
Kunlun and DMT

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I'm sitting in full-lotus as usual -- at work -- and my neck keeps pumping up energy -- my adam's apple clicks or cracks and then my cerebellum has this strong pressure which creates this magnetic bliss in my kundabuffer (the small of the back). haha. then there's this magnetic field of consciousness kind of extending outside of my body.... oh well. haha.

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I can relate drew, I can see the energy fields (looks like rainbow static) in pitch black with eye closed around my hands and objects in my immediate vicinity, It is very faint, and I cannot tell what the item is unless I am moving it (hands, pillow) but I have an inkling that this will continue to get stronger...

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Maybe I should use your avatar! haha. Thanks for humbling me though. I was beginning to think this strong magnetic bliss filling my skull was going to keep me from staying on the ground. haha.


I can relate drew, I can see the energy fields (looks like rainbow static) in pitch black with eye closed around my hands and objects in my immediate vicinity, It is very faint, and I cannot tell what the item is unless I am moving it (hands, pillow) but I have an inkling that this will continue to get stronger...

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Guest winpro07

Common language seems best. I cannot use belly, or Niwan to describe the secret inch though. While in there 100% -perception of body disipates. Its like being in a very tiny room that does not exist until it is found, and then nothing else matters, then it becomes line running on forever, and my self just a point through which light passes, but then there isn't even light....funny how body is always where i return to. I mean i wouldn't want to stay a line, or point,,,maybe light though? that does sound good to me:)


I don't consider opening the wisdom eye or having a crown chakra experience anywhere near as important for me at this time as opening the lower tan tien and heart. So this whole emphasis on this doesn't vibe with me at this point.


Some people start in the attic. I am getting used to the living room right now. I think maybe Xeno is perched atop the weathervane...

Edited by winpro07

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I recommend spirulina. Traditional shamans eat a high tryptophan diet: fish and bananas. Serotonin turns into melatonin which turns into DMT. That's the basic routine. Those figs that the Buddha ate -- high levels of serotonin. Chinese black sesame seeds are strongly recommended by qigong master Chunyi Lin -- again high levels of tryptophan.


Does ingesting DMT increase your DMT production? does it hinder it? I'd be interested in trying it if it helped...

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Guest winpro07

particular type of figs?


Anyone aware of other chimcal precursors supliments to aid in seratonin production?

Are there precursors to use with tryptophan?

I recommend spirulina. Traditional shamans eat a high tryptophan diet: fish and bananas. Serotonin turns into melatonin which turns into DMT. That's the basic routine. Those figs that the Buddha ate -- high levels of serotonin. Chinese black sesame seeds are strongly recommended by qigong master Chunyi Lin -- again high levels of tryptophan.

Edited by winpro07

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Well qigong master Chunyi Lin tells how when you go on an energy feast you start with 3 apples a day then go to 1 apple a day and then eat 3 figs a day or something like that -- Chinese figs he states are really tiny. haha. So he went some 28 days or maybe 40 days straight with


No water


No food


No sleep.


I went 8 days with half a glass of water and going on 5 hours of sleep a night -- that was the highest my energy ever was -- a true energy feast. Bigu.


Chunyi Lin eats just one little meal of veggies and tofu a day plus fasts one day a week -- just like Master Ping, Wang Li or ... sorry to butcher the Opening the Dragon Gate dude.


Well maybe you should just suck the life force out a bull. haha.

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Guest winpro07

But since I can already flex my pineal gland at will I could keep my thalamus activated through magnetic bliss.


Could you break down 'flexing the pineal'?

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Silly. People. Ignorant.


Try. To help. Ignorance too great.


Compassion greater. Still try.



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lol drew i can't believe you went there hahahahaha.... i am going to try and buy the sprint forest qigong stuff...

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Silly. People. Ignorant.


Try. To help. Ignorance too great.


Compassion greater. Still try.



Looks like we've got a new comedian :lol:


thats really funny

Edited by satyagraha

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Common language seems best. I cannot use belly, or Niwan to describe the secret inch though. While in there 100% -perception of body disipates. Its like being in a very tiny room that does not exist until it is found, and then nothing else matters, then it becomes line running on forever, and my self just a point through which light passes, but then there isn't even light....funny how body is always where i return to. I mean i wouldn't want to stay a line, or point,,,maybe light though? that does sound good to me:)



Cool. Do you do grounding heavily afterwards? Max told me if you do Red Phoenix and don't ground alot you can go crazy!

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Does ingesting DMT increase your DMT production? does it hinder it? I'd be interested in trying it if it helped...


No, by itself it doesn't do either (unless smoked). DMT is broken down by mono-amine-oxidase enzymes in the stomach to a non-psychedelic bland metabolite. Go see an Ayahuasquero/a if you want to learn this path, it's not quite like Vitamine C you Know! Sometimes less is more :P



Edited by Xienkula1

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Guest winpro07

Did FE daily for the first four months. I don't know its grounding, but does lend stability, and fluidity. It seems like the DT gather whats their own, with or without my good intent. My part in all of this is minuscule. I think we are so used to hindering everything with unconscious intent, but in the end will only be able to let go. The better part of my self was always within -it was not my intention that brought it forward, though i did very much desire freedom

I did RP for three hrs a few weeks ago, the physical side effects were very deep relaxation, and well being -these two put together make grounding very outmatic




Cool. Do you do grounding heavily afterwards? Max told me if you do Red Phoenix and don't ground alot you can go crazy!

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OK again serotonin turns to melatonin turns to DMT -- what gets missed in all of this is the HUGE amounts of serotonin that normally can't bypass the blood-brain barrier.


But -- Harvard physiologist Kummer's book "The Tangled Wing" states clearly that if serotonin is IONIZED then it can bypass the blood-brain barrier.


Fire up that lower tan tien with your ultrasound ionization and presto! Vagus nerve pulsating, kicking up all the serotonin your little brain desires -- so that you too can flex that pineal gland.


It's weird I just become "aware" of it -- focus my intention to do so, and I guess there's some muscle surrounding the tissue somewhere in there -- and then I feel the pineal gland and then the vagus nerve and neck center start pulling up the electrochemicals from the lower body, filling the brain with bliss.


This is also activated by hot chicks -- without me having any intention. I just sit in full-lotus and read or whatever -- then I notice my right-side vagus nerve pulsating -- causing my pineal gland to kick out electromagnetic fields that are sucked up by the hot chicks.


So I'll look up and then my eyes shoot out more electromagnetic bliss (the alchemical agent) and then the chicks pick it up and then they display themselves to better receive it and then there's a mutual psychic climax.


Three climaxes with one chick is usually the public limit as the first two are build-ups and the third is a full-on one, requiring physical full-body tension release for both parties involved.


It's free by the way. Free'd-Ohm.


Gotta go.

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You are definitely a taobum-in-the-know. :lol:


Ultrasound ionization a gizmo?




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Did FE daily for the first four months. I don't know its grounding, but does lend stability, and fluidity. It seems like the DT gather whats their own, with or without my good intent. My part in all of this is minuscule. I think we are so used to hindering everything with unconscious intent, but in the end will only be able to let go. The better part of my self was always within -it was not my intention that brought it forward, though i did very much desire freedom

I did RP for three hrs a few weeks ago, the physical side effects were very deep relaxation, and well being -these two put together make grounding very outmatic



Interesting. So after RP you don't consciously direct energy down to the navel area the way Max teaches but sort of let the energy flow where it wants to?


Or your saying "letting go" basically takes care of everything?

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Guest winpro07

I put my hands over the lower, but dont think anything, or try to sense. Mind is the governor of all power, and hinders me in every way possible. Intent is good when it comes from divine order, but acting apart from divine order is always dangerous. What is the source of mind? Yea letting go is key to everything imaginable

Interesting. So after RP you don't consciously direct energy down to the navel area the way Max teaches but sort of let the energy flow where it wants to?


Or your saying "letting go" basically takes care of everything?

I believe max would have for us the same as tao will have for all its bodies.

Edited by winpro07

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Did FE daily for the first four months. I don't know its grounding, but does lend stability, and fluidity. It seems like the DT gather whats their own, with or without my good intent.
FE = ?

DT = dantien?

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