healing - bone broths definitely. Rest and sleep. Just being gentle and nurturing with yourself... drinking hot water throughout the day... and laughter

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4 hours ago, freeform said:

fasting combined with energy work is incredibly draining for one’s jing. Particularly if you’re able to mobilise Qi to any great extent.


if fasting gentle breathing practice is best... and sitting quietly with awareness.


For healing - bone broths definitely. Rest and sleep. Just being gentle and nurturing with yourself... drinking hot water throughout the day... and laughter


Naturally, you should always listen to your body. Just as when you start a vegetarian diet as in fasting, your body will become "lighter" and you adjust your activity accordingly. Jing comes from it will have a depleting affect in the short term. 

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2 hours ago, RiverSnake said:

Jing comes from it will have a depleting affect in the short term. 

Qi comes from digesting food.

Jing you already have - but only a ‘finite amount’ of it... It cannot be replenished (in most circumstances).


If you stimulate Qi production and you stop eating at the same time, your body will have to dip into your Jing reserves to generate it.


When on retreat and focusing on Neigong specifically, my calorie intake often doubles. If I was fasting and training to the same intensity, I’d seriously damage my health for the rest of my life.


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48 minutes ago, freeform said:

Qi comes from digesting food.

Jing you already have - but only a ‘finite amount’ of it... It cannot be replenished (in most circumstances).


If you stimulate Qi production and you stop eating at the same time, your body will have to dip into your Jing reserves to generate it.


When on retreat and focusing on Neigong specifically, my calorie intake often doubles. If I was fasting and training to the same intensity, I’d seriously damage my health for the rest of my life.



Well, the idea that jing cannot be replenished is preposterous IME, assuming we are referring to the same thing....which i guess were not if your saying Jing doesn't come from food.  


IMO you are correct that long periods of combined fasting and intensive energy work can be counter productive. However, a 3 day period as suggested, should present no difficulty. 



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I’ve been taking lions mane for the mind and  trying out reishi and Chaga. Tried cordyceps and it causes breathing issues for me, so it’s off my list. 

As far as healing practice is concerned - daily dose of taijiquan and zhan zhuang has been a mainstay of my life since the past 20-ish years. 

I also resumed the practice of alternate nostril breathing for a few minutes a day, adding a mantra that I do daily for almost 22 years now — each inhale and each exhale is as long as one rep of the mantra takes. 

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1 hour ago, RiverSnake said:


Well, the idea that jing cannot be replenished is preposterous IME, assuming we are referring to the same thing....which i guess were not if your saying Jing doesn't come from food.  

I've got a TCM text that says something similar about Jing-nourishing foods - but I think it's talking about Kidney-nourishment having a knock-off effect on the Jing.


Edit: spleen/stomach for postnatal, not Kidneys


My understanding was that Jing replenishment is a pretty controversial thing, and that it doesn't really happen until the marrow washing process (consolidation of Jing being a different thing altogether).

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6 minutes ago, Wilhelm said:

I've got a TCM text that says something similar about Jing-nourishing foods - but I think it's talking about Kidney-nourishment having a knock-off effect on the Jing.


My understanding was that Jing replenishment is a pretty controversial thing, and that it doesn't really happen until the marrow washing process (consolidation of Jing being a different thing altogether).


I think he is referring to primordial jing, the ancestral essence your receive from your family, while i am referring to the base raw energy material you receive from food that you use for sex, alchemy and basic biological functions. TCM terms can be quite confusing and subtle as there attempting to describe subtle phenomena. 

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15 minutes ago, Wilhelm said:

I've got a TCM text that says something similar about Jing-nourishing foods - but I think it's talking about Kidney-nourishment having a knock-off effect on the Jing.


My understanding was that Jing replenishment is a pretty controversial thing, and that it doesn't really happen until the marrow washing process (consolidation of Jing being a different thing altogether).

AFAIK, Pre-natal Jing cannot be replenished. The exhaustion of this results in physical death. What we can do is prevent the leakage, by consolidating the mind, and purifying it, and thereby slowing down the “decay”. 

But there are Yogis who perform kaya-kalpa techniques and can reverse aging (don’t ask me how, I don’t know). So maybe it IS possible :) 


IMHO, it’s better  to forget about the body beyond basic healthy functioning,  and focus on spiritual liberation :) 

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36 minutes ago, dwai said:

AFAIK, Pre-natal Jing cannot be replenished. The exhaustion of this results in physical death. What we can do is prevent the leakage, by consolidating the mind, and purifying it, and thereby slowing down the “decay”. 

Yeah the only method I've heard is through Bodidharma's Xi Sui Jing (Marrow Washing process) and that's too far above my level for me to comment on 😅


IMHO, it’s better  to forget about the body beyond basic healthy functioning,  and focus on spiritual liberation :) 

Fair enough :) Teacher says do both, do I do both!

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1 hour ago, Wilhelm said:

Yeah the only method I've heard is through Bodidharma's Xi Sui Jing (Marrow Washing process) and that's too far above my level for me to comment on 😅

Fair enough :) Teacher says do both, do I do both!

At the risk of setting people off on chasing wild geese, here's an interesting article on Kaya kalpa I found --


if any one is tempted to try the external alchemical stuff in this article, PLEASE DON'T!  I only posted from an academic interest perspective...

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1 hour ago, Wilhelm said:

I've got a TCM text that says something similar about Jing-nourishing foods - but I think it's talking about Kidney-nourishment having a knock-off effect on the Jing.

Yeah I’m talking about the Neigong aspect of jing which is the ‘kidney essence’.


‘Jing nourishing foods’ doesn’t mean it’s ‘adding’ jing to your organs... 


The jing of all your organs comes from your original essence.


How depleting qi practices are on a fasting body depends how efficient your practice is... but in my experience, even if you have just a slight deficit of calories in a day (let alone fast completely for a few days) - it will start to dip into your essence.


I wouldn’t belabour this point if I didn’t consider this to be particularly dangerous for people.


While it’s true that if you haven’t mobilised yang qi, to any great extent, it wouldn’t cause too many issues... but if you have (for instance if you get trembling, shaking, zifagong, electric currents etc) - then you’re putting yourself at great risk.

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