Edward M Posted May 23, 2020 (edited) Hi Dao Bums, Don't worry, I'm not wanting to talk about mo pai, or to claim John Chang was Jesus. Am I correct in remembering John Chang saw Jesus and accepted him as lord? I'm sure I heard this somewhere, and it makes perfect sense. When you come into contact with the vibration of Jesus, it just feels so right, and you know in your heart he is Lord, and same vibration as the source, that is also sentient. How can that which is sentient come forth from that which is not? In the book of John, Jesus states both that he is lord, (You say I am lord and master, and I agree I am these things) and he also states God the father is one in the same book of John, the first John section in the Gideon New Testament. I can tell you, that when you accept in your hearts, as conscious adults, that Jesus is Lord, it invokes something within you, that if held firmly to and accepted fully, will guide you to the light body/Holy Spirit baptism. Jesus says in the new testament, to watch for an hour, before praying,. This together with him seeing all the worlds sins before him in the desert, but not reacting to them, shows us he is recommending and teaching that we develop this quality of mindfulness/vipassana that he had naturally in the desert. I'm just a beginner, but from what I've experienced, prayer is just as important when it comes to spiritual development, as meditation. It can activate higher faculties, plus you create a genuine personal connection and relationships with both father and christ. So, all those who want to do mo pai, take note, accept Jesus and you will be guided down the correct path for you towards the true light. Also remember, Jesus says in the New Testament that he came to take away our shame and guilt. Please read the new testament and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in your understanding of its contents. Ok, take care bums, I'm not on here much often., I just felt inspired to talk about DJ and Jesus. Peace Edited May 23, 2020 by Edward M Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nungali Posted May 23, 2020 On 5/23/2020 at 4:30 PM, Edward M said: ... Also remember, Jesus says in the New Testament that he came to take away our shame and guilt. Please read the new testament and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in your understanding of its contents. ... ... but I dont have any shame and guilt . So hopefully 'The Lord' need have nothing to do with me . 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vajra Fist Posted May 24, 2020 On 5/23/2020 at 4:30 PM, Edward M said: I can tell you, that when you accept in your hearts, as conscious adults, that Jesus is Lord, it invokes something within you, that if held firmly to and accepted fully, will guide you to the light body/Holy Spirit baptism. I fully believe in your experience of this, and the obvious spiritual insight and benefit you've received makes me happy for you. The bums is a diverse place though, and many of the members here have had equally profound experiences of grace on other paths. Realising and accepting that doesn't detract from your own experience. As John said, "in my father's house there are many mansions". 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
old3bob Posted May 24, 2020 (edited) Jesus is a lord of his own golden soul...but he does not lord it over anyone. Btw and if you haven't noticed Christianity is deeply riddled and flawed with 2000 years of mankind's meddling and co-opting for worldly and corrupt religious purposes which can easily lead to forms of individual and national madness. (for instance inquisitions, crusades, murders of nature related healers, genocide of millions of native peoples aka "manifest destiny", the horrors between Irish Catholic and English Protestant as just one example among dozens of other bloody rifts which include the dichotomies between various sects - many who dismiss each other as apostate, etc., etc., etc.. Such madness is also on display in the old Testament with a god that plays favorites and orders the slaughter of whole groups various peoples with his hate and wrath; thus there can be no human or spiritual reconciliation with such Abrahamic religious absolutes of contradiction. Edited May 24, 2020 by old3bob 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Edward M Posted May 24, 2020 Hi, thanks for responses. There was a reason I put ask the hoy spirit to lead you when you read the New Testament, as not everyone in the church has the right interpretation. If the whole of the new testament is not put into consideration as well, it can cause misunderstandings. That one passage about taking away our shame and guilt along with watch for an hour before praying, should show some people that they are misinterpreting the gospel. It is Jesus that is assigned to judge us, and look how he forgave them whilst on the cross, his teaching has been misrepresented so much. So, I just put this topic up to show that accomplished masters all the see the truth of Jesus and his teachings. Peace 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
old3bob Posted May 24, 2020 the Bible does not put it that way, the Bible does not accept masters of other traditions as being equal alternates, right? Thus Christians can not have their Bible the way it is presented and also interpret or cherry pick it however they want as individuals or in groups. You mean well but there can be no peace in or from a Bible and its teachings that is based on absolute contradictions Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Edward M Posted May 24, 2020 Jesus brought a new covenant, "a time is coming where the true worshipers will worship in spirit and in truth, God is spirit" Peace Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
old3bob Posted May 24, 2020 (edited) in the Book of Revelations some are blessed and others are eternally dammed; and god is taught as a Being that has the energy to maintain an eternally dammed realm for an untold number of beings to suffer in (aka hell) thus such a god is not a god of final reconciliation or love. Spirit is Spirit and faith and hope are important but it does not need a creation of god in our image. Edited May 24, 2020 by old3bob Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Edward M Posted May 24, 2020 (edited) Ok, im being honest when I say I've never read the book of revelations properly. I'll read it and see what comes up. Thanks, I was't aware of that. I just know that having a personal relationship with Allaha and Jesus has done me a great deal of good, and I know in my heart Jesus is Lord, it feels so right and helps inspire me. The gospel of Thomas predates the new t gospels. The book of thomas says the passages if understood fully would give eternal life. in the g of t oe passage states that to know god we must know the nature of the present moment. I think before we go to these teachings we should work on moral ethics, loving neighbour as self and putting what buddha called silla into practice. Thanks again for posting that out, I had never heard that before. OK, so back on again, it came to me that the eternal realm of damnation is only for those souls that get in the way of the divine plan as ordained from the first cause, so much, that they have to be put there for the sake of the rest of us. But also, the realm is eternal, but perhaps not the occupants of the realm if they are able to turn back towards God and repent. Again I haven't read its properly, but that al just came to me. peace Edited May 25, 2020 by Edward M 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
old3bob Posted May 24, 2020 it is inferred that god has to maintain an eternal hell of suffering for the dammed, who else could? (which is not in Satan's power) No doubt Jesus is a great golden soul, but he is not bound by the dictates of human religion. Nor is he interested in being worshiped, what real brother would be? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
forestofclarity Posted May 24, 2020 You're talking folk Christianity here. Like folk Buddhism, where people pray to Buddhas for money. A more cogent view, in my opinion, is found in the philosophy of David Bentley Hart. You will find a much larger God there than you would normally find in your neighborhood church. Perhaps a God too large for any one religion. On 5/24/2020 at 7:43 PM, old3bob said: it is inferred that god has to maintain an eternal hell of suffering for the dammed, who else could? (which is not in Satan's power) No doubt Jesus is a great golden soul, but he is not bound by the dictates of human religion. Nor is he interested in being worshiped, what real brother would be? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nungali Posted May 24, 2020 On 5/24/2020 at 7:05 PM, Edward M said: Ok, im being honest when I say I've never read the book of revelations properly. I'll read it and see what comes up. Thanks, I was't aware of that. I just know that having a personal relationship with Allaha and Jesus has done me a great deal of good, and I know in my heart Jesus is Lord, it feels so right and helps inspire me. The gospel of Thomas predates the new t gospels. in the book of John in nt jesus is described as giving us the words of eternal life. the book of thomas says the passages if understood fully would give eternal life. in the g of t oe passage states that to know god we must know the nature of the present moment. I think before we go to these teachings we should work on moral ethics, loving neighbour as self and putting what buddha called silla into practice. Thanks again for posting that out, I had never heard that before. OK, so back on again, it came to me that the eternal realm of damnation is only for those souls that get in the way of the divine plan as ordained from the first cause, so much, that they have to be put there for the sake of the rest of us. But also, the realm is eternal, but perhaps not the occupants of the realm if they are able to turn back towards God and repent. Again I haven't read its properly, but that al just came to me. peace Well, coming here and preaching to us about the Bible is one thing ... but when you confess you haven't actually read all of it .... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ilumairen Posted May 24, 2020 2 hours ago, Edward M said: The gospel of Thomas predates the new t gospels. https://www.bibleodyssey.org/en/tools/ask-a-scholar/gospel-of-thomas On 5/24/2020 at 9:22 PM, Nungali said: Well, coming here and preaching to us about the Bible is one thing ... but when you confess you haven't actually read all of it .... He said "properly read," and I could argue most have not properly read it - if there even is a proper way to read it (aside from recognizing the ramblings and personal revelations of a dying and likely somewhat mad man - which has provided fertile soil for countless fictionalized tales of a battle between light and darkness). As an aside while I ventured the halls of my own madness (what I call my period of [the unintentional] unraveling of constructs) there was a night of vivid dreams which led to a day or two where I had a sense of understanding armageddon in a very personal sense.. this eventually faded to a recognized cultural undertone in my understanding (should I wish to use this framework to share ideas or experiences with others - which I generally don't.) In any case, I personally (closely) know two Christians who experienced what some here would label kundalini through prayer, and for a time I was quite interested in the tales of Teresa of Avila, although I came to suspect some of her later experiences were owing to a focus outside of herself, instead of inward, and were similar to a "wind disorder." And this is enough rambling for now. Take care Nungali; I'm glad you are back. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
David Langford Posted May 25, 2020 On 5/23/2020 at 4:30 PM, Edward M said: From what I've learned by talking to my good friend who is a Catholic priest the ancient desert fathers had a very profound sense of divinity and were able to cultivate to a very high level spiritually. I wish you luck on your journey. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
flowing hands Posted May 25, 2020 (edited) % Edited June 24, 2020 by flowing hands 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Edward M Posted May 25, 2020 (edited) I didn't read the link to gospel of thomas, but I'm guessing its out of date... Lewis Keizer in his book on the gospel of thomas said an Aramaic copy had been found that dated to very early on. Jesus does say very clearly that God is spirit, and this together with him saying the kingdom of God is within, most certainly points to a direction of going inwards though contemplation, meditation and also prayer. Ok, so I'm out of this topic now,.... like I said I'm just a beginner, I'm not ready to talk about Jesus clearly on the internet, so please forgive my attempt to do so... I actually really wanted to find out if DJ had met him in a vision... no worries.. I wish you all the best, and I hope you attain full enlightenment in this lifetime. peace Edited May 25, 2020 by Edward M Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Edward M Posted May 25, 2020 I just want to come. back and say, that regarding secret sayings of Jesus, we should be firm in ethics/morals first, and know the New Testament well, and follow Ten Commandments, before going onto secret sayings. This echoes Buddha talking about ethics/morals before embarking on meditation journey. The secret sayings were reserved for Jesus inner door disciples. Lewis Keizer talks about this a lot in his book on the gospel of thomas. My other part of intention in starting this topic, was that a lot of people here are already far on the path, and that knowing Jesus cold further their progression and also introduce mo pai fans to Jesus, I'm sorry I made a bad attempt at this. I'm leaving this topic now, I ask please that no one post on here anymore, I dont want to embarrass Christ anymore. Peace Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SongShuhang Posted May 25, 2020 Ethics are a must for any practitioner out there, but 10 commandments? Is an oversimplified thing, there were originally 50+ of them. You can find more if you study any old religions that were before Christianity. As for whenever Jesus even existed as a human being it is a question. As history tends to be rewritten and myths are created even right now about recent past with the internet, cameras and all kind of information stuff. Can't even imagine people who believe in stories of 2000+ years old. You cant even trust things said 80 years ago. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ilumairen Posted May 25, 2020 1 hour ago, Edward M said: I'm leaving this topic now, I ask please that no one post on here anymore, I dont want to embarrass Christ anymore. Peace Why would Christ be embarrassed? And why are you diminishing yourself? 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
old3bob Posted May 25, 2020 Hey Edward, you are right about universal ethics and morals as being fundamental spiritual laws to be started with and to be followed all the way through our lives... The the wild wild west parts of this site are often not easy to deal with but I think you were trying in a decent way. Btw. and in case you didn't know (?) Buddhism does not give primary importance to or belief in God or a personal savior, so that can get real wild for those who do and who also try to make comparisons or correlations across such different ways. Just a warning analogy for trying to mix water and oil. Jesus is definitively a real living being to me, more real than flesh, bone and blood or mental speculation or doubts, but religions can be tricky with there being 10,000 interpretations one can get caught up in or lost in along the way, yet in the end Spirit still comes through and works. I'd say our minds work a lot like changeable and programmable computer RAM but our hearts have the eternal ROM code of Spirit in them, RAM And Rom are supposed to work together but software does crash a lot, thankfully we can reboot with ROM. Good luck to you. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RobB Posted May 25, 2020 Hi Ed, good to see you, man. Hope you're keeping well. I don't know Jesus but, from what I hear, I think he'd be pretty relaxed about all this chatter. Cheers Rob 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
flowing hands Posted May 25, 2020 (edited) On 5/25/2020 at 12:51 PM, Edward M said: I'm leaving this topic now, I ask please that no one post on here anymore, I dont want to embarrass Christ anymore. Peace " Edited June 24, 2020 by flowing hands 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nungali Posted May 25, 2020 On 5/24/2020 at 10:19 PM, ilumairen said: https://www.bibleodyssey.org/en/tools/ask-a-scholar/gospel-of-thomas He said "properly read," and I could argue most have not properly read it - if there even is a proper way to read it (aside from recognizing the ramblings and personal revelations of a dying and likely somewhat mad man - which has provided fertile soil for countless fictionalized tales of a battle between light and darkness). Indeed, I have no idea what 'properly read' means, it could mean 'a brief scan' or 'read every word but with improper attitude ' < shrug > ... I was going more on his ; " I'll read it and see what comes up. " 23 hours ago, ilumairen said: As an aside while I ventured the halls of my own madness (what I call my period of [the unintentional] unraveling of constructs) there was a night of vivid dreams which led to a day or two where I had a sense of understanding armageddon in a very personal sense.. this eventually faded to a recognized cultural undertone in my understanding (should I wish to use this framework to share ideas or experiences with others - which I generally don't.) Its a thing I have been doing for many years now .... the apocalypse started some time ago people ! Can you not look around and see it ? 23 hours ago, ilumairen said: In any case, I personally (closely) know two Christians who experienced what some here would label kundalini through prayer, and for a time I was quite interested in the tales of Teresa of Avila, although I came to suspect some of her later experiences were owing to a focus outside of herself, instead of inward, and were similar to a "wind disorder." prayer, in its many forms can be a powerful tool for the psyche . Even Crowley advised, that before any magical operation ( if you want it to be successful ) ; ' Inflame thyself with prayer ' .... incantation , mantra , etc . 23 hours ago, ilumairen said: And this is enough rambling for now. Take care Nungali; I'm glad you are back. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nungali Posted May 25, 2020 On 5/25/2020 at 12:14 PM, Edward M said: I didn't read the link to gospel of thomas, but I'm guessing its out of date... Lewis Keizer in his book on the gospel of thomas said an Aramaic copy had been found that dated to very early on. Jesus does say very clearly that God is spirit, and this together with him saying the kingdom of God is within, most certainly points to a direction of going inwards though contemplation, meditation and also prayer. Ok, so I'm out of this topic now,.... like I said I'm just a beginner, I'm not ready to talk about Jesus clearly on the internet, so please forgive my attempt to do so... I actually really wanted to find out if DJ had met him in a vision... no worries.. I wish you all the best, and I hope you attain full enlightenment in this lifetime. peace Naaaah ! You aint finished yet . You'll be back in about an hour Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nungali Posted May 25, 2020 On 5/25/2020 at 12:51 PM, Edward M said: I just want to come. back and say, that regarding secret sayings of Jesus, we should be firm in ethics/morals first, and know the New Testament well, and follow Ten Commandments, before going onto secret sayings. This echoes Buddha talking about ethics/morals before embarking on meditation journey. The secret sayings were reserved for Jesus inner door disciples. Lewis Keizer talks about this a lot in his book on the gospel of thomas. My other part of intention in starting this topic, was that a lot of people here are already far on the path, and that knowing Jesus cold further their progression and also introduce mo pai fans to Jesus, I'm sorry I made a bad attempt at this. I'm leaving this topic now, I ask please that no one post on here anymore, I dont want to embarrass Christ anymore. Peace Well, you tried . Here is a hint ; successful preachers have been trained to do it , and can spend a fair bit of time in training and study. It helps if one knows the texts well. Some even have to study divinity and Comparative Religion - they where the bulk of the students in those two subjects when i did them at University .... although most dropped out . I have never heard of Christ being embarrassed before . Can he be 'embarrassed ' ? Maybe its not him that was embarrassed at all ? Facepalm ? No . Embarrassment . - the first embarrassing moment in history ; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites