
Kunlun and DMT

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So Kunlun develops the crystal palace area of the brain and third eye vision capacity pretty quickly. A component of this that I hadn't considered before is that endogenous DMT production is likely a part of this process. Research on this side of the equation has been done:




It seems that higher levels of DMT are associated with Kunlun type of experiences: visions, healings, etc.

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I had no doubt that Mad Max covered the DMT angle. Maybe the fish oil I'm taking boosts the DMT too. Feels like it. I've got a bottle of tryptophan around here somewhere. Maybe I'll check that out too. Drew wrote about taking Salvia and seemed to have fun with it.



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So Kunlun develops the crystal palace area of the brain and third eye vision capacity pretty quickly. A component of this that I hadn't considered before is that endogenous DMT production is likely a part of this process. Research on this side of the equation has been done:




It seems that higher levels of DMT are associated with Kunlun type of experiences: visions, healings, etc.


Hi Yoda, :)

The thing I wonder about is this: Can't you also stimulate the crystal palace/mud pill palace/pineal-pituitary section of you brain by using the reflexology points in the thumbs and big toes?


Try digging your index finger into the inside parts of the fleshy part of the left-of-center of the pad and right-of-center in your thumbs. Really dig in there with the nail of the index finger or poke around until you feel a nerve point. Keep moving the index fingers to stimulate it even more. When you press and apply pressure on it, it creates a sensation in the center of the brain similar to kunlun practice, or deep silence meditation at the brow. It works with the points on the big toes too.


I haven't found a precise chart picture of where exactly the pressure points are in the thumbs but I can find two pressure point areas in the thumbs. One is the pineal gland and the other is the pituitary. They are at the level of the bottom of the nails on the fleshy part (fingerprint side) of the thumb (for me). (I did find some reflexology points diagrams but most of them don't all say the same place. Like: Hand Chart)


But, the idea is very interesting and convenient. You can stimulate your thumbs anywhere at any time.


Give it a try. Any thoughts on this? I'll bet it causes the head glands to secrete..





Edited by Tibetan_Ice

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I'll give my thumbs and big toes a good rubdown before practice, thanks for the suggestion!

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I'll give my thumbs and big toes a good rubdown before practice, thanks for the suggestion!


Hey Yoda,

After some testing, I've determined that the pituitary pressure points are on the inside of the thumbs about a 1/3 inch to the left of the center of the thumb (next to the index fingers) and the pineal pressure points are on the outside about 1/4 inch to the right of the center of the thumb (they touch if you hold your hands in prayer position).

It seems that if I begin my meditation with 1 minute of stimulating each point on each thumb, it drastically reduces the time it takes me to get to the point where my forehead is numb and the brain feels like clump of jelly..

I look forward to hearing what you experience!




Edited by Tibetan_Ice

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It makes sense if Max is engaging the downward flow above the crown that this would necessarily nourish the pineal gland. It is logical that darkness results in visionary experience given that melatonine is metabolized in various pathways to form the 3 key neuro-hormones mentioned. However, before any such activity was stimulated in darkness retreats it was ensured that the student had mastered several meditative techniques, such as Trek-chod which means cutting through duality. See 5 elements -healing with form and Light book. Otherwise any visions are simply the fruit of one's karmic samskaras playing out and are said to be rather like useless cognitive processes that do not lead one to non-dual enlightenment. Darkroom is supposed to turn on the inner light. Ayahuasca is another story. Tryptophan or 5HTP can boost the production of higher neurotransmitters, butconversion only optimally occurs in total light isolation, light changes the conformation of the enzymes which perform the conversion.

Edited by Xienkula1

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Killer about the death thing!! Way to go!!


Your pal,


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CCOs release DMT. Regular old HT techniques. Nobody here cares though. Silly that.


Interesting how Kunlun claims continue to encroach on those of traditional HT methods.


Nothing new under the sun just new ways to package it and new suckers to sell it to (love the "ancient lineage" stuff).


But I wish you all the Best. Lest you think otherwise.



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CCOs release DMT. Regular old HT techniques. Nobody here cares though. Silly that.


Interesting how Kunlun claims continue to encroach on those of traditional HT methods.


Nothing new under the sun just new ways to package it and new suckers to sell it to (love the "ancient lineage" stuff).


But I wish you all the Best. Lest you think otherwise.



Yep, old wine in a new skin, but at least you can still get drunk.

Edited by Xienkula1

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After my first Max workshop I more or less felt like I was tripping on drugs for about a month. I didn't sleep and was having all sorts of intense upper tan tien experiences.


I didn't experience anything like that with HT methods though others experience might be different.

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Unless you experienced knowledge of the "crystal palace" as a result of your efforts, I'd ask for my money back.


I won't be contributing any further to this thread without a well presented reason for me to do so.

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I experienced, and continue to experience, alot of things from studying with Max. Money doesn't really enter into it, I consider the whole bunch friends at this point.


You should do a workshop before you dis Max or the practices he teaches. They are going to be in NJ in May, isn't that your neck of the woods? If you really want to talk about CCO instead of gettiing upset why not go to Healingdao.com? You realize HT has it's own discussion board right?

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Guest winpro07

Is the crystal palace same as secret inch? ?

Dont know what to call some of the things that happen...

Edited by winpro07

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Is the crystal palace same as secret inch? ?

Dont know what to call some of the things that happen...



Ditto. When I do Red Phoenix I quickly experiences this area. I think Max refers to it as the Wisdom Eye. No idea if this is what xeno is referring to.


I don't consider opening the wisdom eye or having a crown chakra experience near as important for me at this time as opening the belly and heart. So the emphasis on this doesn't vibe with me at this point.


As Mantra68 said, Kunlun opens up all the energy centers, so this would obviously include energy centers in the head.



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Guest winpro07


I don't consider opening the wisdom eye or having a crown chakra experience anywhere near as important for me at this time as opening the lower tan tien and heart. So this whole emphasis on this doesn't vibe with me at this point.


Some people start in the attic. I am getting used to the living room right now. I think maybe Xeno is perched atop the weathervane...

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btw, I edited it in my first post to say belly and heart rather than tan tiens. I prefer to use normal language. Opening the belly, diaphragm etc. To work heavily on 3rd eye/niwan development before the belly is opened up is silly imo.


The beauty of kunlun is it works at opening everything at once in a natural way.

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I was practicing Red Phoenix (consistently) before I even met max for a few months without knowing what it was, I was actually practicing it for years (but only a couple minutes every now and then). The DMT in my head is very obvious, I can see the world in a different way now and I enter theta everytime I sleep. Theta seems natural for me to fall into. I had my wisdom eye open when I was a little kid, so red phoenix has always been really natural for me. Kunlun seems to raise the vibration in my head to make it easier to magnetize. I experience extremely long states of emptiness, which, from what I have come to understand is the pituitary gland kicking its opposition of the pineal so that they can join together. My head also cracks like a mofo every time i do kunlun (loud "cracks!!") and my throat has opened up a new channel so that I can breath into my skull. Everyday fears are nonexistent, as is my fear of death.




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CCOs haha - took me a second... kinda like my


O at a D




Orgasm at a Distance.


I have about 10 of these a day on average. haha.


Boy could I tell some stories. haha -- nothing like sitting in full-lotus all day in cafes and restaurants, libraries and at work, etc.




Oh -- glad to hear someone else has the whole skull cracking thing.


GEEsus -- last night it was snap, crackle pop till 3 a.m. The energy wouldn't let me sleep! haha.


Yeah I fell asleep around 1 a.m. and then I woke up to my energy getting pulled out of my lower chakras.


Usually it's the old pervert roommate -- using the bathroom adjacent to my room. He likes to kill himself softly in there. haha.


So the energy wakes me up -- getting pulled out of my lower body -- so I go into full-lotus -- that equalizes the energy exchange so I'm sucking in the lower electrochemical energy as the Number 1 or 2 person (Gurdjieff term) sucks in my electromagnetic energy (which now goes out of my third eye, not the lower chakras).


Anyway this time I realized it was just my other roommate's girlfriend. haha. That's better because the female climax stays in the parasympathetic nervous system -- its goes UP UP UP using the vagus nerve -- instead of the male climax pulling down, activating stress system, or to quote Stanford Professor Robert Sapolsky's book title, that's


The Trouble with Testosterone. http://www.amazon.com/Trouble-Testosterone...t/dp/0684838915




Oh I forgot to add -- when I experimented with Salvia I did have an amazing 3rd Eye opening experience where I saw rainbows around my hands, in front of my face -- even though it was pitch dark, my eyes were closed, and a hat covered my eyes, etc. But what's amazing about Salvia is that it doesn't use DMT according to all the research on it. Apparently Salvia uses a variant of THC -- some sort of carbon-based molecule.


Anyway I recommend Fred Alan Wolf's book Space-Time and Beyond -- because we're talking about ionization of protons and electrons here -- creating what's called gravity waves -- or pure consciousness -- reversed electrons are antimatter as


REVERSE TIME through nonlocal information, etc.


Whatever -- science is silly and Salvia is almost illegal already so if you all want to experiment. My schtick was to see which was more powerful


3rd Eye full-lotus versus Salvia.


Drugs are just electrochemical while alchemy is


electromagnetic and MORE!!


So the third eye was stronger. I would just smoke stronger salvia and then I would black out. I tried to repeat my third eye vision but I never had any hallucinations (as every one else does on salvia). I blacked out about 8 times -- but since I was in full-lotus I never fell over. Everyone else falls on their back when they smoke salvia and then has hallucinations. That's because psychotropics shut down your thalamus causing the cerebellum to download directly to the cerebral cortex. But since I can already flex my pineal gland at will I could keep my thalamus activated through magnetic bliss.


The Salvia did activate my electrochemical system and I'd have about 6 internal climaxes -- real orgasms -- shooting up my back, while smoking the stuff. That was of course nice but not worth the $40 or whatever. That's just natural yin-yang dynamics that population density takes care of freely. haha.


I'll add one final comment. This morning I was actually thinking about my Salvia experience -- BEFORE I READ THIS THREAD. My cerebellum was so strongly activated that I actually held up my hands to see if I could see them with my third eye -- even though my eyes were closed. It was hard to tell but I was probably just fluttering my eye lids a bit -- still the reason I even tried was because I started seeing this flashing strobe light thing as my brain cracking, popping intensified. In other words the light was getting strong enough were I could see THROUGH my skull -- using my pineal gland to see -- not my eyes. haha.

Edited by drew hempel

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