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My Most Useful Ritual

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There is one ritual, in particular, that has a nearly 100% success rate for me. 


I learned it from a random stranger I came across in the Phoenix Airport. I was on the tram to the airport when he struck up a conversation. He was a real ne'er-do-well, with a pocket full of IDs and a strong Irish accent. He had the confidence and air of a con man. He had a black eye, but I never asked about its origin. While I was walking through the airport with him, I prepared myself for the inevitable favor, request, or money donation I thought he was leading up to. It never came. 


For his part, he attempted to arrange for me a nice seat on the flight. He told the ticket teller (I found out later) that I had flight anxiety and would freak out if I couldn't sit up front. They put something on my ticket, but I never used it. 


In the interim, he taught me the St. Anthony prayer. It goes like this:


St. Anthony, St. Anthony, come around

My _______________ is lost, let it be found.

Repeat 3x. 


I have used it many times. My son is constantly amazed. 


Anyone else have a high success, very useful ritual?



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British--- yes. It should also be noted that I was raised Catholic. 


I don't know its limits. According to the person who provided it, he uses it to obtain things that he wants, lost or otherwise. I have mused that I should use it for spiritual purposes, but the occasion has not yet arisen. I do not typically turn to magic unless my ordinary efforts have been exhausted, this is one of my rules. I presume that any such use exhausts some amount of punya or positive karmic results. Finding lost things is rather minor, so I don't fret about it. 


10 hours ago, Master Logray said:

Do you have Irish or British ancestry?   And it is only for loss things?



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I tried it this afternoon.  It works!   Wondering if it can be used for other losses e.g. loss of health, loss of other intangibles and so on.



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Now .... where on earth did I leave my keys ?


Wait !   I know  .....


"St. Anthony, St. Anthony, come around

My car keys  is lost, let it be found. "


< looks a bit more >   By gum, there they are !


Yep, that 'ritual' worked for me too ! 




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Fair comment. As a rule, I would tend to agree. In order to attribute a win to St. Anthony, the object must truly be lost. As I said, regular efforts must be exhausted. In addition, the effect should be immediate and somewhat startling in its effectiveness. 


One example was my whole family looked for an item over a few days one weekend. As a unit, we probably spent at 6-8 hours looking for it. We presumed some one we had loaned it out to some one who forgot about it. 


After the prayer, I found the object within 30 seconds. And it wasn't in a place we hadn't looked--- we had carefully combed the exact area many times. It also didn't help that we were given the wrong description of the object. But once St. Anthony was invoked, the finding was immediate and shocking to all involved. This is fairly par for the course-- an exhaustive failed search, a simple invocation, and an immediate and startling reveal. 


I suppose it is possible that I tend to stop about 30 seconds too soon. :P 


2 hours ago, Nungali said:

Now .... where on earth did I leave my keys ?


Wait !   I know  .....


"St. Anthony, St. Anthony, come around

My car keys  is lost, let it be found. "


< looks a bit more >   By gum, there they are !


Yep, that 'ritual' worked for me too ! 





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