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53 minutes ago, Nungali said:


After seeing that picture I now understand  how some top quality hash ( I read about ) was 'clear ' .... clear hash  ? ? ?

trichomes begin clear, turn to white, then to amber. I usually harvest with mostly white trichomes. Most let it get to at least half amber before they harvest, i think, i've heard anyways, many YT videos I'm sure. With the increased amount of amber trichomes, the harvest will have more weight, due to the added growing time. I just like the white ones, seems less sleepy in effect.

depends on what anyone prefers I guess. I had been told by a mentor that the white ones have higher thc than the amber. I never thought to actually confirm  that, he never steered me wrong, but just now I did look it up, and yes, I was taught right. :D

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 I LOVE  'fruity'  ...  my fav is a local experiment   - a fruity lime/mango smell   :)  latest result  .... huge bar of Lebanese blonde looking stuff !  


Like wine , you should start with GOOD grapes  first .  That was  my  problem .... I needed grapes' that are ..... really  good .


Mate grew a lot of stupidly fantastically good grapes and after cleaning up the bunches had all these 'bits' all over the floor, that he said he composts  !   - Arrrrrgh !    "I know what to do with that ! "


worked a treat  :)  


Lawrence of  Arabia .... eat ya heart out !

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Dont ya LUV science  ! 


- a little 'alchemy'   :     How do you get that last lot of finer suspended particles out the fluid    ( sedimentation )    before final stage filtration ?  ( The issue is; the finer the particle, the finer the filtration needed and the finer the filtration the more clogging of the filter occurs. The solution seems a preliminary process of sedimentation to reduce the amount of waste liquid (poring off ) so it doesnt all have to go through filtration  - in short, how to increase sedimentation .


Of course , no chemicals should be used . There are natural  ' flocculants ' .... even a local gum tree   !  But ...... eucalyptus flavour ?  No thanks . I needed a physical method .     Increase gravity  ?     That would be one hell of a big centrifuge !


Then ... bingo I found exactly what I wanted  ;  a simple  easy  non polluting hassle free pure nature / natural  (  one of those 'weird laws of physics '  )  :


Tilt the bucket .       :D 


' The Boycott Effect ' .




Plain old G force takes to long

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"  With your genius in producing such a great raw material , and my genius in creating such a great extraction method ... we got something going here ."


-  " Mmm-hmm ... good . "


" And the last batch ..... have you ever heard of the the near mythical ' Lebanese red blonde " ?


" No " .


" She's a Lebo redhead . Well, I think we are one step away . "


" Really?"


"Yeah ,  at first a bright gold colour with a distinctive red gold look to it  ...... but it faded and darkened after a few days , I'm not sure how to stop that .... oxidisation ? "


" 'Lebanese red' ? "


" Well, not that dark earthy typical Lebo red , thats more like a brick read or a darker ' brown/maroon'... nah, this is a bright red tinged gold , like  alchemical red gold .... Egyptian red gold .  I assume the colour loss is due to oxidisation. "


" Probably .  Didnt you say you where  doing a run with your mate's ingredients, to gauge the difference  ? "


" Oh yeah, that was interesting ... or I should say 'disinteresting '  .... very dark  mud ,  ended up black . "


" And the effect ? "


"   Hmmm ..........   well, his is like .... Friday Afternoon 3 pm dark and stormy, going down into the tomb ..... yours is more like Sunday dawn, stepping out in resurrection. "


" And the last run ? "


" Ummm .... no red colour , gone ..... but this one very light and creamy , I call it  'Jersey caramels'  " 


134318464_DE19B6F2-020E-414C-BE82-FDC04E   jersey-caramels1.jpg


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A note on current legality in Oz.


Laws be crazy !


Its still against the law down here and if you get done and get a judge on a bad day ...... nasty .




get this


Now, due to a still running  doctor availability shortage due to pandemic ..... please do not hold up the urgent doctor seeing patient process with mere prescription writing .... you can go online and get a prescription from an on line chemist .


WTF ?!   Really ?


So dudes are going online ; "dear online doctor , I cant sleep, I have back pain , I am .... ( whatever it doesnt seem to matter )  I need  medical marijuana medicine  .... preferably some to make me feel good and happy and some other stuff to really zonk me out for sleepy night time ... thank you .  "


Bing !  email in .... Oh its my script ... I'll just email that off to  online chemist .


5 days later a package arrives for dude at local shop  ( with a post office) for him ;  I   jar of indica and one of sattiva , both  official and approved both legal with his name and prescription details on the label .


And he ; " And when I finish this lot , I can put my own stuff in the jar for transport , then If I get hassled I can point to the label ."




- yet 'authorities' are still debating and arguing over legality and others are still getting busted  . 



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Btw I’m smoking on OreoZ and some northern lights dabs


legality here in USA


of course I was in the herbal markets way before the first state went “legal”


like the alcohol trade, there is always the niche market for homemade

knowing the herbalist ( who doesn’t have to pay for brick & mortar store, licensing fees, taxes etc is good to find

Of course find one who takes pride and upmost care with their craft

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11 hours ago, zerostao said:

Vanilla Gorilla, Cheesequake, and other strains reaching 20% thc retailing at 100$ an ounce.


I’d say the dollar is strong !



'Croptober' eh ?    :)      down here we call it   'the silly season '  .   We got a reverse dynamic  down here ;  it usually starts to 'dry up' (for most  outdoor crops ) before Xmas  and people fuss as that's holiday time and they want their  'recreationals'.   Of course, a winter crop in warmer areas will deliver harvest on time for  celebration season .


My supply of raw materials for producing 'The Wonders of Lebanon '' dried up ....    be another 3 months now  ....






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So two states passed the vote and three states failed to pass recreational mj this past election.

Kentucky governor issued an executive order allowing Kentuckians to purchase medical mj in other states and possess/use here, up to eight ounces. 
legislatures refuse to put a bill together and for some reason won’t allow a measure to be voted on in an election by the public.


in other news

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14 hours ago, zerostao said:


8 oz is hefty.

Hopefully opens the door for KY residents who grow/buy locally to be less of a target.

Here in the LA area I occasionally see someone burning down a joint right on the sidewalk.  Vaping is, of course, more common.


*REALLY* glad about the probable federal re-classification,

and about the federal pardoning of previous offenders.

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The Breakfast ( of champions) Club


part of a well balanced breakfast,

( if included just after breakfast, could lead to rummaging through the kitchen cabinets searching for added breakfastesses )

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Herbs can be good for your health. Consider that at age 91; Willie is out on tour.


I've made a few trips to the local dispensery mostly to get some fruits: lemon, orange, apple, grape, and jack herer, whatever type of fruit that is.


Going to the dispensery is cool and part of living where I am now, I can experience the joys of gardening once again, legally even.

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