Lauren Shaw

Hello, my intro

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Hello fellow travelers.


I'm glad to have found this site. Taoists are few and far between on the ground, so it's nice finding a community of people to learn from and discuss things with.


I've been Taoist my entire life, but only discovered that fact recently. ;)


There is a lot to learn about what I already know. Many of you probably know what I mean.


There is a lot to learn about what until now was only intuition, or that which I had no idea about. I am very much looking forward to learning from the other people here and having other people along on what has often been a solitary journey thus far. I have seen some awesome posts while searching for answers on some topics of interest to me.


About me: I live in Austin, TX with my husbear and 2 cublets. We live in the woods backing up to Emma Long Park motorcycle trails (google it), surrounded on all sides by trees, on the side of a hill, with a far-seeing view of the Lake Austin river valley. We've been here 10 years, the house needs quite a lot of fixing (anyone know a great fung shui practitioner?), but we would not leave this site for anything. It goes far deeper than just a nice piece of land. Again, many of you would probably understand the spiritual union with such a location.


If anyone is interested in pics or "who I am" and what makes me tick, I can be found at OKCupid as SaphireBear or on PolyMatchMaker, also as SaphireBear.


Thanks so much for reading my intro. I am happy to have any feedback anyone wants to offer.



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